Go pick up the August/September issue of 'Release' magazine wich features a story on Virtue.

I read somewhere in a magazine that Shavonne is a at home councelor fo "at risk" teens, Negelle is a drug and alcohol abuse councelor, and Ebony is a elementary school and working towards her degree.

Peeps Verity Virtue website

Virtue Member Carjacked — Ebony Trotter of the vocal group VIRTUE and a friend were carjacked outside a suburban Atlanta Hotel. Virtue was in Atlanta performing at a convention. "The material possessions can always be replaced," Trotter says, "but I just praise God we weren't harmed." (7/22/1999) courtesy of THE HIP HOP ZONE www.hiphopzone.com

Go to The UrbanCross Network(www.urbancross.com) for Virtue's cd review