~Marilyn's Story~

I started to have back pain in 1988. Every doctor did not find a thing wrong and I continued with pain. No one did any tests! One day I could not move and spent 10 days in the hospital-they found I had three herniated dics. As time went on the doctors did not do anything for me. It wasn't until 1994 that I learned to exercise for my back. My husband hurt his back and I went to therapy with him and saw what they could do to help. This was never offered to me! More time passed and the doctors did nothing. I would end up not being able to move often and would go to the hospital in an ambulance. I became depressed and who wouldn't-my life was miserable. The doctors knew I was depressed and they told me to see a psychiatrist. I knew my pain was real and lack of treatment was making me depressed. I had no meds. for pain,muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory. I went to a psychiatrist who gave me an antidepressant-this medication is used for chronic pain. I continued with severe pain with acute attacks.

One day I was real bad and crawed on the floor to call the doctor to ask for some help. he then told me that he could not help me,to go to bed and relax. What a joke! I had another doctor at the time tell me he could not treat me since my problem was depression. That made me feel good-not! I continued going to the hospital and on my last stay in 1995 I got some help.

I had a new doctor and she found that i have fibromyalgia as well as the back condition. She treated me with muscle relaxers as well as the other medication. My pain is real and having it treated helps so much.Yes I am still living in pain and feel depressed at times (which is normal with chronic pain)but it has helped so much to have a doctor treat me and let me know that the body and mind go together and I have the help when I need it.

All I can say to anyone who is living in pain-keep fighting to get the help you deserve. It is a long road to travel,but if I reached the end ,you can !too. I wish all the pain could go away for all of us. Since it can't we can always remember we are not alone and deserve the respect and help from the medical profession. My best goes out to many that are suffering and I hope that others can find the strength to take care of themselves.
