Think on many levels, exponetially, formulaically, macro/micro biotically, fractally, circularity, think in loops. this is the key.
how 1 loop is an infinite number of loops, questions from questions.
think like duddy.
logic gives 1 real answer , times the number of criterea times the number of criterea, and one of those answers will satisfy all your critirea and thats the 1 real answer im talking about. you just have to find that one.
<ie choose from black or white, i choose grey, or checkers>
get the best results in terms of benifits to you.
work things out , solve problems absolutely <solving each critirea>
look at things from all/any possibly concernable points of view.
Rationalise and Simplify
Rationalise.------- Be happy about what youve done
Simplifiy.---------make things simple in your head. they take less space , conform things too rules , fomrulas and contriants.
functionalise.----- who wants what dosen't work. Be utilatarian.