Welcome To Our NCCU
Sound Machine Booster Club
Home Page!

Post Office Box 72212 - Durham - North Carolina 27722

The SMBC Photo Album

Our SMBC Motto:

"Building a Strong Foundation For a Musical Future"

The Durham Chapter, of the SM Booster Club, will meet on every 2nd Wednesday, of each month, at 7:00 p.m. in Room #208, of the NCCU Music building, unless otherwise announced or specified.

For additional information regarding service and membership, within the Charlotte, NC Chapter of the SM Booster Club, please contact Mr. John Kinsey at (704) 568-6042.

Purpose and Mission of The NCCU Sound Machine Booster Club:

The North Carolina Central University Sound Machine Bands consist of the Marching Band, Pep Band, and Concert Band.

In order to assist the Sound Machine Bands in meeting existing financial demands each year, the Durham Chapter of the NCCU Alumni Association, initiated the Sound Machine Booster Club, in 1999.

Please consider becoming an active member or making a donation to the Sound Machine Booster Club. Yearly membership dues are only $25.00

All NCCU Alumni Association Chapters are encouraged to establish a Local Sound Machine Booster Club Chapter, within the scope and meaning of the official SMBC BY-LAWS.

In addition, we are asking each NCCU Alumni Association Chapter, to donate at least one new musical instrument, one uniform, or one year's Musical Scholarship to the band(s), each fiscal year.

Your contribution will be used to assist our NCCU Sound Machine Bands, in helping to purchase and maintain much needed band equipment, such as uniforms and musical instruments.

Your financial support will help to defer the bands' rising Out-of-Durham, North Carolina, performance expense and enormous travel costs, as our Sound Machine Bands proudly represent the North Carolina Central University "Eagles" all over the USA and world.

Membership Contribution Options

Please Click Here
To Pay Your SMBC Membership Dues or Band Contribution OnLine

Basic Membership $25.00 per year
Patron Member $100.00 per year
Band_Wagon Member $250.00 per year
Life Patron Member $500.00 life time
Student Member $10.00 per year

Sound Machine Alumni Band Registration

The NCCU Sound Machine Booster Club Officers and Staff!


Booster Club Officers and Staff Names and E-mail Contact
President Alan Fitzgerald
Vice PresidentMarilyn M. Clements
Executive Co-ordinator
NCCU Alumni Band
Rodney Jordan
SecretaryElaine Laws
TreasurerBelinda Staten
ParliamentarianAvis Hines
Executive Advisory Board
Durham Chapter
Dennis W. Ellis
Executive Advisory Board
Charlotte Chapter
John Kinsey
NCCU Office of Development Affairs Co-ordinator Tonia D. Butler
NCCU Sound Machine
Band President
Ronnie Chalmers
Sound Machine Booster Club
Membership Application
S.M. Booster Club Webmaster

P.O. Office Box 72212
Durham, North Carolina 27722

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  • Weather - Travel Maps - Search Engines

  • Director - NCCU Office of Alumni Affairs

  • NCCU Alumni Affairs Information

  • National NCCU Alumni President

  • Durham Chapter - NCCU Alumni President

  • NCCU Sports Information Director
  • NCCU Sound Machine Band Director

  • Sound Machine Booster Club President

  • Sound Machine Alumni Band Co-ordinator

  • Campus Echo Newspaper

  • Durham Chapter - NCCU Alumni Webmaster
  • Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

    The Officers, Members and Staff of the NCCU Sound Machine Booster Club, thank you for your visit to our web page.

    All former members of the NCCU Sound Machine Bands, are encouraged to join our current NCCU Alumni Band and Booster Club. Please contact our Alumni Band Coordinator, Rodney Jordan, at (919) 383-0650, for additional information.

    Please tell others about our web page and plan to visit with us again, very soon.

    Alan Fitzgerald
    (919) 598-0308

    NCCU "Sound_Machine" Booster Club
    Post Office Box 72212
    Durham, North Carolina 27722
    United States

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    Created and updated by Dennis W. Ellis (03-07-01)