August 01, 2004

It finally arrived!! By next week, we will no longer be living in the San Diego area and will be new members of the state of Arizona. We have our new driver's liscence and new address and all we have to do now is finish emptying the house on the 9th and be on our way the 11th. Hopefully, we close escrow by the 10th. We are getting very antsy to get this move on the road. We just survived the termite fumigation and one nice aspect of the fumigation is our stay at the Lawrence Welk Resorts hotel. Beautiful grounds and golf course. They had a kids fantasy pool that rang with kids swimming in it.
One negative is the weight I have gained due to the anxiety of this move and the difficulty it is for me to get anything done. I must get on a weight reducing program again when we are settled or I won't live long enough to enjoy our new home.
I won't be on line for about 3 weeks so this is au revoir for now. Doris