The Wiggum Family Sounds
-Uh, no you got the wrong number this is 91..2.
-The theme for BAD COPS in Springfield.
-I ate all my caps...oooh!
-I'd like to help you ma'am but I afraid there's no law against mailing threatning letters.
-I'm pretty sure there is.
-The day I take cop lessons from ma'kettle is..
-Hey she's right chief.
-Well shut my mouth. It's also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.
-Hey boys. Knock it off.
-Looks like we got ourselves an old fashioned car chase.
-Sunshine Lollipops, and Rainbows.
-All right. I'm in charge here.
-Awww, run along Quimby. I think they're dedicating a phone booth somewhere.
-Become a cop is not something that happens over night. It takes one solid week-end of training to get that badge.
-Forget about the badge when do we get the freakin' guns.
-Hey I told you. You don't get a gun until you give me your name.
-Awwww *TV screwed up*
-You cable TV is experiencing difficulties. Please do not panic. Resist the temptation to read or talk to loved ones. Do not attempt sexual relations as years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless.
-Well I'll be damned.
-Ahh, just get one of those inflatable women, but make sure its a woman though because one time I uhh..heh.
-My parents won't let me use scissors.
-The children are right to laugh at you Ralph, these things couldn't cut butter.
-Hey according to the charter, as chief counstable I'm supposed to get a pig every month.
-The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose-bleeds if I kept my finger outa there.
-OK, lets go over the ground rules you can't leave first until you chug a beer, any man scoring has to chug a beer, you have to chug a beer at the top of all out numbered inning, oh and the 4th inning is the beer inning.
-Hey! We know how to play softball.
-Ha ha, cops can't win, nananana.
-Get his liscence and registration boys.
-Right chief.
Do not be alarmed continue swimming naked, aww come on..continue, come on..ahh.
Send email to Danny if you like.