A piece of My MIND

It surprises me how few people have acuually visited S.P.O.R.E.S on the net considering it is part of so many rings. Does this page really suck that much? I know the answer to that question already. Hey, I know this isn't a really good "e-zine" it isn't supposed to be. This is like an order form to publicize the paper version of S.P.O.R.E.S which me and Emily, and Mobius put a lot of time and effort into. Its 11 pages half size, most half size zines are like 8 or 9, but oh S.P.O.R.E.S is special. So far many people who have read SPORES think it is pointless and sucks hardcore, but it doesn't. If you're reading this and have never read a zine before, nor have seen one I would recommend you order a copy from me. Each issue is $2 for the first one requested and $1.50 for every issue requested after that. Tape all change to an index card or something so it doesn't jiggle around in the envelope. You can subscribe 8 issues for $10. Please try to send in a few stamps (more for bigger orders, less for smalled orders). I have 41 copies of issue #3 sitting in my bookself as we speak (well as you read). No one (who I don't personally know) has actually written to me yet, but oh I'm waiting for the letters to start pouring in. It just bothers me how maybe 300 people will read this in the next few months and none of you guys will send me snail mail, or email. I promise to write back, I'm pretty good about that. If you're gonna send snail mail, oh please do, send letters, pictures, poetry, pick-up lines, money, trident gum wrappers, you know anything you want. So, just get off your lazy asses copy this address down and send me a fucken letter.
Michelle Danda
219 hawkwood drive
Calgary Alberta
T3G 3M9
its as simple as picking up a pen and writin me something, anything. It's Saturday night, it's 11:36, I just came home from a (fucken awesome) gig, I'm bored, I wish I has some mail to read. But hey, I don't really mean any of this, or do I?