Soul Traveling
So much I would like to say here but maybe some books would be of help. Eckankar *The Key to Secret Worlds* by Paul Twitchell *Dialogues with the Master* by Paul Twitchell *The far Country* by Paul Twitchell These are but 3 of many books by the late Paul Twitchell who was the founder and organizer of Eckankar in the 60s. Soul Traveling has been known to the Masters for all of time. All the initates were travelers including The JC and he talked much about it when you learn to interpret his words like all masters they spoke in ways with keys to real meaning of the secret truths. My experiences with soul traveling started when I was 5 years old. Something i'll never forget but was lost in some time for me till my early teens when many more experiences in the god planes took place and my missions in life came to fold for me. Many call these experiences OBEs or out of body experiences. Most of these kinds of experiences take place on the psychic plane the next plane up from this our material plane. Many today travel there and in a short time all will as we enter that age in our developement on our way back to god.
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