My Imaginatively Named

Picture is copyright © 1997 The WB Television Network and UltimateTV.

"The series' title implies something camp and silly , but those people who were expecting a dorky teenage action hybrid have been impressed and surprised by the solid combination of Horror and humour." - Joss Whedon

Buffy The Vampire Slayer quickly became one of my favourite TV shows when it recently aired here in the UK.
Despite being poorly sheduled by Sky One, which lead to it being occasionally edited for violence,
and recieving poor ratings, which lead to it being dropped partway through the second season, the show has already developed a devoted following and has recieved high praise from the genre press.

Press Coverage Almost all of the press coverage the show has recieved over here has been very favourable, including from the mainstream press. Here are some examples I have collected over the past few months.
Updated 16-05-99

Fan Fiction The show has inspired a large amount of fan. fic., some great some not so great. Here are some of my favourites.
Updated 23-02-99

Links There are a lot of excellent Buffy sites around... Here are some of the better ones I've found.
Under Construction

Season 1 of Buffy recently began to air on BBC2 at the slightly bizzare time of 6.45pm on Wednesdays.
Almost every episode so far has had some sequences cut (usually those involving Vampires biting), and it has already been postponed several times in favour of sporting events.
If you would like to write to the BBC to complain about their treatment of Buffy, you can do so at

Sky have just announced that they intend to rerun season 2 starting "this Spring" with When She Was Bad, and that they have bought the rights to show season 3.
Although this is good news, it means that we could still have over 6 months to wait until Passion airs.
You can contact Sky at

Coming soon.... more, better organised links (See above)

The Slayer's Fanfic Archive
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Official)
Buffy Sounds Page
Domain of the Slain

Coming soon.... hopefully more than visitors. :)

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