Copenhagen Furniture commercial with 4th wife Cheryl Mendoza
In the bedroom with "wife #4," Cheryl Mendoza. This is from a commercial for Copenhagen Furniture. It's currently showing on cable channels such as "The Discovery Channel" during local spots in the San Francisco and Sacramento areas. Supposedly it's also been shown on local broadcast channel KTVU ch. 2 but I've yet to see it there. We also shot a scene where we had a pillow fight. Between hits I said, "WHADDAYA MEAN THAT'S NOT MY CHILD!? WITH MY BROTHER!? WITH MY COUSIN!? THE OFFICE SOFTBALL TEAM!? THE ENTIRE FILM CREW!?" Don't bother looking for thatversion...the client went for the tamer one instead! The store actually stayed open during the filming so me and Cheryl wandered around in our PJ's between takes and set ups. We acted nonchalantly as though we were in our own home causing more than one customer to do a double take!