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Star Trek Page
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Computer Systems
Deflector Shields
Gravity Generators
Handheld Phaser Pistol
Holo Decks
Photon Torpedoes
Positronic Brain
Replicator Systems
Shipmounted Phasers
Tractor Beams
Universal Translator
Warp Drive

Handheld Phasers

The primary defensive arms carried by starfleet crewmembers are two types of small phasers. Type 1 and type 2. Both are high energy devices sized for personal use. Type 1 and 2 phasers convery stored energy into tightly controllable beams for a variety of application.

Phasers operate on a modified version of the rapid nadion effect. Rapid nadion produce a puled protonic charge in the heart of the device. A super-conducting crystal lattice stabalizes the fequency of the beam.

Energy is stored within a replenishable sarium karellide cell which holds a maximum of 1.3×(2×10³) megajoules per cc. If released all at once, is enough stored energy to vaporize 3 m³ of tritanium. At least good enough to take out a Klingon or two.

Shipmounted phasers

Phasers are the weapon of choice for sub-light maneuvering by Federation starships. Phasers (PHASed Energy Rectification) refer to the process by which stored or supplied energy entering the weapon system was converted to another form for release towards the target without the need for an intermediate energy transformation. Shipboard phasers are capable of directing 5.1 megawatts. By comparison the hand phasers deliver about 0.01 wegawatts. Upon command to fire, the energy is confined for between 0.05 and 1.3 nanoseconds by a collapable charge barrier before passing to the LiCu518 emitter for discharge.

Photon torpedoes.

Photon torpedoes (made operational 2271) have an effective range of 15 to 3,500,000 kilometers (9.32 to 2,174,799 miles). Variable amounts of matter and anti-matter are broken into many thousand minute packets. After release, the magnetic field sustainers shut down after keeping the matter/anti-matter isolated from one another (about 1.5 kilograms of each). Propulsion is provided by a multi-mode sustainer engine. Which is not truly a warp engine, but is capable of warp speeds. Trajectory changes are made by differentially constricting the sustainer exaust grills.

Deflector shields

Deflector shields operate by creating a localized zone of heavily focused spacial distortion. Within which an energetic graviton field is maintained. Any impact on the shields from outside result in field energy to be concentrated at the point of impact, creating a intense localized spacial distortion. Graviton polarity source generators are phase syncronized through a series of subspace field distortion amplifiers. Each generator consitis of a cluster of twelve 32-megawatt graviton polarity sources; feeding a pair of 625 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers.

Warp Drive

In the year 2061 Zefran Cochrane produced a prototype warpship. It worked by distorting the spacetime continuum enough to drive a starship at faster than light velocities. Described as a fluctuation superimpeller, they finally allowed an unmanned flight test vehicle to straddle the speed of light. Alternating between two velocity states, while remaining at neither for longer than Plank Time (1.3×10-43 seconds). The key to this technology was the layering of warpfield energy; each layer exerting a controlled amount of force against its next outermost layer. The cumulative effect of the force applied drives the vehicle forward and is known as Asymetrical Peristaltic Field Manipulation. Warp field coils in the engine nacells are energized in sequential order from forward to aft. The firing frequency determines the number of warp field layers.
Warp-1: 186,282 mps (c)
Warp-2: 10×c
Warp-3: 39×c
Warp-4: 102×c
Warp-5: 214×c
Warp-6: 392×c
Warp-7: 656×c
Warp-8: 1024×c
Warp-9: 1516×c
Warp-10: infinate (unattainable)
Although the Q continuum has been known to break this rule somehow, normally, there is a sharp upward speed curve as speeds approaches warp 10. The velocity increaces exponentially at fractions of warp 9 (ex. warp 9.3 warp 9.8)

Computer Systems

The nerve center for any starship has to be its computer system. It is responsible in some way for virtually every other system onm the starship. The heart of the system lies in three redundant main processing cores. Each uses miniature subspace field generators for faster-than-light operation. The core elementa are based on FTL nanoprocessor units arranged into optical clusters of 1024 segments. Those in turn are composed of 256 clusters controlled by a bank of 16 isolinear chips. Total storage capacity of each module is about 630,000 kiloquads depending on software configuration. Shortrange RF data links are available throughout the ship to provide information transmission to portable and handheld devices such as tricorders and personal access display devices.

Replicator Systems

Galaxy class starships carry two main replication systems on board. Food synthesizers and hardware replicators; food synthesizers having the finer degree of resolution because of the neccessity of accurately replicating the chemical composition of food stuffs. Also a number of specially modified food replication terminals are used in sickbay and in various science labs for synthesis of certain pharmaceuticals and scientific supplies. These systems operate by using a phase-transition coil chamber in which a measured quantity of raw material is dematerialized in a manner similar to that of a standard transporter. Instead of using a molecular imaging scanner to determine the patterns of the raw stock, however, a quantum geometry transformational matrix field is used to modify to a digitally stored molecular stucture.

Tractor Beams

Tractor beams are used to directly manipulate relatively large objectsin space such as towing another spaceship, or deflecting the trajectory of a small asteroid.
Tractor beam emitters direct superimposed subspace graviton force beams whos interference patters are focused on a remote target resulting in significant spatial stress being applied on the target. By controlling focal point and interference patterns, it is possible to use this stress to force an object into a desired trajectory.
A pair of variable phase 16MW graviton polarity sources, each channeled through two 450 millicochrane subspace field amplifiers.


Miniature subspace radio devices for landing parties and the orbital ship. The heart of this technology is the STA (Subspace Transciever Assembly). It works in conjuction with an analog to digital voice encoder and a low power subspace field emitter.

Universal Translator

Nothing more than a very advanced computer program which analyzies the voice pattern, then comparesit to a large database of known languages, then derives a translation matrix to permit realtime voice or data excanges.

Gravity Generators

The human body developed in a natural 1g enviroment and the need for artificial gravity became a priority soon after humans started to spend more time in a 0g enviroment. This problem is overcome on most starships by the use of a system of small gravity generators. This network is divided into four reigons. Two in the saucer section and two in the secondary hull. The gravity field itself is created by a controlled stream of gravitons, similar to those used by a tractor beam. Power from the electroplasma system is channeled into a hollow chamber of anseium titanide 454, a sealed cylinder mearuring 50cm in diameter by 25cm high. Suspended in the center of the cylinder in pressurized chrylon gas, is a superconducting stator of thorium arkenide. The stator, once set to the rotational rate above 125,540 rpm, generates a graviton field with a short lifetime actually on the order of a few picoseconds. All generators are tied into the inertial dampening field system to minimize motion shock during flight.