Friends of the House and nice sites:

House Kriegsturm a Norse fighting household in the Constillation region to which some of our members also belong

House VonMetten-Degrinstead: founded by Johann Von Metten and Megan Degrinstead. This household believes living well is the best revenge.  Many of our members belong or have married into this household also.

Baron Arundel's Home Page a great site with all sorts of info and links

The Commandery of Antioch is a Living History Group devoted to the historical aspect of recreation and studies of the 1st-3rd Crusades, the Holy Military Orders and life as it was and/or could have been from 1100-1250 in Europe and Outremer.

The Dark Horde An SCA household that researches and recreates Mongol Steppe culture during the time of the Great Khans.

Diane's Honey  sells honey, Honey Stix and 100% Beeswax candles. A sweetheart of a lady. Look for her at most Indiana events.

Viscount Galen of Bristol's Homepage author of Screwtape's SCA Letters and The Knightly Knotebook

Gavvin's Keep: this is an incredible web page with tons of information on everything from SCA fighting styles to embroidery and cooking.  It also has a great list of links for Pirates.

Herr Konrad Mailander a good page with lots of great links including lots of heraldry information.

The Lost Boys a Minneapolis, MN based house

Mertyn Wolfger von Hilleshiem a local(Sternfeld) fighters site with some good links

Metallic Turk: Ustad Hasan "the Dredded's" page, featuring cast medallions, belt findings and other products. Many house members wear house belt tips from Ustad.

Baron Modar Neznanich a great web page with lots of info relating to his various personas

Raven Spittle:  Another Pirate errr I mean privateer household from the East that we have been know to associate with.

House Of The Red Winged Lion:  His Grace, Sir Dagan du Darregone's household (Robert' is his rib-squire!)

Ring Tribe a no-fee, volunteer fellowship of reenactors with a shared interest in, appreciation of, and love for Iron Age Celtic and Scandinavian / Germanic cultures. Also a great house to party with at events!
Ring Tribe a second site for the same group!

House Terrae Finis the household of Sir Ix (that Jaguar dude)  and Master Chen

White Tower  another Great midrealm household and webpage, be sure to check out the stories in the library 

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