July 3, 1996

It had been a month since Rach had slept over. The Hansons and my family had become pretty good friends. Their album was almost halfway done. We were going to have a barbecue on the 4th of July.

I was sitting in my room, reading the latest issue of YM. I was laughing hysterically over the "Say Anything" when someone knocked at my door. I went to open it. Taylor was standing there. Luckily, both my mouth and my mind were working together, so I could actually talk around him. I just couldn't get over how incrediblely hot he was.

"Hi! What's up?," I asked him.

"Nothing. I was bored. Ike's writing, and Zac's on an insane sugar high. So, I decided to see what you were doing," he said.

"Well, I was reading. But I'm going to surf the web. Wanna join me?," I asked.

"Sure," he said. I signed onto AOL on my second screename, White5065.

"Whaddya wanna do?," I asked. For some really weird reason, I beaganto get all tingly inside. I realized that Tay was only a few inches away. I tried not to think about that. I mean, why bother? There was no way he'd ever feel the same.

"Um.......no idea. You?," Tay said.

"Lemme check my mail," I said. I started going through my mail. "Yes! Finally! Geocities sent me my password to start my homepage," I said.

"Cool," Tay said. He actually knew alot aobut the web (@@ I heard he actually designed Hansonline. Who knows?@@) so he helped me create some stuff.

Before we knew it, he had to leave. After he was gone, I thought about Rach. I decided that, no matter how much it hurt, if he and Rach felt the same way about each other, they should be together. No matter how much I loved him.


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