MOSCOW TIMES, Tuesday, November 23, 1999

                             Bashkortostan Blacks Out Pro-Kremlin TV

                                          By Andrei Zolotov Jr.
                                               Staff Writer

                         Who is more fun to watch Sunday night on television - RTR's
                         bearded political commentator Nikolai Svanidze or beefy Silvester
                         Stallone? ORT's vicious Sergei Dorenko or the 1970s heartthrob
                         Richard Chamberlain?

                         In open defiance of the Kremlin's authority - with potentially broad
                         ramifications for the electoral process and Russia's federal integrity
                         - Bashkortostan's leadership decided Saturday that the republic's
                         people should not be subject to "dirty political tricks" from the two
                         federal state television channels.

                         The republic's State Council, or parliament, ordered the local state
                         television company to black out ORT and RTR during their big hit
                         Sunday political shows, which regularly run expos?s of
                         Fatherland-All Russia leaders Yevgeny Primakov and Yury

                         The decision was backed by Bashkortostan's authoritarian
                         president, Murtaza Rakhimov, who is an active member of the
                         Fatherland-All Russia electoral bloc.

                         It is the first time a Russian region has blacked out a federal
                         television channel.

                         Instead of the political talk shows, the Bashkortostan State TV
                         and Radio Company broadcast "Cobra" on RTR starring Stallone
                         and "The Lost Daughter" series with Chamberlain on ORT.

                         The republic's parliament said its decision was motivated by
                         "responsibility for the fate of democracy" in Russia and was aimed
                         at "preventing the destabilization of the situation in Russia and the
                         Bashkortostan Republic." Federal bodies, it said in the resolution
                         passed Saturday, have failed to take "adequate" measures to
                         guarantee equal rights for electoral blocs in the mass media.

                         The parliament went further and threatened that if the "violations of
                         electoral law" in Moscow continue, it will have to consider
                         whether to hold State Duma elections on the territory of
                         Bashkortostan at all.

                         Rakhimov was present in parliament when the resolution was
                         passed and spoke in its favor, his spokesman Viktor Skvortsov
                         said Monday by telephone from the republic's capital, Ufa.

                         "The very tone of the programs, their quite definite emotional
                         context instigate enmity toward certain political blocs and certain
                         candidates," Skvortsov said.

                         Although the two programs - particularly Dorenko's show on
                         ORT - have been under harsh criticism for their strong
                         pro-Kremlin, anti-Fatherland stance, officials and observers in
                         Moscow condemned Bashkortostan's action as illegal and said it
                         threatens Russian federalism.

                         They fear it could create a dangerous precedent for other regional
                         leaders, many of them members of various electoral blocs, who
                         could now be tempted to cut federal television programming - one
                         of the few things that tie Russia together - to their political liking.

                         The problem is that there is little Moscow can do about it,
                         especially during an election season, when the federal center needs
                         the support of powerful regional leaders more than ever.

                         Alexander Veshnyakov, chairman of the Central Election
                         Commission and one of ORT's critics, said Bashkortostan was out
                         of line.

                         "Any, even a good-intentioned, desire to instill order in an illegal
                         way only worsens the situation," he said in televised comments.
                         Objectionable programs should be fought through legal means,
                         Veshnyakov said.

                         Luzhkov has sued ORT over Dorenko's program, and the
                         Moscow city court is to hear the case Wednesday.

                         Press Minister Mikhail Lesin said the decision of the republic's
                         parliament was "absolutely contrary" to Russia's Constitution -
                         under which communications are a federal prerogative - and its
                         laws on mass media and elections. It violated the freedom of the
                         press as well as the licensing agreement and contracts between the
                         national channels and local transmitters, who are not allowed to
                         interfere with the channels' programming, Lesin said.

                         "We hope this decision was made emotionally and will be
                         reversed," he said in a telephone interview Monday evening.

                         Lesin said Rakhimov did not return his telephone calls Monday
                         and the Bashkortostan parliament's speaker, Konstantin
                         Tolkachyov, rebuffed him by saying that since Bashkortostan is a
                         "sovereign" republic, it can choose where and when to apply
                         federal laws.

                         Rakhimov was quoted by Itar-Tass earlier Monday as saying the
                         parliament's decision was "absolutely right." But he left some space
                         for a compromise by saying that its legality should be "sorted out in

                         Lesin, who is usually quite outspoken, chose his words carefully in
                         describing the situation and said his ministry will "take a several
                         days' pause" to assess the situation.

                         On his Sunday program, Dorenko accused Bashkortostan's
                         leadership of "separatism" and described the decision as a "wild
                         practice of distrust of one's own people."

                         Andrei Richter, director of the Center for Law and Media at
                         Moscow State University, said although he is sympathetic to
                         Rakhimov's view of the ORT and RTR programs, the republic's
                         decision was a "serious violation of the law."

                         It sets a dangerous precedent, giving each governor the right to
                         "show only those programs that he likes," Richter said.

                         But Moscow's levers are indeed weak, he said, particularly given
                         the dual allegiance of local state television companies: They report
                         both to Moscow and to the local government.

                         The Press Ministry could punish Bashkortostan's TV and Radio
                         Company managers for pulling the plug, but they will say they
                         report to their republic's leadership first and to Moscow second,
                         Richter said. "Unfortunately, the trend is that what the governor
                         says is the law," he said.

                         Nikolai Petrov, an expert on Russian regional politics with the
                         Moscow Carnegie Center, said the Bashkortostan move is
                         indicative of the general situation in the country, when already
                         weak vertical ties between Moscow and the regions are growing
                         even weaker in an election climate.

                         "Let's see how swiftly and toughly the center will react in a
                         situation when regional leaders have even greater authority than
                         usual," Petrov said. But he predicted that most likely some sort of
                         compromise will eventually be found.

                         "Political bargaining is under way, and the positions of the center
                         are weaker than usual," he said.

                         n At the urging of the federal Audit Chamber, the State Duma
                         voted Friday to freeze the bank accounts of ORT. But on
                         Monday, two pro-government factions - LDPR and NDR - said
                         the vote had been falsified by the Communists.

                         ORT protested Friday's decision, saying in a statement it would
                         further complicate the already tense electoral situation. It said the
                         Audit Chamber is entitled to check only the use of state funds at
                         ORT, but the company has not received any state funds for four

Bashkir Opposition Loses a Court Ruling

Wednesday, December 9, 1998

The legal battle over the presidential elections in June 1998 in Bashkortostan took a new turn Wednesday when the Bashkir
Supreme Court ruled that the winner, incumbent Murtaza Rakhimov will remain President of the Republic. In July the State Duma Deputy Aleksandr Arinin and the director of a regional factory Marat Mirgazyamov appealed to the Bashkortostani Supreme Court calling for a reconsideration of the election results. Arinin and Mirgazyamov question the election results due to numerous violations of the Russian constitution and electoral laws by the Bashkir authorities during the election campaign.
Now the case is likely to be tried by the Russian Supreme Court.