Bart Sounds

  • -It looks like he's tring to jump over her but he can't quite make it. Come on boy you can do it. .WAV

  • -Dad I'll trade you this delicious door stop for your crummy old danish.
  • -Done and done..he he he. .WAV

  • -Let's see if they wore underware back then...Waaaaa! *spark* .WAV

  • -Your going down Homer, I'm gonna fool you.
  • -You talk better than you fool.
  • -I'll fool you up real nice.
  • -You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine. .WAV

  • -Are you the creator of Hi and Lois, because your making me laugh, that drawing is worth exactly 750 dollars American.
  • -It's valuable, huh?
  • -Ooh your powers of deduction are exceptional I simply can't allow you to waste them here when there are so many crimes going unsloved at this very moment, go, go, for the good of the city. .WAV

  • -Make yourselves at home.
  • -Hear that dad, you can lay around in your underware and scratch yourself.
  • -Now you listen to me. .WAV

  • -Thank you but we're not allowed.
  • -Aww its OK there's no sugar in pixie sticks, trust me.
  • -OK *guzzle* don't hog it all smelly head go to hell zit face.
  • -*fighting*
  • -Muaha ha ha. .WAV

  • -*DingDong* Yeah, hi I got a special delivery for Homer Simpson.
  • -Thats me.
  • -*punch* Don't write no more letters to Mr.Sinatra.
  • -*DingDong* I got a special delivery for Homer Simpson.
  • -Thats me.
  • -*punch* Stop stealing golf balls from the driving range.
  • -*DingDong* Homer Simpson I've got a special delivery for you.
  • -Go away.
  • -If you do not open the door Mr.Simpson, I cannot give you your special delivery.*open* Here's your special delivery.
  • -Thanks.
  • -*punch* That's for keepin' me waitin'. .WAV

    Send email to Danny if you like.