Or how Randy Managed to live through Scream 2
As Many of you already know, I LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE Randy Meeks in Scream and Scream 2. Imagine my anger and sadness when they tried to kill him in Scream 2!!! Now, many of you are saying "Tried to kill? But he died! I saw it!" Now, I don't blame you for being so painfully delusional-- indeed, the first time I saw the scene, I thought he was dead, too! But, after watching the movie about 5 more times, I realized that there was no way that he could have died. There are many reasons:
1) When he is being "stabbed" in the van, we distinctly see the already red knife go down and come up, but there is NO NEW BLOOD ON THE KNIFE!!!!!!!!!! (Rent the video if you don't believe me!)
2) We never see the knife actually ENTER Randy's body.
3) When we see Randy's "body" you can see that it is NOT RANDY!!! Take a look at the "body" and then at actor Jamie Kennedy, who plays Randy. It is NOT the same guy. It looks fake in a way that defies explaination.
4) There is going to be a Scream 3, and who would explain "The Rules" if not Randy?
5) Remember how Dewey was supposed to die in Scream, but audiences liked him too much to let him? Randy has a great deal of popularity on the internet-- why not make sure that he could possibly have survived? With me, that means DEFINATELY ALIVE!!
"Now, what does that prove??"
Well, Randy-honey, not much . . . EXCEPT THAT YOU LIVED!!!
"Why would I have lived? What is the overall plot line for it?"
Glad you asked, Cutie!
Now, while the story of Scream 2 does nothing to support the following storyline, it does nothing to refute it, either, so bear with me.
A week or two after the original murders, while Randy recovered in the hospital, he is approached by a friend, let's call him professor X. He offers the chance of a lifetime to Randy-- to go into the future! Randy is dubious, but X is a close friend of the family, so he agrees to test out the "Time Machine." He is shocked to see it works (Hey, it's no less feasible than Dewey surviving his second stabbing!!!!! Cut me a break!!), and he sees the future-- his own death!! He is, of course, shaken and very disturbed. Professor X gets the circumstances out of him and agrees to help him out. Randy doesn't want to leave Sidney alone at the mercy of a new Ghostface, so he decides to let the event occur-- with a little twist. The Professor warps foreword in time, and deduces who the killers are. He doesn't tell Randy (No one should know too much about their own destiny!), but realizes that when Randy was killed, Mickey was the one originally in the Van, while Mrs. loomis called on the phone. (Think about it, people. The Ghostface in the van was definately a male frame, and though Mrs. Loomis said she "got a little knife happy," that doesn't necessarily mean she stabbed him. After all, did she not use Mickey as her tool? Was he not an extension of herself? Couldn't "getting a little knife-happy" mean ordering Mickey to rub him out?) So, the good Professor, ever clever, intercepts Mickey's message to get in the van and makes him think that Mrs. Loomis is taking care of this one. Then, he takes Mickey's place, and grabs Randy. Then, he sedated him heavily (Making him look dead) and soaked him in pig's blood (a la "Carrie") When Gale found him, all bloody, she didn't bother to check for a pulse. Then, the professor posed as an EMT and carted Randy away in a body bag. The reason for the fake stabbing was to make Mrs. Loomis think she had suceeded. Unfortunately, Randy did not recover in time to warn Sidney, but everything worked out. Randy later caught up with everybody in Scream 3!! And that's how Randy survived Scream 2!
Yes, farfetched, yes desperate-- BUT PLAUSIBLE IN THE WORLD OF CINEMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to dispute this story, you can reach me by e-mail at:
I'll probably never agree with you, but at least we can chat for awhile!
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Last updated 4-16-99 by the Great Daryl Debunhurst herself!