Top Ten Things We'd Like To Hear Samuel L. Jackson's Character, Mace Windu, Say In The Phantom Menace

10. You don't need to see my goddamn identification, 'cause these ain't the motherfuckin' droids you're looking for.
9. Womprat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'll never know, 'cause I won't eat the filthy motherfucker.
8. This is your father's lightsaber. When you absolutely, positively have to kill every last motherfuckin' stormtrooper in the room, accept no substitutes.
7. If Obi-wan ain't home, then I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do. I ain't got no other connections on Tatooine.
6. Feel the Force, motherfucker!
5. "What" ain't no planet I've ever heard of! Do they speak Bocce on "What"?
4. You sendin' the Fett? Shit, Hutt, that's all you had to say.
3. I wouldn't go so far as to say the motherfucker's a carpet. Yeah, Chewie's got a hair problem. What's the brother gonna do? He's a wookie.
2. Does Jabba the Hutt look like a bitch?

And the number one thing we'd like to hear Samuel L. Jackson say in the Star Wars movie:

1. Hand me my lightsaber... it's the one that says "Bad Motherfucker" on it.

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