Welcome to The 8th Kingdom. I have divided my home site into several different pages for faster loading and easier viewing, so please click on links to see my other pages. This page is in constant update, so check back often for new additions. My links page covers the many other awesome pages I have found.
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My tale begins in Phoenix, Arizona, October 3, 1980. After the faeries left me with my parents there, I lived in Arizona for 3 years. Despite my short stay, I think I'm still a desert girl at heart. I love dry heat and really hate winter. I especially love jumping in a cold swimming pool on VERY hot days. I even loved doing that then -- my parents love telling the story of my riding my tricycle into our pool and my sister running and yelling "Mommy, mommy, Laura's swimming!" She was so proud of me.. of course, I wasn't swimming, I was drowning, and quickly rescued by my poor mother. Hmm, I wonder if it was coincidence that we moved shortly after?
Soon after we moved to Marlboro, which is in Massachusetts, the state voted most likely to be spelled wrong. I don't remember much of my time there, except the Willow tree outside our apartment complex that I adored, and looking for broken Robin eggshells in spring. Oh yeah and that one winter where the snow was over my head. That was cool.
When I was 7 or 8 we moved to Framingham. (still in Massachusetts) Here's an interesting fact -- appearantly Framingham is the largest town in the United States. I guess it isn't quite big enough to be a city. So I spent the next boring 10 years in Framingham, got a bunch of pets, switched schools 3 times, then homeschooled for a while. That's basically my childhood. Here's a picture of our little house all covered with snow.
I now live in Keene, New Hampshire, and attend Keene State College. I'm an Environmental Major. I've learned some truly amazing things which I'll later make a site about and link to. For the time being, check out The Rainforest Site, which is this site you can go to where you click on an advertisement to donate rainforest land for free! It's really great and you can do it daily.
I'm still working on sorting and scanning pictures of me, but for now you can check out what I have so far. picture 1, picture 2, Halloween 1999 (I'm a checkerboard), bday party, bday again, (the silly person in the background is my friend Erin, who used to babysit when she was little), birthday at the Butterfly Place, this most recent Christmas, another at Christmas, Christmas with family, Christmas dinner (don't worry; I didn't eat any of the ham).
I am constantly updating all my pages so please return later. :)
Any content, pictures, etc, on this page may not be reproduced without my permission.