Our Boys Are Very Special

Bryan, is 29 years old and lives in Ft Pierce, Florida with his wife, Amy. He works at a golf course as an assistant golf pro and loves to play golf. Bryan and Amy will be giving me my 5th grandchild in November of 2000, my millenium baby. She is here now, One of my most preciousest grandbabies.

This page with my first son has been under construction for so long as I worked as hard as I could to get a picture of the kids. But now, I have not only the kids, but Madison as well. This was taken December of 2000.

Jeff is 23 years old and works as a bouncer for a local night club, here in Memphis. He was a saxophone player in the Jazz band while in High School and won a trophy as the Number 1 soloist in the country. We hope that he will always continue his musical talents into the future. Jeff is separated and gonna be single soon.

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