The following is a list of immigrants found in Dubuque County, Iowa that came from Austria.  Name, approx. year of birth and approx. year of
immigration.  The information was collected from census images, biographies. 
Name YOB YOI Name                                              YOB YOI
Michael Adam                                                                                                         1839
Michael                                                                                                                 1858 Dora Bachtis                                                                                                           1850
Mary Allen                                                                                                              1841 Anthony Baier 
Mrs. Wm. (Hannah)  Albrecht                                                                                             1862 1869 Vogel Balthasor                                                                                                     1875 1881
Andrew Allgeyer 1855 1888 Mrs. Frank (Annie                                                                                                  1850 1874
Lewis Artofer 1888 Mrs. Joseph (Mary)  Bartrine                                                                                   1855
John 1861 188? Frank Batzer                                                                                                           1852 1874
Mrs. John (Elizabeth) 1868 1890 Kate Beegle  1820
Joseph Auderer                                                                                                       1818 1870< Mary Begart 
Mrs. Jacob (Kate) Auer                                                                                          1857 1880< John Beger or Begor                                    1851
C James Benda 1872 1885
Frank Cerny                                                   1848 1874 Frank Bender 
Mrs. Frank (Catherine)                                    1853 1874 Mary Bennett 1885
John Chaloupka 1836 Christian Berchtold                                         1829
Frank Cherney  1845 Mrs. Christian-Maria                                        1820
Francis Chihak  1857 Ignatz Berger 1895
Mrs. J. (Anna) Christoph  Joseph Bertholde                                            1796
Mrs. Christian (Mary) Crabb                           1847 Anton                                                             1830  1830
Mrs. Albert (Nancy) Curtis 1842 James Beschel                                                                                                        1871 1887
D Frank  Beyer                                                   1820
Max Danser  1809 1860< Rosanna                                                           1817
Joseph Deggendorf                                        1834 John                                                                 1848
Hugo                                                               1836 John 
Ferdinand                                                        1838 Frank  1853
Mary                                                               1820 Mrs. Helen Biazi                                                                                                     1838 1894
Fiedel Denzer   1854 1883 Ida Biedermann 1899
William Derensis  1854 Joseph Blanker                                               1812
Joseph Dickey  1845 1867 Joseph Blaser                                                                                                          1865 1869
Joseph Dielt                                                    1842 Mary Blautz                                                                                                            1882 1900
Mrs. Joseph (Katharina)                                   1832 Frank Blazer                                                                                                            1852 1874
Anna                                                                1861 Mrs. Frank-Annie                                                                                                     1850 1874
Joseph                                                              1864 Gabriel Bobletter  1828
Caroline                                                            1870 Frank Bowsman 1891
Mr. Martin  Diem                                             1828 1860< Wendall Bodish 1893
Catherine                                                          1831 Micheal Brada  1864 1870
William Dienser                                               1853 Ephraim Bralley  1874
Andrew Dietl   1860 Theresa Brahm   1840 1860<
Davis Dietz 1893 Mrs. Theodore (Mary) Brankman                   1830 1860<
Joseph Docher                                                 1845 Catherine Brankmoeller 1873
Jacob Doller  1862 Cartherine Breall (Mrs. Joseph Rhomberg) 1832
Mary Drasda 1851 Franz  Broell                                                  1853
Andrew Dreacler                                           1851 Mrs Franz– Barbara                                        1849
Joseph M. Dresnas                                        1820 Pius                                                                 1871
Mrs. Joseph (Elizabeth)                                   1828 George                                                                                                                     1867 1887
Mathias                                                           1844 John                                                                1834
Frank                                                              1847 Ferdinand                                                                                                                 1839 1866
Mary                                                               1852 Mrs. Theresia Brown                                       1840
James                                                              1853 Henry Brun                                                     1827
Sebastian Drexler 1845 1882 Gariel Bubleter                                               1853
Gebhard Duenas  1858 1884 George Bucksmith                                          1840
Ignatz Durtechar                                            1828 Michael Buda                                                                                                          1828 1869
E Veronica                                                          1833
Edward Eberling  George Burell 1868 1887
George Eiguberger 1853 1857 George Burgmeyer                                         1819
John Eisevegger                                             1850 1873 Margaret                                                          1851
Joseph Ender 1853 1892 Joseph Busch 1840 1854
Philomena Engler 1844 189? Mrs. John (Victoria) Buschor                          1842
John Ernherr                                                   1835 Charlie Byer                                                    1845
F Anthony                                                           1843
Karl Falke 1844 1872 Franz Byrne 
George Fisher  1897 G
Mrs. Caroline                                      1844 1854 Martin Gagas (n)
August Fitz                                                      1845 Jacob Galloby                                                 1852 1886
Mrs. August (Dora)                                          1853 Gotfried Ganahl                                               1814 1860
August Folz 1845 186? Gottlieb Gangelhoffel 1873
Emerick Forker 1850 1894 Anton Gath 1860
Herman  Frick 1881 William Garnier                                               1851
Anthony 1875 Albert Gasser                                                 1864
Frank Joseph  1876 Casper                                                             1828
Rachel Fricke  Mrs. Casper (Crescentian)                               1826
Anton Y Fritsche 1855 1887 Mathew    1859
_ Fritsche                                                        1835 Herman        1856
Mrs. Kath                                                         1845 Mathias                1859
Willie                                                                1865 Cecilia                         1861
Theresa                                                            1869 Michael             1846
Alois  Fromelt                                                 1822 1852 Mrs. Joseph (Elizabeth) Geisler                   1840 1883
Christina                                                          1834 1852 Mathias Glein 1820
Christian                                                           1854 Mrs. Mathias (Volnica 1823
Frank   A                                                             1856 1857 Mrs. Ida Goldberger   1839 1883
Andrew 1877 Jacob Gollwitz 1848 1874
George Furr 1855 1874 Rosena Grill 1896
H       Celestine Grona 1861
Franz Habel 1853 1872 Joseph Gulyrah 1880
Frank Harberger           1851 Vincent Gustin 1866 1915
Felix Harler 1857 J
Mrs. John (Rach???) Hartman  1833 Frank A Jaeger 1857
Leonard             1839 Chas Janick 1885
Mrs. Leonard (Regina)         1845 Joseph Jubeck 1886
Mrs. Victor (Katherina) Heer   1854 Rapheal Juen                                                  1844 1872
Mrs. Theresa Hemmi 1869 1874 Catherine                                                         1836 1872
Mrs. Henry (Rosa) Heil  1868 Peter Jurich 1887 1904
Mrs. Peter (Theresa) Henni  1840 K
Stephen Henschel   1837 Joseph J Kabat or Kobat                                              1856
Kate          1863 Jacob                                                               1831
John        1867 Elnora                                                              1842
Andrew        1873 Frank Kainer 1872
M. Hergenburger 1822 Jacob Kaiser 1874 189?
Mrs. M (Katrina) 1824 Samuel Kapald                                                1860 1881
Frank 1840 Mrs. Samuel (Bertie Goldberger)  1869 1883
John Hermann     1840 Caroline Kasson                                              1834
John     1873 Alexander Katarein                                        1803
Martin Hilber                                                  1840 Joseph Katze 1856
Mrs. William (Mary) Hobersauph                   1833 Andrew Kaufman                                          1819
Albert Holcer                                                  1844 Mrs. Andrew (Catherine)                                1825
John Hopka                                                    1836 Michael 1830
Mrs. John- Mary                                             1834 Mrs. Micheal (Rosa) 1833
Frank                                                              1864 Albert Kaufmann                                            1852
John   Huber                                                   1822 1860< Mrs. Rosina                                                     1832
Augusta                                                           1828 Mrs. Agatha Kinsel                                         1805
Mrs. Kathren Hullermann 1842 Joseph                                                             1843
Joseph Hummel     1859 1884 Catherine                                                         1854
Mrs. Joseph (Antonette)     1852 1870 Martin Kloke                                                  1825
George Hutter   1881 1881 FJ Kloker  1830 1860<
Frank J  1878 1883 Mrs. John  (Mary F) Kluck   1851 1854
L Lorenz Knabb                                                 1821
Isidore Lang 1880 Wendelin                                                         1814
Frank Lauger                                                  1840 Annie Knabel  1861
Mrs. Elizabeth Laugges 1851 1870 Frank  1850 1870
Nicodemus Laukes                                         1830 Joseph                                                1809
Joseph                                                             1836 Albert Knable 1862 1869
Frances                                                            1838 Kate Knocbel 1850
Raymond  Lehner   1845 1866 Joseph Kogle 1822
Michael Lencer   1866 1870 Mrs. Joseph (Catherine)                                   1820
Cathryn Leny 1847 Demetrius Kokarudga 1897
Franz Lenz  John Kolb                                                        1855 1888
John Lercher  1815 1860< Michael Kopchansky 1889
Peter     1821 Frank Kopsa  or Kopea                                  1822
Mrs. Peter (Malana)  1835 Mrs. Frank (Fanny)                                          1829
Joseph   1818 1860< Joseph Kotge                                                  1856
Paulina Lizer     1854 John Krabichler   1806 1857
Gustav M Loeschner 1867 1885 Mrs. John (Catherine)                                       1806 1857
John Lonserk 1909 John Krater 1870
 Andrew  1911 Hugo Kreuter                                                  1845
Mrs. John F (Barbara) Lucas  1877 1892 Frank Krutz                                                     1856 1882
Mathias Lucher 1831 Anna Kubitz 1860
Mrs. Mathias (Magdalena 1844 John Kula 1893
Mathias 1863 Joseph Kunst 1860 1892
John Lukan 1861 1888 Frank Kuntz 1853 1880
Frank Lukas  1834 August Kusche                                                1838
Mrs. Frank (Maria)                                         1839 M
Frank Ludscher                                             1865 Sr M Charlette Mabel 1884
Mathis   (Luecher)                                           1831 Anton Manahl                                                 1816
Mrs. Mathias ( Magdalena)                             1842 John D. Marcan                                              1848
Mathias                                                           1863 Mrs. Mary Maroney 1851 1887
Anthony Luger  1848 Volinca Mathews 1854
Gebhard                                                          1830 George Mathias 
Rosa Luthser                                                  1802 Mathew  1839
Joseph Luz  or Lez                                          1863 Joseph Matone 1846
N John Matz                                                      1841
Barbara Nachtman                                          1846 Mrs. John (Mary)                                            1845
John Neder  1841 John Mauser                                                  1872
Mathias Nessler                                               1825 Mrs. John (Mary)                                            1881
Louis Nick                                                       1833 Fred  1886 1901
Mrs. Catherine                                                  1810 Mrs. Fred (Johanna)                                        1888
Augusta                                                             1843 John Maxer                                                    1832
Fred Nicks 1865 Moe Mendlowitz 1885
Alois Nipp                                                        1824 Joseph Meyer                                                1834
Mrs. Alois (Theresa                                           1833 Mrs, Joseph (Caroline)                                    1839
Katherine Norton     1811 1853 August Miller                                                 1846
O John Minkel 1869
Mary Ostroski 1845 Frederick Moll                                               1823
P John Montel 1868 1880
Joe Pera 1865 1889 Anton Montrasik                                           1823
John  1860 1889 Franciska                                                        1829
Frank Peterka  1842 1867 Samuel Morran 1866
Antony Peter  1844 1890 Christian Morscher  or Moser                                       1822 1856
Peter Petschi                                                    1842 Frederick                                                         1830
Tony Pfiffner 1888 1907 Mrs. August  (Rose) Muchs 
Stanley Podgorny 1895 Mich Musitsck (Muschitsch)                           1851
Joseph Puskar 1883 Michael Muschitsch                                        1829
R Michael Mussage                                            1833
George Radler                                                 1819 Ludwig Myers                                                 1832
Mrs. John J (Mary) Rashon 1863 S
Thomas J Rassch 1867 1881 Barbara Saffran 1883
Andrew Reichenour   1880 1900 Charles Schaffart                                              1843
Mrs. Andrew (Veronica)  1884 1904 Mrs. Charles (Theressa)                                     1848
Clara Revering 1845 1863 Mary Schambers 1858
John B. Rhomberg                                           1809 Rosina Schanger                                               1852
Mrs. John (Catherine)                                        1810 Mrs. Mary Schenker                                         1883
Frank                                                                1832 F. Scheyer                                                                                                           1868 1887
Baptist                                                               1830 Mrs. F. (Elizabeth)   1859 1892
Mrs. Baptist (Eugena)                                        1830 George Schgil                                                    1886
Mrs. Uthburg 1823 1860 Frederick Schimtt 
Christian  Frank Schmid                                                     1829
D.                                                                      1834 Mrs. Frank- Theresa                                           1832
Mrs. D. (Julia)                                                    1842 John C. Schnah 1874 1891
Jacob                                                                 1841 John H Schoenauer 1885
Joseph                                                               1852 Peter Schraft   (Schraffel)    1836 1866
Joseph A.   1834 1852 Mrs. Peter (Frances)                                           1839
Mrs. Joseph (Anna)                                           1841 Mrs. Lutzal (Maria) Schwab                                1836
Max                                                                   1832 John  Schwendinger  1840 1867
Martin                                                               1840 Mrs. August (Kate) Schultz
L.A.   1843 1860 Ferdinand Scutcher 
John A.                                                             1872 Ignatz Seeger                                                    1809
Mrs. John (Jebhardane)                                     1876 Josephine                                                           1849
Herman                                                             1831 Anton Seidel                                                     1820
Mrs. Herman (Christina)                                    1831 Mrs. Anton (Eva)  1831
JJ                 1844 1867 Fredrick Sellman 1856 1870
Mrs. Anna             1860 1866 Paul Shaps 1884
Frank  J                                                               1851 1872 Joseph Simnick 1874 1908
Mrs. Frank (Magdelena)                                    1848 1872 Andrew Sisco 1888
Franz                                                                 1836 Andrew Spiegel 
Mrs. Franz (Philomena)                                      1845 Catherine  
Mrs. Barbara Roberts                                       1851 Mrs. Fred (Anna) Stahl   1843
Herman Roesch   1866 1880 Mrs. Stephen (Johanna) Steibel 
Frank Roldan 1888 Anna Steinbach 1895
John Roshitsch        1850 1881 John Stiman 1887
Caroline Rotze 1855 Joseph Stockel 1876
John Rowe                                                         1815 1860< Frank Straka 1890
Wengel T Ruber 1873 Stephen Strasca 1887
Mary Rubisky 1851 John E Staudacher 1859
Alois Rusch    1830 1853 Jacob Summer 1851 1871
E. Rusck                                                           1832 T
U John Techigzbrie 1856 189?
John Uhlrich 1834 Joseph Tessler 1880
V Mrs. Theodore (Barbara) Thies                         1859
Andrew Vallaster 1848 1876 Charles Thomas 
Anton Vondrasch 1830 1858 John Timmerman                                               1844
Mrs. Anton (Mary)   Ferdinand Troy 1875 189?
Mrs. Anrew (Barbara) Voelker  1854 Mrs. Maria Tschirgi                                           1814
Charles J. Volker  1835 1855 Mrs. Valentine (Annie) Tuttle 
Mrs. Nicholas (Josephina) Wagner                       1840 Y
Adolbert Waller   Ralph Youn 1844
Joseph    1864 1897 Mrs. Ralph (Katherina 1839
Joseph Walter                                                      1785 Z
Theresa                                                                 1805 _ Zachena   1830 1861
Joseph 1865 1900 Johanna  1828 1861
Gertude Wandel 1837 Sam Zackilte 1868
Mrs. Jos (Barbara) Wanderchik  Albert Zahena                                                     1803
Andreas Wanger                                                  1842 John                                                                     1845 1871
Joseph Wechinger     Julia Zebakezer 1863
Mrs. Bernard (Sophia) Welling                            1820 Ferdinand Zehitner                                              1828
John Wendel                                                       1847 Anna                                                                    1830
Fred Wenzel 1878 Jennie                                                                   1856
Peter Wertin                                                       1837 Frank   1857 1860
Mrs. Bernard (Philomena) Westercamp              1855 Rose Zimmer                                                       1806
Mrs. John (Catherine) Wiegand                            1834 J. Zimmerman                                                     1836
Caspar Wiezorek 1867 Mrs. Sophia Zollicoffer                                        1852 1874
A. Wittemberger 1842 Frank Zuber 1884
Joseph 1846 Martin Zundophel 1844
Mathias 1847
Anton Wilbing                                                    1826
Mrs. William (Fannie) Winterer                          1842
Anton Witting 1831
Michael Wohlgenaut                                          1831
Joseph                                                                 1797
Mrs. Joseph (Anna)                                             1799
Frank Wrinbreppel 1884