I call it hobo camp,
ok so hobo's get money from the government for being poor. right?
so im a hobo, <well not really ,but> i get my hobo friends together. And im there like , ok guys you all give me 50$/wellfare payment. ok and ill get us a house big enough for all of us to live in and food. This is more possible. then 'cos im feeding them and stuff they can all train with me all day. and sleep all night. 3 hobo's/$150 = ok flat + lotsa cheap food.
This idea is feasable. and will grow exponetionally till we have 1000's of hobo's and we control the homless masses. with all there 12 hours/day training. we will storm the very government that pays us(, will have to stockpile food + homemade weapons) will storm goverment with the one objective . more wealfare money. for more hobo's for more weapons will keep doing this till we have enough force to storm the country. and from there the world