Bet Ya Can't Guess who This is!

That's right, it's the Little Doc!
Be sure to run your cursor over the pics for captions.

My White Rabbit Coat. Age 1

At the age of 2, I thought laundry baskets were things to sit in.

I still thought so at Age 4!

My First Day Home from Kindergarten! Age 5!

Age 9. I turned into a plump 4th grader.

I was a Tomboy, Even at the age of 2!

Even at 2 I was up to no good!

I was a CHEERful 3 year old.

Look at those Eyes. I know I had to have been up to something! Age 3.

Yep, I was a girl scout. *nods shamefully*

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PICTURES of Me in High School!
PICTURES of Life on Critter Hill!