Song Now Playing: Divergence.wav

I Am Protector
Lokey Caliban

Thank you for coming

To The Lair.

I asks Only One Thing
That You Remember To Stay On The Path
For The Dragons they are Hungry!

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So lets get Started, Shall WE...

Lair 3 Lair 1

By: Gene McParland

Searching the night sky for the answers within,
where does the last atom of "I" end,
and The out there begin.

Deluged with headlines screaming with hate,
delusions of false grandeur
crime is on the rise,
makes one feel that we're approaching
the end of time.

Where are the flowers? Don't they still grow?
I see them through my window;
even smell them sometimes in the air.
But no one ever speaks of them;
like they just aren't there.

The world is in need of myths,
some quest of grand scale.
We need to dwell with dragons more
within some magical mist;
exploring strange landscapes
hand on the hilt of
an enchanted sword.

Deep within the I that is Me,
it is hard to have a clear vision
of what life really is.
Is the world really one of grim headlines?
Can't my spirit be free?

So I'll choose mists and dragons;
a quest in search of Truth.
Then when I cast my vision into
the starry night,
it really won't matter where any
atom begins or ends
as long as I can flow and be free.


By: Gene McParland

Past the dragon's gate I go.
Through the marsh of red blood
I venture into the vale of soft sweetness,
where I rest,
savoring the pulsating warmness
that penetrates deep into my breast
to touch my very essence.

Eyes closed, yet I know that
other eyes probe deep to my soul.
My quest undaunted, I begin to probe
Does this sweet darkness open to the
core of another's soul?.

Songs begin, a melody that brings to life
The wild reveler within me.
I begin to dance, a leaping crazy bolero.
Dragon coils encompass my form
as my life dance takes on many forms.

In fierce passion, I thrust my lance
A blind deep lunge that releases my

Coils relax and release my exhausted form.
The dragon is gone; replaced by my lover's
true form.

Eyes meet on the ebbing heartbeats.
The haze disperses.
Once again the dragon's lair has been
breached, and one of
Life's secrets is seen in a vision.
