Original   Poetry

Below is original poetry written by me and friends.
The first four are my own.


The Deep, Dark feeling overcomes me,
smothering me, killing all joy inside me.

I am left sad, desolate, angry
Hating the world around me and everything in it

I struggle to break free from the demons hold.
I find myself alone, crying on the floor

gasping for air

as the world

walks by

Secretly I adore you, Alone I love you

How I wish to tell you so.

My days are filled with thoughts of you as are my nights

No one else can draw such emotion

Can you see it in my eyes? Do you hear it when I speak. How can you ignore it?

Do you feel what I feel?




Is it only me?


A six letter word with many a meaning

a title you give to a good acquaintance

a name you give to a person

you feel close to

you label a person this loving nickname

and hope for the best

you share memories

you tell secrets


one day



and this friend becomes your worst


A father looks into his son's eyes

what do you think you're gonna be he says

I want ya to be a lawyer, wife wants ya to be a doctor, your sister says she wants ya to be a king!

Do ya know what I mean baby boy?

Can't be no junkie, out on some street corner sellin' crack, ya hear me?

Gotta make something of yourself,

before it's too late.

So I'll ask ya again an again for you answer:

What do you wanna be?

and the boy replied


When the first star began to shine,
When the first cloud appeared in the sky,
When the first animals began to live,
There was something else,
Bigger than all that was.
Now when many stars are shinning,
Many clouds appear in the sky,
Many animals are walking in the world,
This thing is still here,
It is still controlling our lives,
Like it did many times before,
And its name is.... Love.

The lonely wind gently brushes
Your long, dark hair
And laughin' flies away.
Crowded clouds reflect
The color of your eyes
And softly sail away
To the setting sun.
Colorful flowers try to reach higher
Up to your knees
But your legs are too long for'em
And I stand there
Shocked and stunned
As you pass by
without noticing me
To fade away
Like my hopes and dreams

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