
here is the most current list of adoptables at Siran. To give one a good home email Dani at MoonDrgyn today!

Name Rank Location Description
Corrente Weyrharper Siran Weyr N/A
Sirena Weyrhealer Siran Weyr N/A
T'lib brownrider Siran Weyr brown Xanith
Briallana MasterHarper ** She's about 5'7", 170 lbs. She's got short, dark hair and brown eyes. She's 45 years old. She's attractive and solidly built. She is a figure of authority in both her family and her Hall, and when she speaks she expects everyone present to be listening. She's very wise and practical - not one of those silly artists with their head stuck in the clouds. However, she is also passionate about her art and the management of her Hall and family.
Feiro Jman Harper ** He's 6'4" tall and 185 lbs. He has curly brown hair and brown eyes. He's 43 years old. He's slightly handsome. He has a jolly dispostion. He has many friends and enjoys nothing more than their companionship and that of his family. He is always going out of his way to make other people happy - presenting his children and his wife with special treats and presents. He's not particularly ambitious, and often refuses to make specific plans or procrastinates if his wife tries to force him to follow the plans she has made. He lives his life moment to moment, and stubbornly refuses to take it all so seriously.
Wendlin Jwman harper Fort Weyr 5'9" tall, 145 lbs. She's 22 years old. She is very pretty, with a nice figure - soft and feminine - in a matter-of -fact way. She's no coquette. She's got long brown, wavy hair, greenish-brown eyes, and a charming smile. She's very patient with foolish children and dragonriders and enjoys her role as a teacher. She's the type of entertainer who teaches everyone the song and gets them all to join in, rather than a soloist. She likes working at the Weyr, because the dragonriders are so freespirited and have a real zest for living.
Bilzoan app. harper ** He's 6'3, 210 lbs - stocky build. He has light brown hair and brown eyes. He's 17 years old. He's very serious, with a one-track mind. He is conceited, but not very popular with his peers. But he has a good heart; he would never hurt a fly. He's just very wrapped up in himself right now. He's devotes himself entirely to becoming a journeyman harper ASAP and a master harper after that. He wants to be the best tenor at Harper Hall.
Anowyd holder's son Fort Hold 6'2" tall, 185 lbs. He is 20 years old. He has curly blond hair and blue eyes. He's very attractive; he looks like a pretty boy and in response has developed a rough and tough exterior. He is a born leader - often leading men older than himself. If he lived in the USA right now, he would have been the star quarterback and head of the student council in his high school. He gets things done, yet remains popular among his peers. He's a traditionalist; he doesn't lead men to fight for change - just to keep to present order of things working well. He wants to continue being at least as prosperous as his father and his grandfather. He wants to make his family and his community proud.
Lormyn app. harper ** She's 5'4" tall, 130 lbs. She's 17 years old. She has dark, curly hair and brown eyes. She is pretty and voluptous. She is boy-crazy. She thinks male dragonriders are sooo hot - very masculine. She wants to ride a gold dragon so that she can have a bronze rider as her weyrmate. She wants to fight thread, and they'll both come home all sweaty and make passionate love. She is bored with Harper Hall. She believes there are no decent men at Harper Hall.
Green Weyrling 1 Firedancer class SW N/A
Green Weyrling 2 Firedancer class SW N/A
Blue Weyrling Firedancer Class SW N/A
Brown Weyrling Firedancer Class SW N/A
Bronze Weyrling 1 Firdancer Class SW N/A
Bronze Weyrling 2 firedancer class SW N/A

** personas must be brought into the south after adoption

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