My name is Cazzy

...well it's Carol really ...cazzy is a nickname that goes back a long time. I was 49 on the 10th December last year. I am marriedand have been for 10 years this is my second marriage my first marriage was a very violent one....I got divorced after 4 years because if I hadn't I wouldn't be around now.

I suffer from Spondylosis, Osteo-Arthritis, Angina, FMS,CFS and I am also profoundly deaf. I was first diagnosed with Spondylosis in 1981 and diagnosed with FMS in 1990. I developed Angina about 2 years ago and went deaf gradually over the last 6 years.

I also suffer from depression which actually comes with FMS and over the last 14 months with all that has been happening I have found myself getting very frequent flare ups of my FMS. My Dad died in October 1998 of Cancer he had lung cancer but it spread to his brain, my Mum died suddenly on 5th December 1999, she just gave up living ....I say she died of a broken heart she just couldn't live without my Dad.

I am still finding it hard to come to terms with but slowly life is looking a lot brighter, my step-daughter is due to have her baby in 7 days time and then this house will be very busy. She is only 18 and is going to be a single parent but she has decided she would like to stay with us than go live on her own.

Well I'm sure you all have some questions please don't be afraid to ask them I shall do my best to answer them all.
