GEORGE SALOT, Deputy Sheriff of Dubuque County,
Dubuque; is a native of France and was born March 15, 1837; when 16 years
of age, he came to America, and came to Dubuque in 1853, and since then
has resided here; he has held the office of City Recorder and Wharfmaster;
he was appointed Deputy Sheriff and has held that office since Jan.
1, 1872, and is a courteous and popular officer. He was united in
marriage to Miss Catharine Scheibler, of this city, Feb.
2, 1860; they have five children. pg.871
ME IF YOU WANT. pg.871-875
H.H. SATER, Superintendent of the manufacturing department
of the Norwegian Plow Company; was born in Norway, about seventy miles
from Christiana, the capital, in 1842; he grew up to manhood in that country
and emigrated to America in 1868; he came West to Wisconsin the same
year; he engaged in blacksmithing; he is a natural mechanic, inheriting
it from his father, who was a plow-maker. Mr. Sater began making
plows on a small scale, and by giving close attention to his work, he soon
earned a reputation for his plows. In May, 1875, Mr. Mitchell, the
present Vice President of the company, became associated with him, and
they manufactured the Norwegian Plow at Brodhead, Wis., until June 1879,
where the Norwegian Plow Company was organized; in October, they removed
to Dubuque and erected large works, and Mr. Sater was elected Superintendent
of the manufacturing department. In 1874, Mr. Sater was married
to Miss Barbara Jensvold, a native of Albany, Green Co, Wis; they
have two children- H. Melvin and Josephine. pg.875
J.B. SAUSER, farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Cascade; born
in Luxemburg, Germany, Aug. 16, 1826; came to America in 1848; for two
years, he was employed as brick-manufacturer in Detroit, Mich.; removed
to Dubuque Co., Iowa in 1850, since which time he has been engaged in farming,
stock-raising, stock-dealing, etc.; he has acquired extended possessions,
having 1,150 acres of land in Secs. 20,22,27,28 and 29, with a probable
average value of $30 per acre; his magnificent barn is 43X133 feet in size,
erected some eight years ago, of native limestone, is one of the noted
landmarks of this region, cost about $5,000, and destined to last for ages;
his residence, built of brick, at a cost of about $3,000, is well adapted
for the comfort and convenience of the household. His religion is
Catholic; politics, Democratic. He was married, in 1850, to Mrs.
Mary Kurt, a native of Luxemburg; they have five children-Catherine,
now Mrs. Pettinger, of Cass Co., Iowa; Annie, Peter; Susan, now
of Dubuque Co., and Michael. pg.918
NICHOLAS SCHAEFER,farmer, Sec. 17; P.O. Sherrill's Mount;
born Dec. 10, 1828, in Hanover, Germany; in 1851 he came to Ohio; in 1853,
he came to Dubuque Co.; he owns 80 acres of land. Married Mrs.
Labar June 23, 1853; she was born in Wurtemberg, Germany; have six
children-Emma, Mary A., Caroline, Rosena, Sophia and Anna; lost Charles
in 1870, aged 2 years and 3 months. He has been President of the
School Board and Director for the past three years. Presbyterian
in religion; Republican in politics. pg.976
JOSEPH SCHEMMEL, farmer, Sec.5 ; P.O.New Vienna;born
Dec. 8, 1826, in Prussia; in 1833, came to Baltimore, Md. with his parents,
thence to Mercer Co., Ohio; in 1839, he removed to Hamilton Co., Ohio;
in 1846, he came to Dubuque Co., he is the owner of the New Vienna Woolen
Mills, which he is now overhauling and putting it in good running order;
he also owns 153 acres of land, and fifteen lots in New Vienna. Is a Notary
Public, auctioneer, Secretary of the School Boars,and has been Assessor.Married
Vente Aug. 17, 1853; she was born in Oldenburg, Germany; have ten children,seven
sons and three daughters. Catholic. pg.945
M.H. SCHILLING, brickmason and contractor; residence
2011 Couler avenue; is a native of Germany, and was born April 1, 1835;
he grew up and learned the trade of stonecutter; he came to the United
States in 1852, lived in New Jersey and Ohio, and came to Iowa, learned
the trade of bricklayer, and settled in Dubuque April 1, 1857, and began
bricklaying, and since then has been engaged in that business; he
is one of the oldest bricklayers and contractors in Dubuque and has done
some of the best work in the city. He married Miss Mary Froeley,
a native of France, in 1858; she died Sept. 14, 1874, leaving six children-
Matilda, Henry, Emile, William and Bertha; Annie has since died.
In June 1875, Mr. Schilling married Matilda Stolde, from Mecklenburg,
Germany; they have two children- Alma and Eddie. Mr. Schilling belongs
to Julien Lodge, No. 2, I.O.O.F, and to Haleyon Encampment and to the A.O.U.W.
and to the Knights of Honor. His father died in 1858; his mother
is 80 years of age and is living here with her son. pg.876
PAUL SCHLENKER, dealer in general hardware and
stoves and worker in tin, sheet iron and copper, No. 1378 Clay street,
Dubuque; was born in Prussia, Germany, Nov. 24, 1831; he came to America
in 1853, and the same year came to Dubuqu; he went over to Galena and learned
the tinners trade; in 1861, he returned to Dubuque and engaged in his present
business, and has carried it on since, building up a good trade.
He belongs to the I.O.O.F. and is a member of Schiller Lodge, No 11, and
also of the Encampment. He married Miss Barbara Zanuck,
a native of Switzerland, Dec. 27, 1859; she died Aug. 13, 1874, leaving
on son- Albert; he married Miss Anna Rehbaum, a native of Buffalo,
N.Y.; they have two children- Emma and Paul. pg.875-876
FRED SCHLOTH, of the firm of Schloth Bros. &
Gray, manufactures of Caledonia oatmeal and kiln-dried cornmeal, foot of
Eleventh street Dubuque; is a native of Germany, and was born Feb.
9, 1831; he emigrated to America in 1854, and came to Dubuque in 1856;
in 1858, he engaged in the butchering and meat market business and continued
for twenty years; they established their present business in October 1879
and promise to build up a large trade. In 1866, he married Miss Sophia
Meyer, a native of Germany; they have five children- Mary, Laura, Freda,
Selma and Charles. pg.875
MICHAEL SCHMIDT, farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Pin Oak;
born Dec. 9, 1818, in Germany, in 1852,he came to Dubuque Co.; owns 300
acres of land; part of this land he entered. He married Catharine
Thiel in 1854; she was born in May 1822, in Germany; they have
eight children- Anton, Frank, Peter, Theo, Nick, Mary, Anna and Catharine.
Catholic. pg.954
GEORGE SCHMITT, farmer, Sec. 24, P.O. Dubuque;
born June 17,1836 in Alsace, France; in 1847, he came to Dubuque Co., with
his parents; he owns 168 acres of land; has been Township Clerk, Township
Treasurer; is Township Assessor; has held this office the past fifteen
years; has been Constable. Married Harriet Bahl in 1858; she
was born in November 1835 in Alsace, France; died April 14,1872; have three
children- Andrew P., Edward G., Frank N. Second marriage to
Joos Jan. 2, 1874; she was born in Switzerland; have four children-
Otto P., Mary E., August G. and Bernet G. Is Catholic in religion
and Democrat in politics. pg.964
JOSEPH SCHMITT, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Lattnerville;
born in France Feb. 17, 1840; at the age of 7, came with his parents to
America, and settled in Dubuque Co., Iowa, in 1847; his parents, old and
well known settlers here, are both deceased; the father died in 1862, the
mother in 1879; Mr. S. has a good farm of ninety-five acres. His
religion in Catholic; his politics, Democratic. He was married Jan.
9, 1862 to Miss Mary Lattner, daughter of Joseph and Veronica Lattner;
eight children- Annie Caroline, Paul Joseph, William W., Amanda, Caroline
H., John George, Adaline and Frank Joseph. pg.964
VIT SCHMITT, farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Dubuque; born
Feb. 2, 1810, in Alsace, France; in 1846 he came to Dubuque Co., where
he has since lived; there were but two brick houses in Dubuque when he
first came here; he owns 240 acres of land; he has been four years School
Treasurer, and twenty years Township Treasurer. Married Catharine
Hofner, in November 1845; she was born in 1813 in Alsace, France; they
have four children- Sophia, Eliza, Antony and Louis.
C.W. SCHRIEBER, of the firm of Schrieber &
Strinsky, proprietors of the Key City Iron Works, Eighth street, between
Iowa and Clay, Dubuque; is a native of Luzerne, Switzerland and was born
Dec. 3, 1847; and came to Iowa in 1851. He enlisted in the 27th I.V.I.,
Co. A, and served three years; was wounded at the battle of Pleasant Hill.
After the war, came to Lansing, Allamakee Co., Iowa, and in 1868,
came to Dubuque and worked for Rouse & Dean; in 1877, engaged in business
with Mr. Strinsky; they are building up a good trade. Mr. S. belongs
to the Masonic Order, and is a member of the Chapter and the Commandery;
also a member of the I.O.O.F. and the Foresters. In 1872, was
united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Woodward, a native of Dubuque;
they have two children- George and Olma. pg.876
MATHIAS SCHROEDER, farmer and grocer, Sec. 27;
P.O. Cottage Hill; born Dec. 19, 1832, in Luxemburg, Germany; in 1852,
came to Wisconsin; in 1854 to Dubuque Co.; he commenced his present business
in 1862; he also owns eighty-two acres of land. He has served three
years as a member of the Board of Supervisors. Married Mary Beaver
in 1859; she was born in Germany, and died Dec. 8, 1871; had four children-Mary,
Nicholas, Margaret and John. Second marriage was to Gertrude Dousch
Nov. 12, 1872; she was born in Pennsylvania; have five children-Theressa,
Mathias, Peter, Frank and Mary. Catholic.
HENRY SCHUELER, dealer in groceries and provisions, corner
Delhi and Center streets, West Dubuque; is a native of Germany,
and was born in Hesse Darmstadt Nov. 2, 1830; he came to the United States
in 1848, and came to Dubuque in 1849; he entered a printing office and
learned the printing business, and afterward published the Iowa Banner
for two years; in December 1859, he engaged in his present business,
and has carried on mercantile business in his present location since 1861;
there are few merchants who have been engaged in business here longer than
he has. In 1861, he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Duffit,
daughter of Francis Duffit; they have had six children, four of whom
survive- Sophia, May, Florence and Estella. pg.876
JOHN SCHULER, dealer in groceries, dry goods and notions,
No. 1772 White street, Dubuque; was born in Luxemburg, Germany, April 3,
1825; he emigrated to the United States and came to Dubuque in May, 1855;
he worked at the carpenters trade for eighteen years, and since then has
been engaged in his present business; when he came to this country he only
had $30; he owns his store and other city property. He married Miss
Haerten, a native of Germany, Feb. 2, 1854; they have seven children-
Catharine, Anna, Peter, Maddie, John, Lucy and Nicholas. pg.876
JOSEPH SCHULLER, farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Sherrill's Mount;
born Jan 17, 1840, in Prussia; in 1855, he came to Chicago, and the following
year, he came to Dubuque Co. with his parents, there he has since lived;
he owns 107 acres of land, He has been three years Township Treasurer,
is Township Clerk and Clerk of the School Board. Married Catharine
Eppendorf in 1862; she was born in Prussia; they have ten children-John,
Joseph, Henry, Anna, Nicholas Catharine, Marlin, Hubert, Theressa and Magdalena.
Catholic in religion; Democrat in politics. pg.976
BERNHARD SCHULTE, of the firm of Schulte & Wagner,
stonecutter and contractors, White street, corner Tenth, Dubuque; was born
in Westphalia, Germany, Oct. 29, 1831; he grew up and learned his trade
there; he came to the United States in 1854, and, in December of the same
year, came to Dubuque and began working at his trade; in 1857, be began
contracting; in 1867, Mr. Wagner went in partnership with him, and since
then they have successfully carried on the business and have the largest
trade here. Mr. Schulte belong to the German Benevolent Society.
He married Miss Annie Becker, an native of Westphalia, Prussia,
Jan 19, 1854; they have five children- John, Katie, Gerhard, Mary and Valentine.
REV. CONRAD LOUIS SCHULTE, the present Catholic
Pastor of St. Boniface Church, New Vienna, Dubuque Co., Iowa, was born
Jan. 27, 1836, in Westphalia, Prussia, in the diocese of Paderborn, village
of Leiberg; came to America when near 10 years old, and settled in New
Vienna; lived here till 18 years old; studied for the priesthood four years
in St. Thomas Seminary, near Bardstown, Ky.; three years is St. Vincent's
College, Cape Girardeau, Mo., one year in Salesianum, near Milwaukee; was
ordained priest Aug. 29, 1863; was then appointed Pastor of Guttenberg,
Clayton Co.; after about two years, Pastor St. Trinity, Allison, Luxemburg,
Dubuque Co.; two years later, Pastor of Festina, Winnesheik Co.; three
years later, Pastor of St. Luke's, five miles west of Festina; six months
after Pastor of New Vienna,, in October, 1870; his predecessors were Rev.
J. Allemann, 1847; Rev. G.H. Phathe, 1848; Rev. S.G. Reffe, in 1848, here
on mission during absence of Rev. G.H. Phathe; Rev. Mathias Lentner, in
1851, who built the present church in 1853; Rev. James Orth in 1856 til
1865; Rev. Anthony Kortenkamp attended this mission during the absence
of Rev. Orth; Rev. J.B. Weikman in 1866 til 1870; Rev. Conrad L. Schulte,
present Pastor. pg.945-946
JACOB SCHWIND, Tschirgi & Schwind, brewers, Dubuque;
born in Baden, Germany, Feb. 18, 1827; he grew up to a manhood there, and
emigrated to America in 1848; he went to Wisconsin and lived in Milwaukee
and Oshkosh, and came to Dubuque in August, 1853; the following year, he
went in partnership with Mr. Tschirgi, and they engaged in the brewing
business, building a brewery where they are now located; it was then covered
with hazel brush, and away out of town; they have continued in the business
over twenty- six years, and have, one of the largest and best breweries
in the State, and do a large business. In 1852, he married Miss Mary
Deitz, a native of Bavaria, Germany; they have nine children- Emma,
Mary, Josephine, Minnie, Annie, Louise, John, Bennie and Clara. pg.876-877
J.P. SCOTT, lumberman; residence, 1212 Locust street,
Dubuque; is a native of Oneida Co., N.Y.; he came to Iowa and
located in Dubuque in August 1854, and engaged in the mercantile business;
he continued in the mercantile business for thirteen years; then engaged
in the lumber business, and is the manufacture of sash, doors and
blinds; he carries on the business in Wood Co., Wis.; he has lived in Dubuque
over twenty-five years. He married Miss Alice De Wolf, of
Cleveland, Ohio; she is a native of New York; they have four children,
one son and three daughters. pg.877
JAMES SCOTT, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P.O. Farley;
born in Lorain Co., Ohio, July 15, 1827; came to Dubuque Co., in 1853;
he was among the first to settle in his part of the county, and knows
by personal experience all of the hardships, inconveniences and warm friendships
growing out of the frequent interchange of help and hospitalities among
the early settlers; a house 18x20 feet in size (now used for a shop by
Mr. Scott), was, during their first winter here, the home of both his and
Mr. Freeman's families, over a dozen persons in all; and the chalk-line
division between households is yet merrily talked of by both families;
his present neat and well-arranged residence was built fourteen years ago;
Mr. Scott, a practical carpenter and joiner, doing the work himself on
that and most of his other buildings; he has a nicely rolling, well watered
farm of 101 acres in Secs. 20 and 21, besides 20 acres of timber land in
Iowa Township; he carries on farming and stock raising, and, in addition
to the through work in both of these departments, carries on quite extensively
a third branch, beekeeping, keeping thoroughly posted on all the improvements
and discoveries in this branch in industry. Mr. Scott is a Republican
in politics, but is too busily employed in other directions to devote much
time to political affairs. He has been married twice; his first wife was
Miss Sarah Freeman, of Ohio, the marriage taking place in 1847;
she died Oct. 15, 1860; his second wife was Miss Elizabeth Wilkinson,
a native of Pennsylvania; they were married April 24, 1862; six children
are living- Harriet, Elizabeth, Willma, Joseph, Clarence and Russell; one,
Aretus, is dead. pg.940
JOHN G. SCOTT, steamboat inspector; residence, 78 Center
Place, Dubuque; is a native of Washington Co., Penn., and was
born Sept. 14, 1830; he grew up to a manhood and came West in 1856, and
went on the river as engineer for the Minnesota Packet Company; he remained
with this company seven years; during the war, he entered the naval service,
and served as chief engineer of the Mississippi squadron, until the close
of the war, in 1865, when he again went on the river; he held the
position of chief engineer of the "Diamond Jo" nine years, from 1869 to
1878; in July 1878 he was appointed steamboat inspector, and since then
has occupied that position; this inspection district embraces more territory
than any other district in the United States. In December, 1857 Mr.
Scott was united in marriage to Miss Anna Delaney, from Pittsburgh;
they have three children-Frank,, Stella and Kittie. pg.877
CALVIN SCRIPTURE, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Dubuque; born
July 25, 1826, in Lewis Co., N.Y., at about the age of 7 years, he came,
with his parents to London, Canada; in about 1844. he came to Dubuque Co.,
Iowa; he owns 120 acres of land, well, improved; he has been Township Assessor,
School Director, etc.; he has a large supply of weekly and monthly papers,
which he takes regularly, and owns a well-selected library, and is otherwise
well-informed. Married Miss Mary Strohl March 3, 1853; she
was born in Ohio; they have four children- Mary, Adelia, Carrie and James
L. Members of M.E. Church. pg.968
IGNATZ SEEGER, retired, No. 1185 White street, Dubuque;
was born in Switzerland Feb. 14, 1807; he grew up to a manhood in
Austria, and emigrated to America in December, 1849, and came to Iowa and
located in Dubuque in May 1851; the following year , he engaged in the
brewing business; in 1853, his brewery burned down, he rebuilt it; when
completed, the arches were not strong enough, and the building came down;
after two years, he rebuilt it, and carried on the business successfully
until 1868. In 1849, he married N. Kaufmann, a native
of Germany; she died in 1862, leaving two children- Louis and Josephine.
In 1863, he married Gertrude Bowmann, from Baden, Germany;
they have two sons- John and Frank. Mr. Seeger had very little when
he began, and owes his success to his own efforts. He belongs to
the Pius Society. pg.877
C.H. SEYMOUR, D.D., Rector of St. John's Episcopal
Church, Dubuque; is a native of Watertown, Conn., and was born May 15,
1831; he grew up and attended school there; entered Trinity College and
graduated from that institution; he was connected with the Hampden Rectory
School in Connecticut four years, and was at the head of the Punchard Free
School, at Andover, Mass., two years; he was ordained by Bishop Eastburn,
of Massachusetts, and for ten years was Rector of Trinity Church, at Haverhill,
Mass.; remained there until 1868, when he came West to Dubuque, and since
then has been Rector. In 1853, Dr. Seymour, was united in marriage
to Miss Caroline Burnham, from Hartford, Conn.; they have one daughter,
now Mrs. F. Daniels, of this city. pg.877
E.G. SHACKFORD, fuel agent for the Iowa Division of the
Illinois Central Railroad, Dubuque; is a native of Strafford
Co., N.H.; in 1840, he removed to Massachusetts and remained there
until he cam West to Iowa and located in Dubuque, Oct. 4, 1862; during
the same month, he entered the employ of the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad,
and remained with that road until 1867, when it was leased by the Illinois
Central Railroad, and since then he has been connected with this division
of the railroad, and is one of the oldest officials of the company here.
In July, 1846, he was united in marriage to Miss Abbie V. Crocket,
a native of New Hampshire; they have two daughters- Nettie M. (now Mrs.
Pollard), of Waterloo and Emma J., at home. pg.877
JOHN D. SHAFFER, miller, Spring Valley Mills, Sec.
26; P.O. Cascade; born in Jackson Co., Iowa, March 6, 1854; came to Dubuque
Co. in the spring of 1865. Was married in 1878 to Miss Maggie
Thyson, daughter of John and Susan Thyson of Cascade; they were natives
of Luxemburg, Germany and settled in Cascade at a very early day; one child,
a daughter, named Mary. Mr. S. is a Catholic in religion; Democratic
in politics. He is thoroughly skilled in his business, having been
employed in milling since he was 11 years of age; his father and grandfather
were both millers, also, so that the vocation may almost be claimed to
come to him by inheritance. His father, John Shaffer, a native of
the city of Luxemburg, was one of the oldest and best known millers of
Dubuque Co.; he was running the Dubuque City Mills thirty years ago; he
afterward operated the Teddy Moore Mills, the Burton Mills, the Bellevue
Mills, the Rockdale Mills, Thompson Mills, Dyerville Mills and Prairie
Spring Mills, being assisted in the last four places by the subject of
this sketch, who, from this extended training, acquired an exceedingly
accurate, practical knowledge of the business; the father died of heart-disease
in 1869, and was buried by the I.O.O.F. of Dubuque, and Order of which
he had for many years been an honored member. pg.918-919
NICHOLAS SHAFFER, liveryman, Cascade; son of John
N. Shaffer and Mary Barbara Cline; was born Dec. 25, 1825, in Lorraine,
France; came to Indiana with his parents in 1831, and up to his 24th year
was at home on the farm. Was married in Indiana, Dec. 18, 1849, to
Miss Mary Sims, by whom he has had six children; the following are
still living: Mary R., John, Henry and William; the other two died in infancy.
After marriage, he worked two years on the Wabash & Erie Canal, then
five years as a cooper, then, in 1856, came to Cascade; was two years partner
of Frank May in starting a brewery; then resumed occupation of cooper,
in 1871, bought livery stable and stock of Lemuel Fairchild, and now has
the main livery establishment in Cascade. At Dubuque, in November,
1863, was married to his second wife, Mrs. Margaret Grogan, of La
Fayette, Ind.; by this union he had had three children, all now living-
Josephine, Ellen and Margaret. Himself and wife are members of the
St. Martins Church; is a Democrat. Has been President of the School
Board, also served four years as Justice of the Peace in the township of
Whitewater. pg.919
EDWARD R. SHANKLAND, farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. Dubuque; born
March 7, 1819, in Lewes, Del.; when a child he came with his parents to
Philadelphia; in 1837, he enlisted in the Florida war; served one year;
he then came to Pittsburgh; in 1856, he came to Dubuque Co.; he owns
one of the best-improved farms in the State, consisting of 160 acres, with
very substantial buildings. He has been Deputy United States Marshal
and President of the State Agricultural Society two years; he has been
prominently connected with the Grange movement from 1871 to 1877.
He has four children by a former marriage-Edward, now in New Orleans, in
the employ of the United States Covernmant (he graduated in the Polytechinc
Institure, at Troy, N.Y., June 1878; in September, he entered the Govermant
servie as civil engineer;: Ellen, now Mrs. Casey, living in Nebraska;
Ralph and Emeline, now attending the Fifth Ward School. William enlisted
in 1862, in the 5th I.V.C., and died in 1863 of disease contracted in the
army. pg.968,971
W.B. SHARP, farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Centralia; born
in Missouri in 1833; came to Dubuque Co. in 1840 with his parents, and
with the exception of a four years' residence in California, from 1853
to 1857, has been here since; his father Peter L. Sharp, a much-respected
citizen of the county died in 1874, at the advanced age of 72; Mr. S. has
acquired quite handsome possessions, his farm embracing 240 acres, well
improved and in good condition. He is identified, religiously, with
the Methodist Church; politically, with the Republican party. Has
held school offices, He was married, in 1855, to Miss Mary Paul,
daughter of John Paul, on the the very earliest settlers of the county,
who, at the age of 78, is yet living neat Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Sharp
have nine children living- Alice, Fannie (now Mrs. Morse), Charles,
William, Cora, Jenny, James, Harry and George; two died in infancy- Annie
and Henry. pg.964-965
B. SHERIDAN, farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Dubuque; born
Sept. 12, 1826, in Luzerne Co., Penn.; in 1833, he came to New York with
his parents; in 1834, he removed to Dubuque Co.; he owns 76 acres of land
in this section, also about 10 acres in the city. Married Miss Mary
A. Reed in 1855; she was born in Ireland; have eight children- John
J., now engaged in merchandising in Dubuque; Estella F., Agnes R., Kate,
Frank, Margaret, Dennis C. and Joseph E. Catholic
JOHN J. SHERIDAN, dealer in groceries and provisions,
and agent for the National Steamship Line, No. 5 Main street, Dubuque;
is a native of Dubuque Co., and was born in the city of Dubuque,
Dec. 26, 1856; his parents were early settlers; he grew up to a manhood
in this city, and engaged in his present business Aug. 1, 1879, and is
building up a good trade. pg.877-878
GEN. JOHN G. SHIELDS, Long- contact me if you want
J.H. SHIELDS, attorney at law,corner Main and Seventh
streets, Dubuque; is a son of Gen. John G. and Elizabeth Emerson
Shields, and was born in Frankfort, Pike Co., Mo., May, 8, 1842;
he came to Dubuque in infancy, his parents being early settlers here;
he grew up and attended school here, and prepared for college; he attended
Alfred University at Allegany, N.Y., where he spent two years of his collegiate
course, then entered Union College as a junior and graduated in 1862; after
graduating, he studied law with Gen. Henderson, of Missouri, and was admitted
to the bar in 1863; he engaged in the practice of law, and, during the
same year, he was elected City Attorney and held that office for two years;
in 1867, he associated with Judge Barker, one of the leading attorneys
in this section of the State; there they continued togerther until the
latter was elected Judge, and went upon the bench; in 1871, he became associated
in practice with Judge Pollock, and this partnership continued eight years.
Mr. Shields is a close student, and has taken a leading position in the
profession; he is attorney for the Dubuque Harbor Company, and has been
a Director in the company since 1863; at the recent election for city officers,
he was elected to the office of City Attorney by both parties without opposition;
in 1876, he was earnestly solicited to accept the nomination for Congress,
but declined, preferring to devote his whole time to the interests of his
profession. Mr. Shields was united in marriage June 3, 1874, to Miss Mary
Tomlin, a native of Galena and daughter of Allan Tomlin, Esq., who
came to Galena in 1827, and is one of the oldest settlers of that place
now living; Mrs. Shields died Nov. 8, 1879, leaving one daughter- Eleanor.
PHILIP SHIPTON, farmer, Sec. 28 ; P.O. Farley;
born in Jo Daviess, Co., Ill., July 24, 1832; came to Dubuque
Co. in 1848; fifteen years of his time, at different periods, have been
employed in mining enterprises in the vicinity of Dubuque; in 1860, he
removed to Missouri, and was a resident of that State until three years
after the close of the civil war, when he returned to Dubuque Co.,
and has been identified with the interests of the county since that time;
living during the great rebellion, in a locality in which some of the most
stirring scenes in theater of war were enacted; he was from patriotism
an active participant as a soldier on the side of the Union; from 1862
till the close of the war; he was constantly in service, two years of the
time in Co. C, 2d Ark. V.C; the remainder of the time in Missouri militia,
which did effective work in bring the war to a successful termination;
in later years he has been a farmer. Religion, Methodist; politics, Republican.
Mr. Shipton was married in 1855 to Hannah Smith, of Dubuque
Co.; they have ten children living- Georgiana, Susan, Emma, William, Philip,
Izora, Lottie, Lucia, Ada and Frankie; two, Ellen Jane and Ida, are dead.
W.J. SHOUP, Principal of the Fourth Ward School,Dubuque;
is a native of Armstrong Co, Penn., and was born in 1846; he grew
up to manhood in Illinois and received his education in that State, and
graduated at Knox College, Galesbury, in 1873; after graduating, he came
to Dubuque, and since then, has benn connected with the public schools
of this city. During the war, he enlisted and served in Co. H, 48th
I.V.I. Mr. Shoup is editor of the Iowa Normal Monthly, the
official school organ of the State; he was chosen and served as President
of the State Teachers Association. pg.881
F.W. SHUTTE, school-teacher; P.O. Sherrill's Mount; born
Dec. 3, 1849, in Peru Township; he attended the Hopkinton Institute in
1867, and finished this course in 1870; in 1876, he attended the German
Theological Seminary, and here graduated; he has taught eight terms- four
in Center and four in Peru Township. Married Catherine Wetter
Oct. 11, 1877; she was born in Jefferson Township; they have one child-
William; he owns 120 acres of land. Presbyterian.
ALEXANDER SIMPLOT, engraver and designer, Julien House
Building, Dubuque; a native of the city of Dubuque, and was born
Jan. 5, 1837, in a log cabin on Main street, between Fifth and Sixth streets;
his parents Henry and Susan Simplot, were among the earliest settlers of
Dubuque Co.; his father was engaged in general mercantile business; he
was one of the first Board of Alderman elected in Dubuque, and represented
the First Ward; he was one of the wealthiest men in Dubuque at the time
of his death, which occurred in 1847; his wife died in 1876. Alexander
grew up and attended school here, and afterward attended Rock River Seminary,
and was a student there with the late John A. Rawlins and Gov. Cullom of
Illinois; he entered Union College and graduated in the class of 1858;
during the war, he was special artist for Harper's Weekly, and was
with Gen. Fremont, Commodors Foote, and with Gen. Grant. Mr. Simplot
has had a large experience as an artist in sketching and engraving, and
has an extended reputation; he works by the new photo-engraving process,
and with excellent success, and has all he can do with his other business.
In 1866, Mr. Simplot was united in marriage to Miss Virginia Knapp,
of this city; they have five children- Ella N., Mamie, Frank A., Henry
A., Leroy; they have lost on daughter- Ada M. pg.881
CHARLES SIMPLOT, engaged in mining; Sec. 22; P.O. , Dubuque;
is a native of Dubuque Co., and was born in the city of Dubuque April
24, 1840; he grew up and attended school here, after reaching manhood,
he was engaged in the grain business, and is now engaged in mining.
During the war, he enlisted in the 46th I.V.I., and was Commissary
Sergeant and Acting Quartermaster. In April, 1867, Mr. Simplot was united
in marriage to Miss Mary E. Bonson, a native of this county,
and daughter of Richard Bonson, one of the oldest and most honored settlers
of Dubuque Co.; Mr. and Mrs. Simplot have three children- Susan H., Henry
F. and Jane B. pg.882
JOHN SIMPLOT,capitalist, 504 Julien avenue, Dubuque;
is a native of Besancon, France and was born July 7, 1808; he came to Ameria
in 1820; he grew up to manhood in Oneida and Oswego Cos., N.Y. and
came West to Iowa and landed in Dubuque June 1, 1835; he engaged in the
grocery trade; Mr. Simplot is one of the early settlers; in the early days
of Dubuque, when every one engaged in mining, it is something unusual to
say that he was never persuaded to enter it; he was engaged in the iron
and heavy hardware business for some years, and carried on an extensive
trade. In 1847, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Moffet,
of Dubuque; they have had four children, three daughters and one son- Mary
A., Fannie, Ida and Henry J. pg.882
JAMES SIMPSON, deceased; father of Albert R. Simpson,
Sec. 34; P.O. Zwingle; was born in the county of Antrim, Ireland, May 1,
1876; came to Philadelphia about 1819; moved to Westmoreland Co., Penn.,
in 1837; came to Iowa in 1854. Was married May 18, 1826, to Ann Bowles;
had ten children- James W., born Feb. 26, 1827; Washington, May 23, 1829;
Samuel, July 16, 1831; William C., Sept. 24, 1833; Hiram, April 14, 1836;
Amanda, Sept. 14, 1838; Mary A., Dec. 4, 1841; Harriet, April 22, 1843;
Martha, March 2, 1846 and Albert R., April 10, 1848; Mr. S. died Nov. 7,
1857; Albert R. was married Nov. 22, 1876 to Agnes Campbell; owns
120 acres of land. Is a Republican and belongs to the United Presbyterian
Church. pg.923
J.E. SIMPSON, Collector of Internal Revenue; is a native
of the State of New York, and was born in the city of New York Aug., 10,
1833; he grew up to manhood in that State; he came West to Iowa in
1855, and located in Winneshiek Co., at Decorah; he engaged in teaching,
and was elected Superintendent of Schools, and was very active in advancing
the early educational interests of the county; he was also elected County
Surveyor. Upon the breaking- out of the rebellion, he enlisted, in
1861, in the 12th I.V.I., Co. G; he was Orderly Sergeant, and was afterward,
promoted and commissioned Second Lieutenant; after serving one year, he
was obliged, on account of ill heath, to resign his commission; he returned
to Decorah, and, the following year, entered the Provost Marshal's office
and served as Deputy until 1865; then he entered the Internal Revenue Service,
and was Supervising Agent in charge of Iowa Minnesota, Nebraska, Dakota,
Colorado, Montana and New Mexico; he served in this position over ten years;
in 1868, a law was passed by Congress, limiting the number of revenue agents
or supervising officers in the United States to twenty-five, and Mr. Simpson
was among those retained in the service; after ten year service in seven
States and Territories, he was promoted and received and appointment of
Collector of the district, taking charge of the office April 18, 1878;
there are few officials in this department of the Government service who
have experience of Mr. Simpson. On the 7th day of July, 1860,
he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Rankin, a native of the
city of Chicago; she was the second daughter of the late Wm. Rankin, of
Frankville, Allamakee Co., Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have two children,
one son and one daughter- Charles T. and May W. pg.882
JOHN SIMPSON, retired, Simpson's Hill, Dubuque; is a
native of Yorkshire, England; born Dec. 13, 1811; he grew up to manhood
there and came to this country in 1838; he came to Dubuque and arrived
here July 4 of that same year; he engaged in mining; he has
continued mining ever since he came, a period of forty-one years, in the
vicinity of Dubuque- a greater length of time than any miner now living
here; he has been engaged in mining fifty-nine years, altogether;
when Mr. Simpson came to Dubuque, he only had two sovereigns; his
success in life is owing to his industry and good management; he laid out
Simpson's Addition, where he now lives; it is called Simpson's Hill.
In December, 1835; he was united in marriage to Miss Martha Lobley,
a native of Yorkshire, England; they have six children- Nathan, Margaret
R., John R., George M., Mary A., James T; all are married except James,
who is now in Cornell College; he is reading medicine; Nathan enlisted
and served in the 21st, I.V.I., during the war, and was also wounded. Mr.
and Mrs. Simpson are members of the M.E. Church.
N.F. SIMPSON,farmer, Secs. 20, 21, 28 and 29; P.O. Epworth;
born in Yorkshire, England, Oct. 14, 1838; to America and to Dubuque
Co., in 1839; has 140 acres of land admirably adapted to farming
and stock-raising, and, with characteristic energy is extending his business
and possessions; quite a number of years in his earlier life were spent
in mining, of which business he has thorough knowledge; before settling
on his present farm thirteen years ago, he had traveled extensively over
Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska; has made personal observation of
much of the Union; with patriotic devotion to the land of his adoption,
he devoted three years of his life to the service of his country during
the civil war, serving as a non-commissioned officer in Co. C, 21st
I.V.I., making an honorable record in the battles of Hartsville and Beaver
Creek, Mo., where he was wounded; the Red River and Atlanta campaigns,
siege of Vicksburg,etc., until mustered out with his command at the close
of the war in 1865; his first wife was Miss Azubah Welsh, of Virginia,
married in 1860, she died in 1862; his second wife, Miss Alice Hinde,
a native of Cheshire, England, married in 1865; six children- Martha Elizabeth,
Jane Alice Effie, John Thomas, Nathan Frank, Della May, Howard Lee.
NATHAN SIMPSON, farmer, Sec. 17; P.O. Dubuque;
born Aug. 15, 1828, in Yorkshire, England; in 1839, he came to Dubuque
Co., where he has since lived; he owns one-half interest in 420 acres of
land and smelting works. His brother George enlisted, in 1861, in
the 21st I.V.I. and was killed at the battle of Vicksburg May 16,
1862. Married Nancy Clark in 1854; she was born in Indiana;
they have one child, Mary E.; lost Thomas E. in infancy. M.E. Church.
JAMES SIMS, farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Dubuque; born
in New York, in September, 1826; in 1836, with parents, Alexander and Catharine
Sims, came to Dubuque Co., Iowa; was chiefly engaged in milling until the
last twelve years; to two years was at the Rockdale (then Catfish) Mills;
five years at Sageville (now Thompson's Mill), and then, with his father
built and operated the Sims Mill, in Center Township, until 1868, since
which time he has been engaged in farming, for the last ten years of the
time at his present place; in 1850, he went to California and spent five
years there, returning in 1855; his farm comprises eighty acres of nicely
located, well-improved land, with good buildings, etc. Mr. S. inclines
to the Presbyterian faith in religion; to the Republican party in politics.
Has held school offices, and is one of the present Trustees of the township.
His wife, nee Miss Malinda Sutherland, daughter of Martin and Mary
Sutherland, came with her parents from her native State of Illinois, to
Scott Co., Iowa, in 1837, when 10 years of age; thence they removed to
Dubuque Co. in the spring of 1845; her mother died March 28, 1873;
her father, for the past four years has lived in California; Mr. and Mrs.
Sims have seven children living- Mary E., Herbert R., Malinda, Katie, Maggie,
Alice, Allene and Edgar E.; one child, James, deceased.
J.P. SKAHILL, proprietor of the only strictly grocery
store in Cascade; was born in Dubuque June 1, 1850; left Dubuque with his
parents when he was less than 3 years old; lived at home till 22 years
of age. Married in Cascade, June 12, 1871, to Miss Ann Kenny;
they have had four children, three of whom still live-Mary, Jane,Martha
(died in infancy), Callista. He was three years in the cabinet business
with N. Takes; then he clerked for John Reddin till the fall of 1877, then
he started a grocery which does not include liquors; he is, by common report,
a moral, law-abiding citizen. Is a Democrat; both are Catholics.
JAMES SLONE, farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Dubuque; born
March 19, 1812, in Lincoln Co., Ky.; when about 4 years old, his parents
came with his to Edwardsville, Illl.; the following year they came to St.
Charles, Mo.; in 1819, they came to Fountain Ferry, now Alton, Ill.; he
then, with his father, ran the ferry; there was but one house there at
that time; in 1834, he came to Dubuque, and attended the ferry here till
1839; there were but five stores here then; in 1840, he came to his present
farm; he now owns 320 acres of land, which he has improved. Married
J. Gilbert in 1841; she was born in Marion Co., Mo.; had six children,
five of whom are living- Elizabeth S., Ellen, Martha, John and Sarah; Susan
died June 19, 1860, aged 7 years. pg.971
JOHN S. SMEAD, farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Peosta; born in Wisconsin
Feb. 14, 1838; came to Dubuque Co. in 1866; lived nine years in the city
of Dubuque, since then on his beautifully located stock farm of 240 acres,
near Peosta. He was marrried, on the 29th of August, 1872, to Mary
E. Rider, a native of Dubuque Co.; has three children- Cornelia B.,
Horace G. and Helen; Mr. Smead's father, John S., came from St. Louis to
Galena mines in 1827, when there were no white settlements west of Dodgeville,
Wis., and the family, having lived in the vicinity of Dubuque ever since,
are properly ranked among the earliest pioneers of this locality.
EDWIN SMEDLEY, master mechanic of the Chicago, Clinton,
Dubuque & Minnesota Railroad; is a native of England, and was born
in the city of Manchester Nov. 22, 1840; he came to the United States
in 1853, and served an apprenticeship of four years in Wooster, Wayne,
Co., Ohio, as mechanical engineer. Upon the breaking-out of the rebellion,
he enlisted April 15, 1861, in Co. E, 4th Ohio V.I. and served three months;
then re-enlisted for three year in the same regiment; after serving nineteen
months, he was transferred to Battery A, of the 4th U.S. Artillery; he
was in the battled of Rich Mountain, Malvern Hill, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg,
Gettysburg, and the Wilderness campaign, and others; he served over three
years, and returned to Ohio; in 1865, he came to Illinois, and in January,
1873, he came to Dubuque, and became general foreman of the railroad shops;
in 1875, he was appointed to his present position of master mechanic; his
profession is mechanical engineer and draughtsman. He is a member
of the Masonic Fraternity and the Order of I.O.O.F. Mr. Smedley
was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Cobb, a native
of Pennsylvania, April 3, 1865; they have had three children, only
one of whom survives, a daughter-Lillian. pg.883
C.A.SMITH, school teacher, Dyersville; born July 21,
1843, in Rhenish Prussia; in 1853, came with his parents to Chicago, and
there received his first English schooling; in 1861,came to Dubuque Co.;
in 1872, he commenced teaching in Delaware Co., and has been engaged in
teaching since. Married Mary M. Limback Jan. 11, 1875; she was born
in Lyons, Iowa; have three children-Jenofova, Lawrence C., and Anna S.;
Catholic. pg.946
DWIGHT T. SMITH , of the firm of M.M. Walker &
Co.,commission merchant and dealers in oil, foreign and domestic fruits,
and grain, Nos. 242 to 248 Main street; is a native of Windham Co.,
Vt., and was born Feb. 14, 1845; he came West to Dubuque in 1865; in 1871,
he entered the large commission house of M.M. Walker, and remained there
until September, 1879, when he became a member of the firm. He holds
the position of Major of the 1st Calvary I.N.G. Mr. Smith was united
in marriage, April 8, 1868, to Miss E.M.Boyce, a native of
Washington Co., Vt.; she is a lady well known in literary circles- a contributor
to several papers; writes under the nom de plume of "Maud Meredith;" she
is now in New York, having been solicited to take charge of the literary
department of several papers. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have one daughter-
Georgie G., and have lost one son, Dwight E. pg.883
PG. 953
G.B. SMITH, foreman car-shops Illinois Central Railroad,
Dubuque; is a native of Bridgeport, Conn., and was born April
11, 1814; he grew up to manhood and learned his trade of carpenter
and joiner; in 1854, he came West to Chicago, and became connected with
the Illinois Central Railroad; in the spring of 1855, he came to Dunleith,
and since then has lived there; he built the first house erected on the
bluff there. He entered the employ of the old Housatonic Railroad
in 1839, and has been connected with the Illinois Central Railroad
twenty-five years. He has held school offices, and served as Alderman
and Justice of the Peace. In 1855, he married Miss Sallie
Sherman, from Newton, Conn.; they have four children- Abbie J., Julius
M., Mary F. and Ada L. pg.883
JOHN M. SMITH, painter, No. 153 Seventh street, Dubuque;
is a native of Westmoreland, England, and was born in 1834;
his parents came to America when he was very young, and grew up in Ohio;
he came to Iowa in 1855, and settled in Dubuque; he learned his trade here,
and since then he has been connected with the business; he is one of the
oldest painters in Dubuque. In August, 1858, he married Miss
Curtis, a native of Cornwall, England; they have five sons and
four daughters. pg.883
THOMAS SMITH, butcher and dealer in fresh and salted
meats, Farley; a native of England, was born Nov. 4, 1838;
when 10 years of age, his parents came to America in 1847; they lived
in New Jersey and Pennsylvania until 1855, when they came West to Iowa
and located in Dubuque Co. After the breaking out of the rebellion, he
enlisted in the 9th I.V.I. Co. C; he was in the service over three years,
and was at the taking of Vicksburg, Atlanta, Pea Ridge, Champion Hill,
Grand Gulf and other battles; was knocked down by a ball, but not hurt;
he was in thirteen engagements; after the war, he returned here, farmed
two years, and, since then has been engaged in his present business; he
holds the office of Justice of the Peace; when he began life, he only had
$48, and his success is owing to his own efforts. He married, Miss Mary
A. Bazeley, a native of Wisconsin, Jan. 24, 1860; they have three children-
Harriet (now Mrs. King, living here), Emma, Martha M.
JAMES SNODGRASS, farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Peosta; born
in Harrison Co., Ky., Oct. 28, 1811; moved to Missouri in 1832, to Grant
Co., Wis., in 1835, and to his present location in 1840; has farmed here
since, the only extended absence being a trip to California, going the
overland trip in 1850, returning by water in 1851; he has a fine farm of
302 acres. Mr. S. was married, May 3, 1840, to Amanda Jordan; she
was born March 7, 1825, and died May 4, 1874; he has ten children, all
living- William H. (in Fremont Co.), Mary A., Harrison W., Eliza E. (in
Minnesota), Isabella (near Dubuque), Sarah O., John M. (in Minnesota),
Laura A. (in Fremont Co.), Charles A., Walter F.
ROBERT SNOWDEN, farmer, Sec. 2, Richland Township,
Jones Co.; P. O. Cascade, Iowa; was born May 9, 1809; his parents
were William Snowden and Elizabeth Allison, of County Monaghan,
Ireland; he came to America in 1829, and settled in Philadelphia, where
he remained till 1836. On the 4th of June, 1833, he married
Miss Mary Boyd, a native of Ireland; they have no children.
He came to Dubuque in 1836, and was engaged two years as a miner and smelter;
then, in 1837, took up a claim in Richland Township, Jones Co., where he
removed with his family the fall of 1838; he sold his farm in 1849, and
bought in Whitewater Township, Dubuque Co., where he lived eleven
years; in 1860, he rented his farm, and for ten years lived in Cascade;
in 1870, he repurchased eighty acres of his original farm in Richland Township,
where he now resides, he was born a farmer and has no desire for any other
occupation; he claims to have been the second settler in Richland Township.
He and his wife joined the Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia in 1833,
the year of his marriage. His great-grandfather was a soldier under
Oliver Cromwell. Mr. Snowden, in his early days, was a Whig, and
has been a Republican from the organization of the party. Mr. S.
is a prompt and liberal contributor to every cause of moral and commercial
progress; he was made a Master Mason in 1859, and is the oldest member
of the Lodge ar Cascade, in whose prosperity he is much interested, and
he desires to be buried by the fraternity; he is growing old, bur, being
secure against want, he takes life easy, being pleasantly situated and
having kind neighbors and many friends. pg.919-920
EDWARD SPECHT, Sec. 8; P.O. Sherrill's Mount; born Dec.
26,1836, in Dubuque; he own 120 acres of land, and is engaged in running
the ferry in connection with his brother Werner. Their father bought
these premises and ferry in about 1850, and it has since been known as
Specht's Ferry; he also owned about 1,300 acres of lad, which has been
divided since his death among his family; Mrs. Specht retains the
ferry and stand; he died Oct. 24, 1866, in his 58th year. The buildings
on these premises are valued at about $5,000, and the steam ferry is valued
at about $3,000. He married Louisa Felthouse in March, 1864;
she was born at Sherrill's Mount; they have three children-Emma, Frank
and Albert. Attends the Presbyterian Church; Republican in politics.
WERNER SPECHT, farmer and ferryman, Sec. 8; P.O. Sherrill's
Mount; born April 19, 1843, in Peru Township; his parents came to Dubuque
Co. in 1835, and soon after entered about 1,300 acres of land, and established
Specht's Ferry; he holds a license as engineer of pilot, and acts in either
capacity' he has been running on the river since 1852, at first on a flatboat,
afterward on a horse-boat, and now on the steam ferry. He enlisted
in 1864 in Co. E, 5th I.V.C., and served to the end of the war; participated
in the battle of Nashville under Gen. Thomas, lasting four days, also battles
of Pulaski, Tenn., Spring Hill, Ala., Selma, Ala., Columbus, Ga. and others;
was mustered out ar Nashville, Tenn., and received an honorable discharge
at Clinton, Iowa. He married Miss J. Albright Dec. 31, 1873;
she was born in Peru Township; they have two children-Hiram and Hattie.
Methodist; Republican. pg.976
JOHN SPENSLEY, farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Dubuque; born
Feb. 6, 1821, in Yorkshire, England; in 1831, he came with his parents
to Pottsville, Penn.; in 1834, they removed to Dubuque Co.; he owns 128
acres of land, which he has improved. Married Mary Cocker
on 1841; she was born in England; they have seven children-James, John,
William, Elizabeth, Emma,Mary A. and Allen. M.E. Church.
WILLIAM SPENSLEY, engaged in mining, residence West Dubuque;
is a native of Dubuque Co., and was born Feb. 14, 1842; his parents
were early settlers here; he grew up to manhood here, and engaged in mining;
he began working in the mines when only 8 years of age; he has carried
on the business successfully, and is taking out a large quantity of ore.
In 1873, he married Miss Sarah Beatty, of Dubuque; they have three
children- Charles, William and an infant son not named.
DR. JOSEPH SPRAGUE, (deceased), was a native of the State
of Rhode Island, and was born in Providence May 22, 1807; during
his boyhood, his parents came West of Ohio; after reaching manhood,
he began his professional studies in the medical department of Bishop Chase
College at Worthington, Ohio, and graduated at Western Reserve College
at Cleveland; he associated with Dr. Asa Horr, now of this city, and engaged
in the practice of medicine at Baltimore, Ohio; he afterward, practiced
medicine at West Union, Adams Co., Ohio, for four years; in 1847, he came
West to Iowa, and located in Dubuque, and again formed a copartnership
with Dr. Horr; they continued together several years; Dr. Sprague went
back to Ohio and remained there three years, and again returned to Dubuque.
On the 18th of November, 1855, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah
J. Burton, a native of the State of Delaware; she came to Dubuque in
1853. Dr. Sprague continued the practice of his profession until
failing heath compelled him to abandon it; his death occurred Nov. 20,
1878; Mrs. Sprague still resides in this city.
S. F. SQUIRES, proprietor Squires' Mill, Sec. 35;
P.O. Epworth; born in Connecticut Dec. 3, 1820; in the spring of 1855,
he settled in Dubuque Co., having before traveled quite extensively through
the South and West, spending some two years in California and shorter periods
in several other States; his first fourteen years here were employed in
farming; has been engaged in his resent business since 1869; in addition
to his mill property, he has seventy acres of land in Secs. 34 and 35,
Iowa Township, and Sec. 3, Taylor Township. He has held township
and school offices. Religion, Methodist; politics, Democrat.
He was married in 1846 to Miss Adaline Pilgrim, a native of Massachusetts;
they have two children-Annie and Hattie; both are married, the former being
now Mrs. Hapgood, the latter, Mrs. Burrell. His son-in-law,
Mr. J. D. Burrell, has for many years been employed in the mill, and is
intimately associated with Mr. Squires in business; Mr. Burrell was born
in Canada Dec. 24, 1848; came to Dubuque Co. in 1862, and was here five
years; went back to Canada in 1867; remained there until 1870, then he
returned to Dubuque Co., and has resided here since; has been a miller
for the last twelve years; previous to that was employed in farming.
Was married in 1874; Mr. and Mrs. B. have one child, a daughter, named
Addie Dwight. pg.954
CHARLES STAFFORD, retired, , No 463 Windsor street, Dubuque;
a native of Northamptonshire, England, and was born Aug. 19, 1812; he came
to Canada in 1828; he came to Dubuque in August, 1838; in 1839, he
ran a flat-boat ferry for Timothy Fanning, the first ferry run across the
river from this side; the next year he ran Gen. Jone's horse-boat; he afterward
engaged in plastering. Mr. Stafford has lived here forty-two years,
and has been engaged mostly in farming and mining; he laid out Stafford's
Addition to Dubuque; he had nothing when he began life, but has secured
a competency. In 1855, he was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie
Pfotzer; she is a native of Galena, and came with her parents
to Dubuque July 3, 1833; they kept the first boarding house ever kept in
Dubuque; her mother is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford have seven
children- William, Charles, Jackson, Mary, Emily, Francis and Henry.
GEORGE F. STARR, engaged in mining; residence, Delhi
street; is a native of Dubuque, and was born Nov. 16, 1850;
he grew up and attended school ; after reaching manhood, he engaged in
mining; he, in company with three others, are engaged in working a mine
in West Dubuque. He married Sarah Eddy, a native of Dubuque,
in December 1874; they have two children- Milton S., and an infant son.
JOHN STEINER, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Centralia;
born in Switzerland in 1829; emigrated to America and came to Dubuque Co.,
Iowa in 1856; for a number or years, he was engaged in the dairy business
in Dubuque; after that, he lived for a considerable time in Vernon Township;
of later years, he has resided at his present location, and been exclusively
engaged in farming; his farm embraces eighty acres in Secs. 28 and 29.
In politics, he is identified with the Republican party; in religion, with
the German Presbyterian Church. He was married, in 1850, to Maggie
Gadient, a native of Switzerland; they have eight children- Andrew,
John (married and lives in Wisconsin), Margaret (now Mrs. Humke),
Lena, Rosa, Christian, Annie and Katie. pg.965
J.F. STEINER, of the firm of
Steiner & Parker, dealers in fancy goods and notions, ladies' and gents'
furnishing goods, 730 Main street, Dubuque; is a native of
Switzerland, and was born Feb. 18, 1842; his parents came to
Dubuque when he was only six years old; he grew up and attended school
here, and entered a store; he has been engaged in mercantile business here
over twenty years; the firm of Steiner & Parker was established
in 1878, and they have built up a good trade. In November, 1867,
Mr. Steiner was united in marriage to Miss Mary S. Humkey,
a native of Dubuque Co.; they have three sons and three daughters- Anna
C., Bertha W., Fannie A., Frank C., Clifford E. and John F.
T.C. STEWART, farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Dubuque; born
May 1, 1818, Lee Co., Va.; in 1831, he came with his parents to Missouri;
in 1852, he came to Dubuque Co.; he first visited this locality in 1835,
but since 1852 has been a resident here; he owns 142 1/2 acres of land,
which he has improved, and has erected very substantial buildings; he has
been about six years a member of the Board of Supervisors; has been President
of the School Board and Director; he is now Treasurer of the Board.
Married Mary A. Singleton in 1846; she was born in 1819 in Missouri;
they have four children- Dewitt C., John W., Ellen and Mary; lost Margaret
in June 1876, aged 28 years. pg.972
WILLIAM G. STEWART, President of the Dubuque County Bank,
Dubuque. Among the honored names of Dubuque's early settlers, none are
more worthy of record than that of the subject of this brief sketch;
is a native of Lee Co., Va., and was born July 10, 1813, and is the
son of William and Jane Stewart, both natives of Virginia; his early
education was limited, but later, through his own efforts of reading and
study, he has placed himself above others with much better opportunities
for learning. In early life, he had an ambition to see and live in
the Great West, and, in September, 1831, his father's family removed to
Montgomery Co., Mo., and he he accompanied them; in the spring of 1832,
he was employed by the Government to assist in the removal of the remnants
of the tribes of Seneca, Delaware and other tribes of Indians, from Ohio
to their reservations, about one hundred miles above Little Rock, Ark.;
having heard of Galena and the great lead mines, he determined to visit
them; arriving in Galena in October 1833, he remained until the 10th of
February, 1834, when he came to Dubuque, which was then in Michigan Territory,
and returned to Missouri the following summer; after remaining away about
one year on account of sickness,he returned to Dubuque and engaged
in farming and mining. He was elected Sheriff of Dubuque Co., in 1847,
and held that office for six years; in 1856, he was elected to the State
Senate for a term of four years; he was elected Treasurer of Dubuque Co.
in 1869, by a large majority, and, by re-elections, he held that office
for twelve years; he is connected with the Dubuque & Sioux City, Chicago,
Dubuque & Minnesota and Iowa Pacific Railroads,and is active in the
development of the interests of the city and county; he has acted with
the Democratic party and is an advocate of its principles. On the
2d of June, 1842, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Caroline Wilson,
by whom he has six children. pg.884-885
PETER STILLMUNKES, farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Sherrill's Mount;
born Jan. 7, 1844, in Prussia; in 1846, he came to Baltimore with
his parents; in 1847, they came to Dubuque Co.; he owns 120 acres of land,
which was entered by his father; he has been Township Clerk, Secretary
of the School Board and Notary Public. Married Elizabeth Weiland
in 1867; she was born in Germany; her parents now live in Otter Creek
Township, Jackson Co.; they have six children- Anna Mary, Frank, Louisa,
John N., Catharine and Joseph.Catholic Church. pg.950-951
W. STOLTEBEN, merchant tailor and dealer in gents' furnishing
goods, corner Main and Fifth streets, Dubuque; is a native of
Prussia, Germany, and was born March 27, 1829; he grew up to manhood
and learned his business there, and emigrated to America; came to Dubuque
in May, 1856; he began working at his business, and has been engaged in
merchant tailoring since then; when he began he had nothing, and by industry,
good management and close attention to business, he has built up the largest
and leading trade in the city; in addition to his large stock of goods,
he has built one of the finest and most pleasant homes in Dubuque, and
is one of the successful business men of Dubuque. In 1867, he was united
in marriage to Miss Mary F. Hellman, oldest daughter of John
H. Hellman, on of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Galena; they
have four children- Frank, Willie, Paula and Bertha; Mr. Stolteben has
two sons, Rudolph and Anton, by a former wife.
A. B. STORY, farmer, Sec. 6; P.O. Epworth; born in Illinois
May 3, 1828; came to Dubuque Co. in 1841; has a farm of sixty-one acres
in Vernon and Iowa Townships, and is joint inventor and owner of a valuable
stump extractor, for which several thousand dollars; with of territory
has been sold. In 1847-48, he was in the Mexican war, in the 1st
Regular Infantry; he also served three year s in the late civil war, as
a member of Co. F, 21st I.V.I., being promoted to Lieutenant neat the close
of the war; he was engaged in the battles of Vicksburg, Jackson, Hartsville,
Mo., Port Gibson, Mobile, etc., being wounded at Port Gibson. Mr. S. was
married, in 1850, to Martha McDowell, of Missouri, who died in 1851.
He was married again, June 27, 1853, to Sarah Anderson, of Virginia;
has four children living- Adelia A. (now Mrs. Bradfield), Albert
J., Sarah M. and John A.; six are dead- Buell S., Norris, William, Aaron,
James and Paton R. pg.929
CASPER STREIF, dealers in wines and liquors, Eighth and
Bluff streets, Dubuque; is a native of Switzerland
and was born Feb. 28, 1834; he came to America in 1847,and came to Galena
the same year and grew up to manhood there; he came to Dubuque in
1869, and since then has resided here. He married Mrs. Mary Andrews
18, 1856; she is a native of Pennsylvania, but was raised in Detroit; they
have six children- Lillian, William, Ada, Ned, Stella and Selma Augusta.
FRANK STRINSKY, of the firm of Schreiber &
Strinsky, proprietors of the Key City Iron Works, Eighth street, between
Clay and Iowa streets, Dubuque; a native of Bohemia, born June 30,
1847; his parents came to America when he was 10 years of age; they
came to Dubuque in 1857; he grew up and learned his trade here, and in
January, 1877, engaged in the business with his present partner, Mr. Schreiber,
and they are building up a good trade. He belongs to the Masonic Order,
the I.O.O.F and Foresters and the Bohemian Mutual Association. In
1867, he married Miss Rachel Hunt, from Zanesville, Ohio; she died
in August 1872. In February, 1873, married Laura Matthews,
a native of Bohemia; they have three children- Mary A., Joseph and Florence.
JOHN H. STROBEL, pork-packer, Clay streets, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, Dubuque; is a native of Bavaria,
Germany, and was born Sept. 19, 1825; he emigrated to America in
1844; lived in Missouri three years, and came to Dubuque in 1847; he began
work at brickmaking; then worked for Mayor Bush and Fred Weigle, all three
of them were bachelors together at that time; in 1853, he engaged in
business for himself in packing port, in a small way, and had a candle
factory; he did a large business in manufacturing candles during the war;
he took George Rath in partnership with him and the firm of Strobel &
Rath carried on the business for sixteen years, and since then he has continued
business alone. During the war, he was chosen Treasurer of the draft fund
for the Second Ward, and was active in recruiting men for the war; he has
held various church offices. When Mr. Strobel began life he had nothing,
and he owes his success to his own efforts and good management. An
August, 1853, he married Miss Eliza Benner, a native of Switzerland;
they have six children- Emelia E., Andrew, Rosalie, Caroline, John E. and
Charles A. pg.885
DR. O. STUART, physician and surgeon, Sec. 25;
P.O. Cottage Hill; was born Aug. 10, 1848, in Dubuque Co.; in 1869, he
commenced the study of medicine with Dr. McKinzie, and graduated at the
Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, in 1872; he then removed to Davis
Co., and commenced practicing; remained there about six months, and then
removed to his present locality, where he has been practicing since.
He is Township Clerk and Secretary of the School Board. Married Miss
Schoonover in 1873; she was born in Iowa; they have two children- Nellie
and Olive. Republican. pg.960
MRS. MARY A. STUART, Sec. 35; P.O. Cottage Hill;
she was born Jan. 2, 1821, in Pennsylvania; she came to Dubuque Co. with
her parents in 1839; she is the widow of Moses Stuart, who was born
Nov. 11, 1811 in New Hampshire; when a boy, he came, with his parents,
to Maine; in 1839, he came to Dubuque Co. He was married to Miss
A. Glew Feb. 18, 1841; he died in September 1878; they had eleven children,
nine living- Adaline, Elvira, Orren, Ellen, Summer, Moses, Mary, Ansel,
Alvin, Oliver (enlisted in 1862, in Co. C. 21st I.V.I., and died June 17,
1863, of disease contracted in the army), Olive (died in 1870, aged 3 years).
She owns about three hundred acres of land. pg.960
JOHN STURGEON, of the firm of Lawther
& Sturgeon, dealers in dry goods and clothing, 145 Main street,
Dubuque; is a native of Ireland and was born in County Down June
27, 1848; he emigrated to America in 1862, and came to Dubuque
the same year, and entered his uncle's store as clerk; he associated with
Mr. Lawther, and succeeded his uncle in their present business, and they
have a large trade. pg.886
MARK SULLIVAN, farmer and President of the Board of Supervisors
of Dubuque Co.; Sec. 31; P.O. Ballyclough; is a native of Dubuque
Co, and was born in 1840; his parents came here in 1835, and were among
the first settlers; he grew up and attended school here, and, after reaching
manhood, engaged in farming; he is the oldest of nine children, and he
has the management of the estate, which consists of 480 acres of land,
also city property. Mr. Sullivan was elected County Supervisor in
1875, and has held the office for the past five years, and has been twice
elected President of the Board; he has also held the offices of Town Clerk,
Assessor and Town Trustee. pg.886
PETER SUMMERS, Cascade; son of Levi Summers and
Lydia Elmore was born January 19, 1807, in Green County, Ky.; his father
was a farmer and the subject of this sketch worked at home until after
attaining his majority; in his 17th year he, with his parents, removed
to Sangamon Co., Ill., where they died; he came to Whitewater Township,
Dubuque Co., Iowa, in the spring of 1839. He was married in Springfield,
Ill., on Sept. 27, 1828, to Miss Polly B. Pantier, daughter if James
Pantier, originally from Kentucky; her father was born in one of the then
frontier forts in Kentucky, and she remembers hearing him tell that
when a mere lad he ate some wheaten cakes or bread, which he was afterward
informed was made from the first wheat ever raised in Kentucky; it was
ground by hand, or rather crushed with stones in the crudest manner, and
was sifted by his mothers' homespun nightcap; that was at the time
of Daniel Boone and his trusty rifle were becoming famous in the wilds
of Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Summers have been blessed with nine children,
all of whom are now living- Elizabeth, who married David Poole;
Harriet, married to Amster Cook, a soldier; Arathusa, married to
Price; Susanah, married to John Peters, Mary, married to James
Carl; Eady, married to pg.919
Eliza, married to Jefferson Goodin; James, supposed to be in Oregon;
David A., married to Ellen Macomber, and is a farmer in Cascade
Township. They have upward to forty grand children and four great-grandchildren.
He had 220 acres in his original farm which he carried on until all his
children were of aged, when he sold out and moved to East Cascade, where
he now resides. He still owns a small farm near Cascade, which he
usually rents; he also owns a brick business block on the main street.
In January, 1852, he went to California, where he mined until 1855, when
he returned, having bettered his condition. He has never desired
and accepted political office, although to his own business, keeping debts
paid, taking few risks, but faithfully meeting all the obligations of a
good citizen. He has been an active member of the Methodist Church
more than forty years. He and his worthy wife are passing to the
sunset of life surrounded by friends and blessed with a competency.
FRED SUNDERMEYER, farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Durango;
born Feb. 15, 1835, in Hanover; in 1856, he came to Dubuque Co.; he owns
117 acres of land, which he has improved. Married Mena Dietrich
in 1869; she was born in Hanover; they have five children- Julia, Mena,
Bertha, August and Dora. Lutheran in religion.
OWEN SWEENEY, farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Cascade; born
in Ireland in 1815; emigrated to America in 1840; stopped two years
in Maryland; removed to Dubuque Co., Iowa, in 1842; being on the the pioneers
of his locality, he has done much work in its improvements, and by industry
and economy has acquired possession of a handsome landed property; has
320 acres in Sections 9,10 and 11. Religion, Roman Catholic; politics,
Democratic. He was married, June 4, 1858, to Catharine Lawler,
also a native of Ireland; they have nine children living- Maria C., Margaret,
Bridget, Peter, Sarah, Thomas, Julia, Owen and Dennis; three have died-
Margaret, Thomas, and one who died in infancy.
JAMES W. TAYLOR, farmer, Sec. 17; P.O., Dubuque;
born April 9,1821, in Sullivan Co., Tenn; when a boy, he came with
his parents to Kentucky; thence to Illinois; in 1834, they removed
to Galena; his father being a millwright, he also earned his trade as well
as that of carpenter; in 1836, they built a mill in Tete des Mortes Township,
Jackson Co.; in 1837, they came to Dubuque Co., and rebuilt a mill for
Wheeler & Loomis, in Center; they also built the works known as Craig's
mill and Grist Mill, owned by John W. Gray, of Potosi, Wis.; his brother
Joel B., was licensed to preach in about 1840, and has been constantly
engaged in this work ever since; his first charge was the M.E. Church at
Pleasant Valley; he preached in the Centenary Church, at Dubuque, two years;
he is now located at Toledo, Iowa. In 1846, Mr. T. removed to Center
Township and improved a farm of eighty acres; this farm he afterward sold;
in 1867, he came to his present location; he now owns 160 acres.
He has been Township Treasurer of Center Township and School Director;
for the past forty years he has been Steward or leader in the M.E.Church.
Married Eliza L. Morgan in 1847; she was born in Wisconsin; had
twelve children; eight living-Emeline, Mary A., Landon F., Sarah E., George
W., Thomas, Ulysses H., Jennie and John B. M.E. Church.
HENRY TEGELER, farmer, Sec. 32; P.O. Dyersville;
born Sept. 19, 1852, in Quincy, Ill.; in 1855, came, with his parents to
Dubuque Co.; lived in Liberty Township till 1870, when he went to
Milwaukee and attended the St. Francis College till 1873, then returned
to Dubuque Co. and engaged in teaching school; he now owns eighty-four
acres of land on which he lives and cultivates. Married Anna Burkle
Oct. 18, 1877; she was born in Dyersville; they have one child- Cecelia.
Catholic. pg.946
JOHN H THEDINGA, (deceased) was the
son of Claus Herman and Follmina Margaretha Thedinga, and was born May
25, 1814, on the family estate. "Kloster Thedinga," near Leer, in the province
of Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hanover, Europe; being of a studious nature
and very delicate in his early youth, he was destined to study law and
for this purpose received a classical education; but, at the age of 18
years, when prepared to enter the university, he, being in poor health,
with the assent of his father (influenced by his brothers-in-law, who were
all merchants), resolved to abandon his studies and become a merchant.
In 1832. he went to Amsterdam and took a position in the counting house
of a brother-in-law, where he remained till 1835, when he came to the United
States to visit a sister, who had removed to St. Louis, Mo., with her husband
the year before; but instead of returning to Europe, as intended, he concluded
to remain here. He at first entered into business in St. Louis with his
brother-in-law, I.N.A. Bentzen, under the firm name of I.N.A. Bentzen
& Co., but soon dissolved this partnership, and came to Dubuque with
a young Russian gentleman, Mr. Konopka, with whom he opened store at Peru,
then a flourishing village a few miles north of Dubuque. They closed this
business in the spring of 1837. In 1838, Mr. Thedinga went to St. Louis,
but, in 1839, he returned to Dubuque and opened a store in connection with
his brother-in-law, Bentzen. From that time, he remained in Dubuque, and
was engaged in various kinds of commerce till 1852, then, in consequence
of injuries received in 1851, by which his sight was nearly destroyed,
he quit the commercial business. It was on the evening of Jan. 11,
1851, that this terrible calamity befell him. He was then in the
grocery and drug business, and, on Saturday evening, when he and two clerks
were alone in the store, one of the clerks, whom he had befriended and
given an interest in the drug department, in apparently his usual mood,
placed a lot of sulphuric acid upon the stove and heated it to a boiling
point' this he then suddenly dashed into the face of Mr. Thedinga
. The agony was excruciating, as it burned its way into the flesh and consumed
one of the eyeballs. Frantic with pain, he ran to the door screaming "Murder!"
and fell prostrate upon the sidewalk. As soon as it was discovered
what had been done, the most intense excitement prevailed; the bells were
rung, and all the town was called out to search for the dastard who had
perpetrated this diabolical act. He could not be found that night,
but next morning he was discovered dead in a stable in the vicinity- a
suicide by strychnine. Mr. Thedinga never harbored andy ill feeling toward
the man who had done him such an irreparable injury, believing him to have
been insane, though no trace of it had been discovered before. The last
entry in the diary of the man who did this fiendish act was "Strange that
I could do my best friend such a terrible injury.". In the year 1846,
he was married to Maria Louise, daughter of Dr. C. Koepfli,
by whom he had thirteen children- four sons and nine daughters; his wife,
two sons, and seven daughters survived him. He held several offices
of honor and trust; in 1844, he was elected Alderman, and re-elected in
1845 and 1846; in 1850, he was elected County Commissioner; in 1852-54,
Justice of the Peace; in 1858, member of the Board of Education, to which
position he was continually re-elected without opposition, and which he
held at the time of his death; in 1861, he was chairman of the Board of
Supervisors, and, in 1862 and 1863, Mayor of the city of Dubuque; he was
the first German Mayor of the city; in 1847, he was one of the committee
of twenty-five citizens to settle all land claims in the mining district
of Dubuque before the land sales. When the German Savings Bank (afterward
German Bank) was established in the fall of 1864, he was elected President
and remained at the head of this institution until his death. As
member of the Board of Education, he was for many years Chairman of the
Finance Committee, and it was to his good judgment and management, mainly,
the the school finances of Dubuque City were gotten in such good condition.
He died Dec. 13, 1876, aged 62 years and 6 months. We add the following
from the Dubuque
Times of Dec. 14, 1876: " In whatever position
he was placed, he was no passive figure-head, of the party that nominated
him; he was always a positive power, actively influential, and that always
on the side of morality, justice and right. When storms of opposition
came that others found it impossible to breast, he remained firm and calm
and steadfast. When others deemed that a little compromising, a little
temporizing might be the better policy, he asked only where the right was,and
then he took and kept his position. When others were carried off their
feet by some tidal wave of enthusiasm or rush of indignation, his judgment
was as clear and unperturbed as ever. Yet while so strong in all
the element of intellectual and moral manhood, he assumed no air of bearing
of superiority, his sympathies went forth not only toward all good and
noble things, but toward all mankind, making him ever genial and approachable.
His clear judgement and strong self-control was combined with the sincerity
and simplicity of a child. When things were going wrong in city and
county, in public or private affairs, in financial matters or school matters
or social matters, as the case might be, no one ever appealed to him without
receiving not only a kindly, but a cordial hearing; certainly wise and
practical suggestions, and, if possible, active assistance. To say
that his neighbors and acquaintances esteemed him is too weak and expression;
they loved him, rather. To his wife and children he was less a husband
and father than their genial associate and dearest friend."
N.H. THEDINGA, dealer in hardware, nails and paints,
679 Main street, Dubuque; is a native of Dubuque Co., and was born in the
city of Dubuque March 28, 1847; he grew up to manhood and received his
education here; he engaged in the hardware business in 1872, and is building
up a large trade. In May, 1876, he was united in marriage to Miss Louise
Ryhiner, daughter of Dr. Ryhiner, of Highland, Ill.; they have one
daugheter- Ilda. pg.887
N.O. THEISEN, proprietor of New Harmony Hall, corner
Tenth and Clay streets, Dubuque; is a native of Germany, and was born in
Luxemburg Feb. 17, 1833; America in 1855, and came to Iowa and located
in Tete des Morts, Jackson Co.; engaged in mercantile business and buying
grain for four years; then came to Mosalem Township, this county, and opened
a store; engaged in farming about ten years, then came to Dubuque, and
since then has been in present business. He married Miss Catherine
Noel, from this county, Jan. 29, 1861; they have six children- John,
Frank, Mary, Katie,Lena, Annie. pg.887
JOHN THEISEN, farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Cottage Hill;
born April 13, 1833, in Prussia; in 1857, he came to Chicago, thence to
Wisconsin; in 1868, he came to his present farm, consisting of 120 acres
of land. Married Anna Mary Schafer, in 1860; she was born
in Prussia; have four children- Mary F., Anna M., John and Catharine.
Catholic. pg.960
P.J. THEVIOT, farmer, Sec. 18; P.O. Sherrill's
Mount; he was born Feb. 26, 1811, in Prussia; in 1842 came to New Orleans;
in 1843, he came to Dubuque Co., where he has since lived. For a
number of years after coming here he had usually been called upon to draw
up legal documents and other clerical work, he then being the most competent
to perform this work. He entered 160 acres of land; now owns 80 acres.He
has held all the township and school offices. Married Rosa Kestler
Feb. 13, 1850; she was born Oct. 16, 1829, in Switzerland; they have had
eight children, four living- Oliver, Louis, Albert and William. Catholic
in religion. pg.976-977
MRS. HENRIETTA THOMPSON, Sec. 34; P.O. Sageville; her
husband H. Thompson, was born Sept. 26, 1873, in Kentucky; at the age of
about 10 years, he came with his parents to Missouri; in 1841, he came
to Dubuque Co., where he lived till the time of his death, which occurred
in December 1859; he built his mill in 1852, which is known as the Thompson
Flouring Mill; this mill is of stone and has a capacity of grinding about
125 bushels per day. He married Miss Henritta Challes in August
1851; she was born in Baltimore, Md.; when a child, she came with her parents
to Ohio; in 1848, they came to Dubuque Co.; she owns as individual half-interest
in 170 acres of land, with her homestead; she has five children-
John, Samuel, Gilbert, Harvey and Allen. Attend the M.E. Church.
J.W. THOMPSON physician, oculist and aurist, 153 Ninth
street,Dubuque , a native of Monmouth County, N.J.; when 12 years of age,
he came to Ohio; he attended school there and entered the University of
Michigan, where he completed his literary course and took two courses in
the medical department of the University and graduated at Starling Medical
College, Columbus, Ohio, in 1865; after graduating, he went abroad and
spent one year in London and one year in Vienna; after his return, he engaged
in the practice of medicine in Indiana for twelve years; he came to Dubuque
in February, 1879, and since then has practiced his profession here, giving
special attention to the treating of the eye and ear, and is building up
a good practice. pg.888
JOHN THOMPSON of the firm of L. D. Randall & Co.,
wholesale dealers in leather and saddlery hardware; is a native
of Chautauqua Co., N.Y.,and was born on Aug. 1, 1821;he grew up to
manhood in that State,and came West in the summer of 1854, and located
at Galena; he came to Dubuque in 1857, and in 1861 he associated with his
present partner,L.D. Randall, and since then they have successfully
carried on the leading and largest wholesale, leather and saddlery hardware
trade west of the Mississippi River; in 1876, Mr. Thompson was appointed
Receiver of the Chicago, Clinton & Dubuque and the Chicago ,
Dubuque, & Minnesota Railroads; the appointment was entirely unsolicited
by him directly or indirectly, though there were many applicants for the
position; he turned the road over to the bondholders after it was sold,
and made his final report in April 1877, and was complimented by the court
for his able management and the full and complete account rendered of the
same. Mr. Thompson in politics is an Independent Democrat; he is not an
office-seeker; he has held the office of Mayor of the city three terms;
he was elected in 1862; the following year, he was unanimously re-elected
by both parties without opposition, and he was again re-elected, and the
administration of the affairs of the city during that time was characterized
by great energy and efficiency; it being during the war, he was active
in lending his aid in raising volunteers for the support of the Government;
he is a great admirer and an intimate personal friend of Gen. Grant,
and during his administration as Mayor of the city, tendered him one of
the finest receptions that he had ever received at that time, and since
his return from abroad, on the 1st of December, 1879, he tendered him a
private reception at his elegant residence on Locust street, in this city.
In March 1843, Mr. Thompson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Marshall,
from Erie Co., Penn.; they have two children- one son- J. Frank, and one
daughter, Ella M. pg.888
BERNARD TIGGES, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Sherrill's
Mount; he was born in February, 1797, in Germany; in 1852, he came
to Dubuque; they own 118 acres of land. He married Agnes Linemann
in 1839; she was born in 1813 in Germany; have five children- Fred, Catharine,
Frank, Bernard and John; Frank was married to Anna Klein Feb. 28,
1878; she was born in Peru Township; they have one child- Mary; he has
been Constable, President of the School Board, is Township Treasurer;
he manages this farm; his brother Bernard married Catharine Utzig
Nov. 25,1879; she was born in Peru Township. pg.977
GEORGE L. TORBERT, Postmaster,Dubuque; a native of
Camden, Oneida Co., N.Y.; he grew up to manhood and received his education
in that State; he came West to Iowa, and arrived in Dubuque in November
1855, and engaged in real-estate and loan business, and afterward connected
insurance with it; after the was breaking out of the rebellion, he was
appointed Quartermaster, and served in that position at Camp Union during
the early part of the war; he was afterward commissioned Major of the 46th
I.V.I.; he received the appointment of Postmaster of Dubuque, March 25,
1872, and is serving his seventh year. He was united in marriage to Miss
R. Rockwell, from Utica, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1869;they have three children-
Horace G., Kate Kellogg and James R. pg.888
W.H. TORBERT, wholesale druggist, 576 Main street,
Dubuque, warehouse 445 and 447 White street; the drug business now carried
on by the subject of this sketch was established by Timothy Mason, in 1837;
he was succeeded in the business by P.C. Sampson; Mr. Torbert was
a partner of Mr. Sampson, and succeeded him in the business; Mr.
Torbert is a native of Camden, Oneida Co., N.Y.; and was born in
1845; he came West to Dubuque in 1864, and in 1868 located here permanently;
he carries on both wholesale and retail business; he has by his ability
and energy built up a large trade, which extends through Iowa in Minnesota,
Nebraska, Dakota, Illinois and Wisconsin; he gives special attention to
the retail prescription department of his store, and the perfection it
has attained we should expect for two reasons- the first one is the almost
unparalleled accuracy with which prescriptions have been put up by this
house; it being a fact that in 100,000 prescriptions put up in the last
twenty years, no error of an important or serious character has been made;
secondly, every patient and customer knows that their medicine will be
compounded with pure goods at the lowest possible prices.
JOHN TOUSSAINT, general merchandise, Worthington;
born Nov. 17, 1835. in Luxemburg, Germany; in 1852, he came to Chicago;
in 1865, to Port Washington, Wis.; there he engaged in the foundry business
about two years; this business he followed in Germany; in 1868, he came
to Worthington and commenced his present business; during the years of
1874 to 1877, was then dealing in dressed hogs and grain, as well as general
merchandising. Married Mary Miller Dec. 13, 1856; she was
born in Luxemburg, Germany, in 1837; they have four children-John, Henry,
Apollonia, Nick Catholic. pg.957
PAUL TRAUT, of the firm of Traut & Heer, dealers
in hats, caps and furs, and gents' furnishing goods, No. 559 Main street,
Dubuque; is a native of Dubuque Co., and was born in the city of Dubuque
June 27, 1850; he grew up to manhood and received his education here; he
was book-keeper in the wholesale drug house of E. H. Moore for five years;
in 1873, he engaged in the wholesale liquor business, firm Paul Traut
& Co., and continued for six years; in 1879, he engaged in his present
business and is building up a good trade; he is a member of the Dubuque
Sharpshooters. In April, 1873, Mr. Traut was united in marriage to Miss
Louise Jaeger, a native of the city of Dubuque; they have four
children- Nora, Frank, Louise, M. , Mary A. pg.889
HUGH TREANOR, retired, 190 Julien avenue, Dubuque;was
born in the North of Ireland Aug. 18, 1802; he grew up to manhood there
and emigrated to America in 1832; he came to Iowa and located
in Dubuque in June 1837, and was one of the early settlers; he engaged
in mining for several years, and then engaged in the grocery trade; he
continued in mercantile business about a quarter of of century; he has
held the office of City Alderman for eight years. He was united in marriage
to Miss Catharine Sherlocke, a native of the North of Ireland, Sept.
16, 1828; she died in 1860; they had eight children, six of whom survive-
Philomine, Catharine, Joseph, Elizabeth, Mary and Hugh. Mr. Treanor was
actively identified with the State militia at an early day, and was Captain
of the third company of militia raised in Iowa; his command was called
out and were under arms during the Missouri boundary line war; during the
Mexican was, eighty men of his company volunteered, and Mr. Treanor was
elected Captain, but before going into the field orders came for them to
remain here; as their services might be needed to assist in defense of
the British line. pg.889
ALFRED TREDWAY, of the firm Andrew, Tredway & Sons,
wholesale dealers in heavy and shelf hardware, 484 to 488 Main street,
Dubuque; is a native of the State of New York , and was born in New
York City 1817; he grew up to manhood and lived in that city and
State until 1851, when he came West to Iowa, and located in Dubuque;
in 1853, he associated with his present partner, Mr. William Andrew and
established the house of Andrew & Tredway, which has successfully carried
on the leading trade in their line in Dubuque for over a quarter of a century;
in addition to their large and commodious double store on Main street,
they have three stores fronting on Iowa street, stored with iron, heavy
hardware and carriage timber, to meet the demands of their jobbing trade;
they have a large and extensive business. Mr. Tredway was united
in marriage to Miss Elizabeth S. Taft, a native of Lyons, N.Y.;
they have five children, three sons and two daughters.
JOHN TREXLER, contractor and builder corner of
Jackson and Seventeenth streets, Dubuque;is a native of Bavaria, Germany
and was born March 3, 1825; he grew up to manhood there, and emigrated
to America in 1852. and came to Iowa and located in Dubuque in 1855, and
began working at his trade of carpenter and joiner, and has been engaged
in building and contracting for twenty- five years. He belongs to
the Pius Society. In October, 1851, Mr. Trexler married Miss Kate
Eichmann, a native of Germany; they have six children- Caroline, John,
Emma, Louie, Kate and Otto. pg.889
TRILK BROTHERS, ceiling and decorative paper-hangers,
house and sign painters, No. 255 Eighth street, Dubuque; Theodore Trilk
is a native of Dubuque, and was born May 3, 1852; he grew up and
attended school and learned his business here; he engaged in business for
himself in 1877, his brother being associated with him, and by industry
and close attention to the demands of the trade, they are building up a
good business. Adolph Trilk, of the firm of Trilk Brothers, is a
native of Dubuque, and was born July 31, 1860; he grew up, and attended
school and learned his business here; since 1877 he has been engaged in
business with his brother. pg.889
HENRY TRILLER, firm of Triller & Co., proprietors
of Thompson's Mill, Sec. 34; P.O. Sageville; born Feb. 1, 1846, in Hesse,
Germany; in 1866, came to Galena; in 1873 to Dubuque Co., and ran the Sherrill's
Mount Mill about four years; in 1879, he bought the Thompson Mill; this
mill has three run of stone, and has a capacity of grinding about 125 bushel
per day; Mr. Triller learned the milling business in Germany and
has followed it since a boy. Married Dorothea Loetscher July
7, 1873; she was born in Dubuque Co.; have four children- Henry A., A.A.,
Matilda M. and John O. Presbyterian in religion.
J.O. TROWER, farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Epworth; born in Indiana
Nov. 1, 1840; his parents removed to Linn Co., Iowa, when he was less than
a year old, and thence to Dubuque Co. in 1842; remaining in the city of
Dubuque five years, they then removed to Vernon Township; from there, after
a two years' residence, they came to the farm now occupied by the subject
of this sketch in the fall of 1849. Mr. T. is a member of the Christian
Church, and was connected therewith at the time of its organization in
Peosta and Epworth; is identified with the Republican party; has held township
and school offices. He was married, Feb. 5, 1863, to Miss Margaret
A. Earl, of Pennsylvania; they have three children- John, William,
Garland, Earl and Allen Rowe. Mr. Trower's parents were Garland Trower,
who died in Dubuque about 1845, and Jane Trower, now Mrs. Webster,
having married again in 1849, and removed to Shelby Co., in 1875.
Mrs. Trower is a daughter of Benjamin Earl, who died in 1857, and Angelina
Earl, now living in Farley, but will probably return to farm near her daughter
during 1880. pg.941
JOSEPH TRUEB, dealer in groceries and provisions,
corner of Eleventh and Jackson streets, Dubuque; was born in Switzerland
June 12, 1844; he came to America in 1867, and came to Dubuque the same
year; engaged at the cabinet and carving trade; he afterward engaged in
his present business. In 1868, ha married Miss Mary Gurthner,
a native of Switzerland; she died in 1875, leaving two children-Louis and
Annie. pg.890
MATTHEW TSCHIRGI, JR., City engineer, city hall,
Dubuque; is a native of Dubuque Co., and was born in the city of Dubuque
Nov. 28, 1850; he grew up and attended school here; then entered the University
of Michigan, where he took an engineering course and graduated in June,
1872; he opened an office on the corner of Fifth and Main streets.
In 1876, he was elected County Surveyor, and, in April, 1877, he was elected
to his present office of City Engineer. pg.890
M. TSCHIRGI, of the firm of Tschirgi & Schwind,
brewers, Dubuque; is a native of Switzerland; was born Oct. 25, 1824; grew
up to manhood there and emigrated to America in 1845; came to Dubuque in
the spring of 1846, and engaged in the brewing business; afterward, in
1854, he formed a partnership with Mr. Schwind, and they engaged in the
brewing business, building a brewery on their present location, which was
then out of town; they have continued in the business twenty-six years
without any change of firm; they have one of the largest and most complete
breweries in the State. In 1848, Mr. Tschirgi married Miss Kathrina
Zollicoffer, a native of Switzerland; her father was one of the earliest
settlers, and came here in 1834; he died in 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Tschirgi
have seven children-Catharine (now Mrs. F. Jaeger, of this city),
Marrhew (City Engineer of Dubuque), Louise (now Mrs. Jacob Traut,
of this city), John, George, Arnold and Frank.
A. C. TUCKER, farmer, Sec. 20; P.O. Pin Oak; he
was born Feb. 23, 1833, in Jefferson Co., N.Y.; in 1857, he came to Dubuque
Co.; owns 400 acres of land; he has been President of the School Board
and Director, Township Clerk, etc. Married Miss S.F. Floyd
in 1860; she was born in 1840 in Concord Township; they had three children,
two living- George and John; they lost Elizabeth, aged 3 years. Christian
Church. pg.960
L. E. TUCKER, farmer, Sec. 20; P.O. Pin Oak; born
Oct. 18, 1838, in Rutland, Jefferson Co., N.Y.; in 1862 he came West and
has been engaged in teaching school and dealing in general merchandise
at various points, both in Illinois and Iowa; he has been a resident of
this township since 1869; he owns large tracts of land in this county,
as well as in other parts of the State. He married Miss Fannie
E., daughter of J.H. Floyd, who is probably the oldest settler
and also the largest land-owner in the county; they were married June 21,
1869; she was born in Concord Township; they have three children- Martha
E., Nettie C. and Jackson G. pg.960
NICHOLAS TUSING, stock-dealer and dealer in fresh
and salted meats, 185 Main street, Dubuque; is a native of Germany, and
was born in Luxemburg Jan. 7, 1830; he emigrated to the United States in
1858, and came to Dubuque the same year; engaged in buying stock six years,
then engaged in farming until 1874, when he again engaged in buying stock,
and has contined in this business since then; he also carried on a meat
market on Main street. In 1860, he married Miss Connolly,
a native of Ireland; they have three children- Catharine, Margaret, Ellen.
L.B. TUTTLE, carpenter and builder, corner Iowa
and Fifth streets, Dubuque; is a native of Connecticut; he came West to
Iowa and arrived in Dubuque, Oct. 11, 1858; he learned the trade of carpenter
and joiner, and afterward he engaged in building, and has continued in
the business for the past fifteen years, and has built up a good business;
he has been connected with the Blue Lodge, the Chapter and Commandery,
and all Masonic bodies. He was in the army; enlisted in the 44th
I.V.I. He married Miss Julia Thurston, of Canada, in 1866.
D.W. TYLER, foreman of machine-shop of Novelty
Iron Works, residence, 709 West Fifth street; is a native of Massachusetts,
and was born in Worcester; he grew up and learned the trade of machinist;
agter reaching manhood, he went South and was engaged in putting up steam
mills in Louisiana until the was broke out; he came North in 1861.
Married Miss Harriett M. Freeman, a native of Cleveland, Ohio.
During the war he served in the Ordinance Department as Inspector of Arms;
after the was, he came West to Minnesota; in 1871, he came to Dubuque,
and since then for nine years has held the position of foreman of machine-shop
of Novelty Iron Works and he is a member of the firm of Grow & Tyler,
manufacturers of the turbine water-wheel which is acknowledged to be the
best water-wheel manufactured. Mr. & Mrs. Tyler have four children-Herbert
F., Fred W., Frank E. and Wilma Jessie May. Mr. Tyler belongs to
the A.O.U.W., the Knights of Honor and the Independent Order of Foresters.