Kung Fu Fun

Coming soon: New Fu

Please keep in mind I have no rules for Fu spells, so I will appreciate any hints, comments, or suggestions. Also, since I don't have a rulebook on this please forgive me if I have duplicated something.




The Way of the Intercepting Fist


Ch'i: 2

Speed: Instant

This is the ability to send a wave of force, fist sized, across a great distance (10 feet per level). The force cannot pass through objects.






Ch'i: 10

Speed: Instant

With this ability the martial artist can choose to disbelieve in something. If successfull that object cannot cause him harm. For example, a gunman points his pistol at the Fu master. The master disbelieves that there are bullets in the gun. He succeeds, and when the gunman fires the bullets harmlessy pass through the master. He may also Disbelieve a wall or set of bars.






Ch'i: 5

Speed: Instant

This talent permits the user to cause his image to be displaced. It will appear anywhere within 1 foot per level.






Ch'i: 2

Speed: Instant

This is the ability to detect the weakness in any object, strike that flaw, and cause the object to shatter as though it were glass despite what it is actually made of.




Gale Force


Ch'i: 10

Speed: Instant

Controlled breathing is essential to a true martial artist. A master can enhance this ability so that he can blow a powerful gust of wind as though he were blowing out a candle.




Light as a Feather


Ch'i: 1

Speed: Instant

The master disperses his body weight evenly, and by doing so falls like a feather. The greater the skill the further he can fall without injury.




Faster than a Speeding Bullet


Ch'i: 5

Speed: Instant

This grants the martial artist the ability to catch bullets without harming himself. He can also catch other projectiles like thrown knives, arrows, spears, etc.






Ch'i: 15

Speed: Instant

With this ability the Fu master can attack up to 8 times in a single round. The attacks can be made on 8 different individuals or one individual 8 times. No one else can move while the Fu master is working his Chi.






Ch'i: 2

Speed: 1 minute

This allows the Kung Fu master to make one of his fingers hard as a nail. He will be able to drive it through wood without difficulty. While in use the finger cannot be moved, it is stiff as a nail.




Hand of Steel


Ch'i: 4

Speed: 10 minutes

The Fu master with this skill can make one of his hands as hard as steel. Like the FingerNail, the hand made like steel cannot be opened or closed, or used in any way other than as a blunt weapon.




Man O' Steel


Ch'i: 10

Speed: 1/2 hour

This power is an extension of Hand of Steel, only now the master can make his whole body as hard as a steel. As the previous abilities the Fu Master's body becomes stiff and cannot be bent or moved at all.




Touch of Death


Ch'i: 15

Speed: Varies

This is a killing touch that only a few masters know how to perform. The higher the level of skill the longer the effect can be delayed. For example a novice will cause death instantly, but a master of this skill can set his victim up to die 20 years later on a specific date.




Ignore Environment


Ch'i: 5

Speed: Instant

This is the ability to ignore extreme cold and heat. By concentrating a master could walk through a desert without ill-effect.






Ch'i: 5

Speed: 10 minutes

A Fu master moves unseen by even the shadows, or so the legends say. With this power the Fu master can fade from sight. He will be completely invisible to any means of detection.




Shatter Shout


Ch'i: 2

Speed: Instant

The Fu master with this talent can emit a cry that can shatter an object. The size of the object destroyed depends on the level of skill.




Nerve Pinch


Ch'i: 4

Speed: Instant

The Fu master grips the shoulder of his victim and pinches the nerve. This will instantly knock the recipient unconcious. The length of time the victim is out depends on the master's skill.




Death Cry


Ch'i: 10

Speed: Instant

The Fu master that has this ability can release a focused shout at an individual with lethal force.




Walk on Air


Ch'i: 10

Speed: 10 minutes

This is the abiltiy of the Fu master that allows his to literally walk on air. He cannot stand in place, but must at all times be moving.




Asian Weapons

Blowpipe/Dart: A simple length of pipe, that is sometimes ornately carved, sometimes not. The Darts cause no physical damage, but can carry poisons or other alchemical products.

Bo Stick: A wooden staff that is 6 to 7 feet long. It is made of solid wood like oak.

Boku-toh: A wooden sword, based on the Katana. While it cannot cut it does damage like a club.

Caltrops: These are small lead spikes. The spikes are attached to a small center, and made so that no matter how it falls one spike will stick up in the air. Caltrops have 3 spikes. These are useful for slowing trackers or horses.

manriki-gusari (chain): A length of chain that has a weight on both ends. The length varies based on personal taste. Sometimes this is worn as a belt for purposes of concealment.

Chu-ko-nu (repeating crossbow): This is a crossbow that has a small box with a lever attached to its topside. This box holds 10 quarrels, cranking the lever loads 2 bolts.

Chijiriki (spear): A normal spear in all respects save that it has a chain attached to its bottom that can be used to trip or entangle opponents.

Daikyu: A large bow. This is simlar to a long bow, it is generally 7 feet long, with bent tips, and a grip close to the bottom of the bow. The lack of a centered grip makes this bow perfect for firing while kneeling or on horseback.

Fang: Aptly named the Fang is an iron blade, with a heavy hooked point at the far end.

Gunsen: A war fan. Composed of iron it is useful for use as a small shield or light blackjack. Some Gunsens have razor sharp tips that can be used as a normal knife blades.

Jitte: Used to block attacks and catch weapons, the Jitte is an iron bar with a hook near the handle.

Jo Stick: The Jo Stick is identicle to the Bo Stick, only shorter. The average length is 5 feet or less.

Kama: Formerly a farmer's tool the Kama is a straight bladed sickle.

Katana: A standard asian sword.

Kau sin ke: A whipping chain. Generally, it is composed of 4 to 6 iron rods connected to one another by chain links.

Kawanaga: A grappling hook at one end and a weight at the other the Kawanga can be used as a tool and a weapon.

Kiseru: An innocent pipe . . .made of solid iron. It can be used for smoking or clubbing unsuspecting opponents.

Kumade: A relative of the garden rake the Kumade has a longer handle and wider fan. It is better for use as a tool for climbing, but in desperate needs it can double as a weapon.

Kusari-gama: This is a Kama with a weighted chain on one end.

Kyoketsu-shogi: A simple rope with a bladed hook on one end and an iron ring on the other.

Lajatang: A staff with crescent blades on each end. Sometimes the crescents have spikes or barbs on them.

Man Catcher: A ten foot pole with an iron half circle end.

Nagimaki: A smaller verison of the Naginata. It is more useful when used from a horse.

Naginata: A pole that runs 6 to 8 feet that ends with a curved blade.

Nekode: Solid iron claws that fit over the palm that can be used to climb or strike.

Ninja-to: A straight bladed sword.

Nunchaku: Two wooden rods connected by a short length of rope or chain. It can be used to block attacks, as a powerful club, or grab weapons from opponents.

Parang: A simple but heavy machete.

Pellet Bow: Instead of firing arrows this bow has a small pouch on it's drawstring that fires pellets.

Sai: A double-edged knife with two projecting tines at it's base.

Sang Kauw: This is a 6 foot pole that has a spearhead at each end. At it's center there is a crescent moon blade.

Siangkam: Small metallic arrows that lack feathers. These cannot be thrown, nut instead make excellent stabbing and cutting weapons.

Shuriken: Simple throwing stars.

Three Piece Rod: Three 3 foot long poles attached by a piece of chain.

Tonfa: A simple block of wood 2 to 3 feet in lenght with a small handle at one end, think of it as an ancient billy club.

Uchi-ne: This is a solid metal arrow that lacks it's feathers. It is really a small javelin that is good for throwing short distances.





Leaf Head: Comman Asian arrowhead.

Humming Bulb: A special head that creates a loud whistle when it is fired that can be heard for over a mile away. Generally used as a signal, but can be used to cause terror. Additionally, these arrows are ideal for being wrapped in oil soaked clothes to be used as flamers.

Frog Crotch: A V-tipped head that is useful in cutting or inflicting horrible wounds.

Armor Piercer: This arrow has a narrow spiked head, meant for piercing heavy armor.




Ray Johnson


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