Chronicle of the Dragon Heart
DragonMeadhan's profile

About Me

My name is Dragon Meadhan, and this is my story. I was born in the year 1499, yet I am not an immortal like my friend Griffin McGregor. At the age of 20, I left my home seeking adventure and along the way I met Griffin. He and I became close, like brothers, and he taught me how to fight even better than before. One day, he presented me with a sword and told me it's name was Crystallis. He also told me of his immortality and how there were others like him, both goodand evil, then he told me that Crystallis was a gift to him from an Immortal Sorcerer, Griffin never used the sword though, so he gave it to me. As soon as I touched it's hilt, I knew this sword was for me, it protected me well through the years and I also noticed that I wasn't getting any older. I found that I could heal faster and was stronger than before. I aso noticed that I could launch massive amounts of energy from it. Griffin and I stayed together and he trained me, as best he could, in the usage of such power, but I left him for a short time and decided to travel. In my travels, I went to England and Spain, Ireland and Japan. In my travels, I developed many skills, such as learning to control my energy waves, being able to heal a person's injuries with an energy transference technique, as well as spending some time as an apothecary's apprentice. One day during my travels, I came across a tavern, known as Nia's. There I reunited with my "brother" Griffin, as I said before, we were close, like family. I found that he had married and had found a mysterious pendant similiar to a yin-yang symbol, only it was golden and two dragons. He had been told that it had mystical properties and it needed protection, so he split the Dragons and gave me one. then after a short time he found out that the immortal responsible for his pre-mature immortality was still alive, but what he didn't know was that this immortal was under a Dark Quickening. Griffin won the fight, but the Dark Quickening sunk in quickly, he had his wife give me his half of the pendant and then waited on Holy Ground for me to come to discuss his future, I found a way to get rid of the evil, without killing him, so I helped him face the darkness and was pleased that he won. He refused to accept his Dragon back, so now I am the sole Guardian of the Double Dragon. I've learned that the power consists of two parts: Power of Body and Power of Soul. Power of body give strength of steel, nigh invulnerability. Power of soul is basically becoming a bodiless ghost, or more to the point, a shadow-like being. I also recently have met up with a lovely young woman by the name of Leilani Sheila, we have been engaged for a few months now and are planning a marriage soon. I discovered that she was also the Princess of Avalon and her brother, Lehti, was the Prince and in charge of their clan. I was sworn in by her and then by her brother and now am a defender of all that is good, as well as guardian of the Dragons. Lehti has agreed to train me as my powers have began to grow.

A new chapter has opened in the life of Dragon. First, we must go back a few months to the day before his wedding. He and Leilani had been planning this joyous occasion for months on end, wanting everything perfect. Things were going great until the week of the wedding, he was called away, back to his homeland, there was something vile and corrupt threatening it, and he was summoned back to stop it. He thought there would be a chance of making it back in time for the wedding, but when he returned to the Tavern, he found nothing but ruins where the Tavern once stood. The friends he held strong ties with were gone, he couldn't tell if anyone was killed by the destruction, but he didn't think anyone there could've survived being inside when it was destroyed. The bond he held with his Love and new clan was very weak, so much that he could barely feel them, so he found himself alone, without any family or friends, once again. After walking around the area for a few days, trying to pick up on any clues to the whereabouts of his family or anyone he knew, he decided to move on. He traveled for a few months and grew accustomed to being alone again, but he still stopped in small towns for supplies and did some socializing. Then one day, he stopped at an Inn, there is where the new chapter picks up. While at this Inn, he has made new friends and has found a need for a clan like the one that he was once a part of, to rid the Inn of evil and corruption. So he began contacting various people, telling them of the clan he was in and asking them to join him, under a new clan. He calls it the Golden Dragon Clan. It is sworn to protect the weak, defend the innocent, and become evil's worst nightmare made reality. He recently discovered that he had the ability to bond, much like he had been at one time through the Red Scorpion clan. He had discovered it shortly after healing a young woman that was near death. He decided shortly afterwards that if he could do it through healing, maybe he could use Crystallis to help him do it without having to heal a person, thus forming the new clan. Now that he knows the how and the why of the problem, he has begun its solution. He know seeks people with a good heart to stand against evil with him and fight with everything they have to eliminate it from the Inn, or anyplace they may be summoned to. All members of the Clan will gain certain talents as a result of the bond. Some of the things include always knowing were other members are and can sense their presence at certain distances. (mainly upon entry into the Inn or something along those lines) Also, they will develop a small amount of telepathy, if they don't already have it, thus enabling them to speak to other members in a more private manner. The bond acts as sort of a conscience-strengthener. It heightens the sense of right and wrong, as well as intensifies the person's desire to help someone in need. The mark of the Clan is a Golden Dragon in a diving position, as well as a silver ring with a golden dragon inset. Any who wear those marks will be compelled to help all who need it and fight the good fight with all that they are.

Dragon and Seerah


I also have a pet fire-lizard that I was given during one of my travel, being that I went to Pern. She is rough 30 inches long, and is very friendly, at time. Leilani, my wife to be, is a beautiful woman and she loves Seerah as well.


I will try to work on this part some more in the future.



I like swimming, fishing, and role-playing in Nia's Tavern on the WBS.

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