!    Isaac    !

full name: Clarke Isaac Hanson

nick name: Ike or Ikey Poos (that's what Zac calls him)

b-day: 11/17/80


astrological sign: Scorpio

role in band: guitar, vocals

other instruments played: piano

height: 5'11"

weight: 130 (I've also heard 149)

shoe size: 14 in mens (damn he's got big feet!)

fave color: green

fave tv show: Seinfeld

fave foods: steak, lasagna

fave ice cream flavor: vanilla

fave school subject: science

personality: intelligent, sensitive. Ike is the medium of the group: he is reserved without being shy, goofy without being crazy

hobbies: rollerblading, legos, writing, guitar, sci-fi novels

Random Ike Facts

~names his guitars after girls he has crushes on ~shares a room with Zac and Tay; he sleeps on the bottom of a bunk bed ~has silver rollerblades ~wants a white corvette ~has a driver's permit ~Zac and Tay compare his face to Chewbacca (from Star Wars) ~wrote his first song in 3rd grade ~It was called Rain Falling Down ~has been playing guitar since he was 13 ~wears a silver ring ~has been writing a sci-fi novel for two years ~sleeps in boxers ~once sprained his ankle pretty bad ~does not have a girlfriend ~has admittid to being "really close" to a few girls before, but says he's never had a really serious girlfriend.