Shania Twain's new hit "From This Moment" is very good. I was very upset that she cut Bryan White out of the single version. No offense Shania, but he added a lot to it. It has more emotion and vocal power to it. I recommend buying Shania's album not the single for this reason.

Dena Carters new release is available now! Pick it up today!

Jewel releasd her new single "Hands" a few weeks ago. Go to Jewel's page to find out how to listen to it. The album will be released on Nov. 17th!

I did attend LeAnn's concert- and got to meet her! go to LeAnn's page to read about it!

A lots happened in the Diva World since I last updated this!

I belive that the new song by Brandy and Monica is outstanding! I have to put them on my greatest divas page!

I am attending the LeAnn Rimes concert on July 22nd. I am taking a very good camera with a zoom, (I'm in the 19th row- center, so the pictures should turn out pretty good!) I will be posting the pictures as soon as possible!

VH1's artist of the month is Bonnie Ray Sirus- a Diva on the Lilith Fair tour

VH1 is currently running a show on Gloria Estafan- It's really good- Check it out!

The Lilith Fair is back, and better then ever this year! Keep coming back here! More info will be posted soon.

LeAnn is coming to Allentown PA!!!!!! July 22, 1998 Tickets go on sale Sat. May 16th I'm definetly attending. From what I have heard it's a must see show

LeAnn's new CD is awsome! I picked it up the day it was released. I would recomend it to anybody. "It's a little bit of pop, and a lot of country", LeAnn is quoted as saying. I would say that there is a little bit maore then a little pop on it. Sort of half & half.

LeAnn's new album "Sittin' On Top Of The World" is going to be released Tues, May 5. It is going to be great! I havn't heard it yet but it's gotta be great, IT'S LEANN!!

LeAnn was awsome on "Days Of Our Lives". Not only is she an awsome Diva, but she's also an aspiring actress.

LeAnn's song "Looking Through Your Eyes" is the theme song for "Quest For Camalot". The movie is going to be relesed on May 15th. I belive the soundtrack already was. To see her new video in the REAL video format, go to http://www.quest4camolot.com/soundtrack/frameset.html

The Diva's Concert on VH1 was a complete success. I'm sure it helped many music programs. If you havn't seen it look for it in repeats.

Modonna has an interview currently running on VH1. Check it out!

There are going to be some Arethra Franklin specials on VH1 soon. Check your TV Guide for times! She is currently The Artist Of The Month

There was a cute Divas clip on 'Saturday Night Live' last Sat. Insulting, yet cute!

Last updated- Mon. October 26th