Membership Application

For Students



Print out this form and mail to :

The Dark Moon Reborn
302 Pine St.
Pocahontas, Ar.

OR Copy the Information below and

Paste Into the Body of the Email
Application for Student Member

December 22, 1998
The Dark Moon Reborn
302 Pine St.
Pocahontas, Ar.

Subject: Application for Student Member
Please enroll me as a
Student Member of The Dark Moon Reborn. Enclosed is $25.00 for 1 year active Membership status (See Below)

Name : ______________________________________________________________

Street :_____________________________________________________________
City :_______________________________________________________________
State: ___________ Zip code :____________

Please Give full detail of why you want to be a student of the Dark Moon and what you hope to achive..


Your All Membership Fee's are used to Fund Research Materials, fund the Bi-Monthly Newletter, provide for the opportunity to attend up to four free events per year and priority notification for four paid events per year. As well as invitations to Open Dark Moon Circles.