Chapter 5

In the morning we all woke up. We were all pretty tired since we hadn’t gotten alot of sleep that night. So we all decided we should just go down to the beach, hangout there for the day, eat at Shorty’s *a sea food restraunt* , then come home at about 11:00 pm. We would get home at like 12:00 or 1:00 but we didn’t care.

Once we all got to the beach everyone threw off there shirts and shorts and ran into the water. I just stood there and laughed at them. As they splashed around and goofed off... I layed down the beach blanket, set up the umbrella, layed out all the stuff, then took off my shirt and layed in the sun with my shorts over my bathing suit on.

I hadn’t noticed but I had fallen asleep. After about an hour of sleeping I felt something wet and heavy hit my back. Then I heard a familiar voice “Yew Hew, Wake Up!”

I looked up to see Taylor sitting on my back waiting patiently for me to wake up. I smiled.

“What time is it?” I asked. “It’s 2:00 pm you’ve been asleep for an hour.” Taylor said.

Taylor picked me up and started running into the water I screamed “AHhhhh TAY!!! PUT ME DOWN!.....” Too late I was already in the water. My shorts were soken wet.

“Tay, I’m going to Kill YoU!!!!!!” I screamed, and ran after him, dunking him in the water. Zac and Isaac joined me so did my cousins. Once we let Tay catch his breathe he started to laugh. Then we all started to laugh. After that we rode the waves a little. Then I got really sick of slimey salty water around me so I got out.

Tay followed me. I turned around.... “Tay why do you always fallow me?” I asked kindly. “Oh, I’m sorry, I guess it’s just cause you so nice and attractive.” he said shyly. I smiled at him. “Hey wanna go get some ice cream and take a walk on the beach.” I asked to change the subject. “Yah, Sure That would be great!” Tay answered.

Chapter 6

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