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Annamarie's Story

This is my story....sad but true:(......my name is annamarie(annie)for short....im 40 years old....mother of 2 and grannie to 4:).....was married 21 years...most of them bad...divorced in april 99 after a 3 year seperation......have a new guy in my life since shortly after seperation.... im a medical lab technician 14 years now....i took a job 2 1/2 years ago in a small rural hospital in colorado......moved there and all was well....for awhile......took a fall in july of 1997 and broke ankel bone...was on m way to an emergency at 4am and could not seewherei was stepping....a hole in sidewalk thet i had complained about onprevious occassions...found me.....out of work 4 mons i think...went back...hurting but needed to work.....all went well......a nurse that i had beome friendly was having problems and needed a place to stay..so i allowed her and her 13 year old to move in withme for 2 mons....we became very close friends.....she was having so many problems with her son i guess i felt for her....we became fast friends...although she was kinda reckless....likes to push the envelope....i asked her to be my maid of honor in my then shchduled wedding......we planned....i paid...worked hard.....she bought herself a 4 wheeler quad...used...we all started to go 4 wheelin.....i did ride it once by myself...kinda scary i thought but hey im up for new things......anyway on weekends we would go in a large group and i would kinda sit and watch them l act crazy.......on this particular day ..may 2nd 1999.....a group of 15 or 20 of s went...i wasn't feelin very well but i went anyway...sat in lawn chair....drank a wine cooler.....karen and a group of friends we gone for a rather longtime...people went to find them in case there was some accident...after 3 hours they were finally found....karen had flipped her quad on top of her acting like a crazy woman....my however she was unharmed...but warned by everyone there that she was being way to careless and needed to slow down ......my boyfriend checked out 4 wheeler and made sure all was well........she went to play again......i was enjoying the day with my neighbors ...my daughter and my grandson.....but alas i had to gopotty real bad...and with te amout of people around and me still recovering from a broken ankle i needed to go far into brush to go......karen came back on quad....told me she was going potty...to HOP on...i said no way...not with u...ur crazy...she assured me that she would go at a snails pace....and just take me to potty......my bladder took over my senses and i got on....she immediately ripped out...i freaked ...asked her to let me off.....she would not lsten...just threw back her helmet....screamed u wil need tis more then me........i again asked her to slow down...let me off.....no go..........she went like a maniac...deep into the brush......she finally stopped......i freaked out on her.....we both went potty.......she promised that if i let her take me back she would be good.....she promised to take me right back.......she headed in that direction....slow at first.....then all of the sudden she picked up speed......i screamed and hit her to let me off....she took a jump over a big rock....we went airborne...all the while she was laughing.......we came down...my already broken foot hit the ground...snapped backwards under the tire in a spiral motion...i screamed from the worst pain in my life...she was still dving and laughing...she drug me 30 feet before finally stopping due to my screams.......then panic ensued.....we were in the middle of nowhere and i was quickly going into shock....she is an ER nurse...and an emt....i was dying and had to tell her what to do........she wanted to actually drive me down to help...altthough i could feel myself dying i was not about to let her move me...i made her go for help......as i lay there in the middle of the rockies....close to death...i thought of many things.....my kids ...my grandkids.....weird stuff.......what a place to die i thought........the pain was worse then death.......other emt's that were there came ....they had to stabilize my unrecognizable leg in a motorcycle helmet with an ice scraper......someone took a hair tie out f their mouth and put it in my mouth so i could bite down...the screames echoed......everywhere.....she was afraid she was n trouble...so she never called an ambulance...my boyfriend drove me out...inch by inch....while comming down the mountain i started to feel numb........my fingers and toes......i felt like everything was getting further and further away.........i realized this is what dying feels like......i was in shock BAD.........we finally after an eternity and after hearing her say its my fault 1,000 times...arrived at the hospital....most of my friends and collegues were on duty....i could tell by their faces that things were not good.......immediately they were making arraingments to ship me elsewhere...then i knew it was bad!!!!!!!!!!!...the look of horror in roberts eyes told me so much more.......they transported me......with tons of drugs on board.....next thing i know im signing relese for amputation.... doctor was scared to put me under because the shock was so profound......so i got a spinal .......i remember waking up....7 hours later to a huge massive left leg.......thank god .....since then i have wished many times that they did amputate......well the rest of my story goes.......karen came by with 50 hotdogs...80 hamburgers and i haven't seen her since.....she did however repair her quad he next week...bught a brand new one a few weeks later...and now accepts no responsibility whatsoever...........i have lost my job because ill never be 100%....im in the middle of legal battles with both her and my employer.......had to move to different state for ins coverage......no paychecks since may.......wedding cancelled.......cars being repossessed but most of all chronic pain in a leg that just won't heal..........i know this is long winded...have left most out...but i hope this gives u general idea......i suffer from post tramatic stress.....panic attacks.....leg pain...nerve pain....headaches....back pain.. .......and i also have a kidney stone......so on different days i have different pain......thats my story annie

ps:...about karen....what goes around...comes around!!!!!!

Nov 26,1999