June 3, 1996

It had been three days since we haad arrived in Santa Monica. Personally, if I hadn't gone to LA during those threee dys, I would have gone nuts.

Thankfully, the Hansons went there every day, so I caught a ride with them. It was hard to concentrate on anything, because Taylor usually sat right next to me.

I usually went to the mall, but today, I was going to see Rachel. Rachel was my best friend who used to live in Oregon, but her family moved to LA last year.

"Thanks!!," I called to Mrs. Hanson when she dropped me off at Rach's.

"Hi!, " I said, when Mrs. Loremal answered the door.

"Hello, Daisy. It's so nice to see again. You cut your hair!!," she said.

I ran a hand through my light brown hair which hung just past my shoulders. "Yeah, it was way too long," I said, "Is Rach here?"

"In her room."

Rach and I had met in first grade, and had been best friends ever since. We're almost exactly the same. We're both hyper. She just hyper all the time, while I'm only hyper at night. She's 5'6, like me. She's got green eyes, and light blonde hair.

"Hey, girl. What's up?," I asked, walking into her room. She was on AOL like usual.

"Hi! I'm so bored," she said.

" Can I look up someone?," I asked.

"Sure." She got up, and I sat down. I went to members, then typed in Singer13.

"Darn. He's not on," I said.

"Who?," Rach asked.

"This guy I talk to. Oh, well. Turn that thing off," I said.

"Ok, what's wrong?," she asked.

"You know me too well," I complained.

"Duh! That's why I'm your best friend. Now, what's wrong?," she asked.

"Nothing. It's just.. there's this new family at the resort this year, and they have a son our age, and well.....," I said, trailing off.

"Oooh! Crushtime!! What's his name?," Rach asked.

"Taylor Hanson, "I said, flopping down on her bed.

"Sounds cute. Tell me everything!!," she said, sitting next to me.

"Well, when we got here, we found out that the Johnsons had sold their house to another family. We went over to meet them. Diana, their mother, is realy nice Her husband, Walker, is bringing their three youngest kids at the end of the week. When we got there only Tay, who's 13, and Zac, who's 10 were there. I think Zac's too hyper for his own good. Ike, their older brother who's 15, was out. Wen I forst saw Tay, I swear my heart stopped. He's got these blue eyes you could spend hours gazing into, and hair that's so blonde, it's like the sun, " I finished.

"Wow. Sounds soo dreamy, " Rach said.

"You don't know the half of it, " I said.

"That's it.I'm sleepingover., I've got to meet him, " she said. I called my mother who said it was ok, and her mom said yes. Mrs. Hanson agreed to drive her back to the house.

Soon enough, it was time to go. Rach and I were waiting outside for Mrs. Hanson when she got there.

"Hey, Daisy! Guess what? We recorded a whole song!!!," Zac said. Rach looked at me questioningly.

"Did I forget to mention they're making an album?," I asked, knowing full well I had.

"Yes," she said. Then she got her first glimpse of Tay. From the look on her face, I knew I wasn't the only one who liked him.


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