The Atrial Septal Defect

The Atrial Septal Defect or ASD as it is often called is a hole between the two collecting
chambers of the Heart.These two chambers called the Atriums are where the blood goes
before it enters the ventricle , either left or right . There is a wall between the two Atriums
and this can sometimes have a hole between it where the blood will mix causing both oxygenated blood (Red) from the lungs to mix with the Deoxygenated blood (Blue) that
is being directed TO the lungs .

Some of these holes or ASD,s can be quite small and can close up naturally as the child grows older . The Cardiologists can usually Hear the ASD because it will make a noise
or a HEART MURMER as the doctors call it . A definite confirmation will usually be made
by using the ECHO machine . Usually the child will not show any distress or symptons unless the MITRAL VALVE is also leaking badly when they can get tired and breatless.
The Mitral Valve sometimes leaks in ASD children .
The Cardiologists will usually elect to repair and patch up the ASD if it appears that it will
not close on its own . The docs can put a Patch of GORTEX or other material over the hole
and the repair should last for life . The Doctors usually do the operation when the child is still quite young so that the ASD cannot damage the heart or make it work too hard when
the children grow bigger . The outcome of the operation for the ASD is usually very good
and the children are soon back to normal health after a few weeks .


Here is a moving picture to show how the ASD leaks .

Davey Aug 1998