Barney Sound's
-Barney don't steal any beer while I'm gone.
-What kind of a pathetic drunk do you take me for? Huh? Somebody spilt beer in this ashtray! *slurp* Ahhhhh.
-Hey Homer, I'm worried about the beer supply, after this case and the other case there's only one case left. *drunk* Yeah Barney's right lets get some more beer, yeah what about some beer, yeah Barney's right lets get somemore beer the beer.
-Alright guys pipe down.
-Barney sings his song on being sober at the space camp.
-You make me feel like Dancin', I wanna dance the night away.
-Barney gimme your keys your to drunk to drive.
-I'm fine.
-OK you leave me no option. *punch*
-Owww what was that for?
-I'm trying to knock you out. *punch*
-Owww, cut it out oww oww oww oww , alright here take the keys.
-Barney show him the exit.
-There's an exit?
-I better go check on Barney.
*drink*slurp*chugg*guzzle* Uh oh my heart just stopped.*wait*wait*
ah there it goes.*chugg*chugg*chugg*
-To Homer, and to Sargent Pepper who is growing out of the middle of your back.
-Uh Barn' you gotta unwrap the plastic before you smoke these.
-Hey what's this?
-*SNEEZE* Wow it really works.
-Whoaaa, someone smells stinky *sniff*sniff* oh its me.
-Man Alive! There are men alive in here.
-I'm detecting over 20 different toxins in the air.*beep*beep*
Send email to Danny if you like.