Welcome to my LGB resources page. I started coming out about a year ago, and have found that the web is an excellent place to find info, mainly because it's completely anonymous. So, I decided to make up a little page of my very own with links to some great sites. Most of the sites I've listed are aimed at LGB teens, although some are just generally cool sites. Also, the majority of the sites are aimed at lesbians, but check them out even if you're a guy, because they have lots of stuff to offer. Oh, and if you have stumbled upon this by accident and happen to have a problem with this lifestyle, feel free to go here.

Tiger and Bear's Teen Shack-This is the greatest site! It includes resources, a message board, and pages of penpals (and if you want penpals, they'll post a bio for you), plus these two ladies are just very sweet : ) Be sure to also check out their web site which is incredibly well designed-read the jokes there, they're SO funny!
Homosexuality: Common Questions and Statements Addressed-This site includes answers to a lot of questions, as well as a section of stats on lgbt youth
PFLAG-This is a good resource if you're planning on coming out to your family. Includes a listing of chapters in the US and a few internationally.
Youth.org-This site (which is currently being renovated) includes lots of resources and some webzines for lgbt youth
Before Coming Out to Your Parents-If you're thinking of coming out to your parents, read this first
My Child is Gay-An article written for parents who are dealing with the coming out of their child