Pet Heaven

Do you love an animal? Well, I do
Even though they eat many a shoe
I used to wonder where mine'd go
When life finally brought her to her final low.

Until one night I had a dream
And there I saw a land I deem
To be a grand paradise of rest
For those great animals God has blessed.

I saw them running to and fro
Like puppies, always on the go.
Big dogs, little dogs, old dogs, young,
Laughing with their wet red tongue.

I saw my dog Rex, and Fluffy my cat
Who never in life together sat
Lying together by a bush of rose
With Fluffy grooming Rex's nose.

What I saw there made me laugh
And act real stupid, like I was daft
I turned to look at He who was
Master of this great land of awes.

I felt a love, like none I've know,
Sweep over me like something blown.
It was not wind but something close
That made me want another dose.

I tried to look upon His face
To thank him greatly for his grace.
But He shone too brightly for me to see
And I fell falling down on one knee.

He said "My child, what you have seen
Has hopefully made you much more keen
To all my animals down on Earth
Who still have heart and home and hearth.

What you see is what is real
No matter what your head may feel;
I've given you a glimpse of where your pets will go
When your life finally brings them to "their final low."

And with that, I awoke, in a fresh new morning
And grabbed my dog and gave her a warning
That she be a good dog and what a land she would see
And, you know, I think she understood me.

By Sarah Pearson
