Chapter 1

While Julia was walking home from school she noticed how gloomy it was outside... she listened to everyone chatter about what they would be doing that summer, where they would be going for vacation, and what days they would be going to the beach. She thought about how she wished she could have a normal life like all her classmates. Instead Julia lived basically alone... her parents were divorced, her mom was a manager for some talk show and her dad was a business man.. always traveling from one country to the other. She lived at home with nothing to do. She had alot of friends but they were always doing stuff with there families. Her dad always ordered her to stay at the house so he would know where she was at all times. She didn’t really like that. Well this summer she was going to Los Angelos to visit her cousins, Anna, Claudia, Sarah, Charlie, and Carly. She sorta couldn’t wait since she would actually get to leave the house, But she wanted to be hanging out with her friends at home.

Julia finally reached her house, which is white with french doors and really pretty designs all over the house... It is one of the biggest houses in Virginia.

While Julia walked up her drive way she saw her butler waiting for her at her aqua convertable... The car was already packed and ready to go. She hopped in and Roman (her butler) drove her to the airport. She said her good-bye’s. Then she got her ticket and headed for the plane.

Chapter 2

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