This song is really funny. You have to watch gestures very carefully
though. Listening helps too. The song starts with the photographer taking
pictures of Eva. After a while she meets another man and as the photographer
is walking out of her room Che stops him. Oh yeah, Che2 is also in this song
Che: Good night, and thank you whoever.
We don't mean to rush but your case has been packed
Eva: Oh but its sad when a love affair dies.
Che: Which means.. Che makes an odd gesture where
She's in every magazine.
Been photographed, seen
she is known.
If she missed anything you can give here a ring
but she won't always answer the phone!
But we have pretended enough!
Its best that we both stop fooling ourselves.
he punches forward and grabs his arm right below the elbow.
There is no one no one at all,
never has been and never will be
A lover, male or female
who hasn't an eye on, in fact they rely on
tricks they can try on thier partner.
They're hoping their lover will help them or keep them
support them promote them
don't blame them, you're the same.
Eva and her new lover are in a restaurant. Che2 comes up and and brings her
a new man. She goes off to dance with him, Che and Che2 sit down beside her
old boyfriend and start singing.
Che: Goodnight and Thank you, Emilio
You've completed your task
what more can we ask of you now?
Please sign the book on the way out the door
and that will be all,
if she need you she'll call.
But I don't think that's likely somehow.
But when we were hot we were hot.
I know you'll look back on the good times we've shared.
Che: Which means... (gesture)
Che,Che2,and Eva:
There is no one no one at all
never has been and never will be
a lover male or female
who hasn't an eye on, in fact they rely on
tricks they can try on thier partner.
They're hoping their lover can help them or keep them
support them, promote them.
Don't blame them, you're the same.
The scene changes to Eva sitting at a microphone with some other girls.
They're doing a commercial.
Girls and Eva:
There is no soap, no soap like Zazz
no detergent, lotion, or oil with such power, in the shower.
Its the mother and father of luxery lather,
the talk of the bath a great ointment.
One little frolic with news that carbolic
its scented, you'll be sent.
Her old boyfriend is walking up the stairs with flowers Che stops him.
Che: Good night and thank you Senor Gabor
we are grateful you found her a spot on the sound radio.
We'll think of you every time she's on the air.
We'd love you to stay but you'd be in the way,
so do up your trousers and go!
Her old ones are standing by a door and Che is playing the part of a waiter
Eva: Oh but its sad when a love affair dies!
the decline into silence and doubt.
Our passion was just too intense to survive!
Eva's Lovers: This is a club I should never have joined
someone has made us look fools.
Argentine men call the sexual shots!
Someone has altered the rules.
is all very well but every girl knows..
Che: She needs a man she can monopolize
with fingers in dozens of different pies!
Eva's Lovers and Che (who joins in mockingly):
Oh but its sad when a love affair dies!