The palaeobiology of the Writhlington trigonotarbid arachnid
Jason A. Dunlop
Department of Geology, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL
The morphology of the trigonotarbid arachnid from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian D) Writhlington Geological Nature Reserve is reconstructed, its opisthosomal segmentation determined, and its mode of life and palaeoecology discussed. Comparison of this material with other trigonotarbids in the family Eophrynidae from the Westphalian D of Mazon Creek and the Graigola Coal Seam, South Wales, suggests that all these forms can be referred to Pleophrynus verrucosa (Pocock 1911), which appears to have had two morphotypes, perhaps representing sexual dimorphism. P. verrucosa was widely distributed within the Westphalian D Coal Measures and supports the hypothesis of a single terrestrial faunal province in the European and North American Westphalian D.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 104, 287-296 (1994)
Author's comments
Yes the correct name should be Pleophrynus verrucosus, but hey, I was young and the ICZN doesn't win any prizes from the campaign for plain English.
So far
people were interested in Pleophrynus