Welcome to the North Star companys of Bill and Jo.
Contact us at bsausen@bsausen.com

Take me to North Star Networking Systems

We provide Computer training with personal instruction geared toward the beginner. We make sure your computer is set to give you maximum ease and satisfaction. We make sure you are properly protected from all hackers and viruses. We teach you what you want to learn and do not waste time teaching stuff you really don't need. Everyone is individual in their needs and we make your training custom to your needs.

We set up your computor[s] anywhere you want them and we specialize in wireless technology.

Take me to North Star Fly Casting.

North Star Fly Casting is the parent company of Bill's Fishing School. Bill's Fishing school is for youngsters starting out in the Fishing World. We teach them all they need to know to be competent and safe fishermen right now. We teach every thing from boating safty to proper lures for particular situations. They recieve a correct fitting life jacket and a sew on patch designating them as trained fishermen.