Work Schedule: Up-dated 4-5-01
I have given approximate dates of working on each item. These are just estimates and may change at any time!
1: Indian Costume for Kerry Schultz: On Hold
2: SMB boots and Trad English Saddle for Suzy Meatherell: Started
3: Lane Fox Saddle for Lisel Dalpe ?:
4: Western and English Side Saddles for Kay Holmes:
5: Classic English Saddle and accessories for Cassie Thomas:
6: Western Side Saddle and western bridles for Angela Clark
7: English Saddle for Ashley Slack
8: Deluxe Western Show Saddle For Susan Hargrove
9: Dressage and Huntseat Saddles and matching bridles for Simrat Khlasa
10: White English Saddle for Junia Sigsworth (maybe)
11: Miscellaneous chaps and accessories for Becky S.
12: Deluxe Western Show Saddle for Lisel Dalpe ?
13: Huntseat saddle and english bridle for Karen Taylor
13: Hunt Saddle for Marie Wennerhag ?:
I have decided to do away with the open/closed tack book method. I don't like it because it seems like some people who ask me about tack always hit the "closed" times and never get their name on the list. So, I will make a permanently open book. Email me at with what you want and descriptions. I will put it on the list. Be advised that if you are a ways down the list, depending on my time, it might be a while. I will then email you when I am ready to start your stuff and we can make final plans and details. Please don't send payment until I get back in contact with you. If you decide you have been waiting too long, or found tack somewhere else, please LMK ASAP so I can get you off the list and move others up. I will put a "start" behind the item(s) when I am working on them. I often work on a couple items at a time, as well and things for myself, donations for shows, or sale on ebay (although rarely). I understand that financial situations can change unexpectedly, if you are at the top of the list but for some reason can't pay when I email you (car accident, horse accident, just plain awful week, etc) I understand. It will then be your job to email me when you are ready for me to start your tack. However, if your name is there for 3 months after I contact you with no further contact or change, it will be removed and you'll have to email me to add it back.
For getting your name on the list, email me at . Please put "tack order" or some such in the subject line, because I get lots of junk mail and delete stuff that doesn't look important or is from an address I don't recognize. I think this method will work, let's try it! I also plan on attending BF this year and having a table in the Artisans Showcase, so drop by and say hi if you are there!
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