The Magick of Crystals

No matter where life's journey takes you,

you are loved,you are unique.

Tread softly on the pathway

there are jewels beneath your feet.

Aventurine is a lovely stone to wear over the heart as its protective qualities will ward off anxiety and fear.It balances the male and female aspects,lending to a sense of wellbeing and decisiveness.A good stone to motivate and encourage positive attitudes.Stimulates the muscle tissue.Strengthens blood.Emotional tranquility,positive attitudes towards life.CHAKRA:heart

Amber has a stabilising effect and can absorb negativity and in doing this allows the body to heal itself.Exerts positive influence on endocrine system,spleen,heart.Healing,soothing,harmonizing.Stabilizes kundalini awakening.Spiritualizes the intellect.CHAKRA(S):navel,solar plexus,crown.

Amethyst is often called the peace stone.It is a good stone for meditation and spirituality,reflecting the color of the seventh ray - violet.Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands.Blood cleanser and energizer.Helps mental disorders.Cuts through illusion.Enhances psychic abilities.Aids channeling abilities.Calming,strong,protective qualities.CHAKRA(S):third eye, crown.

Its name transmutes as 'water of the sea' and it was believed that wearing aquamarine would give protection on sea voyages.It is a very peaceful,compassionate stone,providing both emotional and intellectual stability and clarity of mind.It symbolises hope and happiness.Strengthens kidneys,liver,spleen,thyroid.Purifies the body.Aids creative self-expression.Excellent for meditation,inspiration,peace,calmness and love.CHAKRA(S):throat,solar plexus.

This is truely the stone for both the mind and the soul.It is excellent to use for cleansing and then opening the mind to higher levels and awakening psychic abilities.Helps body utilize oxygen.Facilitates clear meditation.Cuts through illusion.Cleanses mental body.Inspiration,creativity,intuition.CHAKRA(S):third eye,throat.

Bloodstone is a strength stone and a powerful healer for both the physical and non-physical body.A good stone to carry if you fel stressed or off-balance.Strengthens heart,spleen and bone marrow.Aids in balancing iron deficiencies.Stimulates movement of kundalini.Links root chakra with heart.Inner guidance,altruism,idealism.CHAKRA(S):root,heart.

This is the stone of plenty which attracts abundance on all levels,and is useful to have around you in business.Good for kidneys,colon,liver,gallbladder,digestive organs.Tissue regeneration.Enhances body's healing energy.Deminishes self- destruction tendencies.Raises self-esteem.Powerful alignment with Higher Self.Lightheartedness,cheerfulness,hope,warming,energizing.CHAKRA(S):navel,crown.

This stone is excellent for aiding concentration and study and for advancing the mind to higher understanding.Fluorite has a strong stabilising influence and balances both positive and negative sides of the mind.A great stone for meditation.Strengthens teeth and bones.Grounds excess energy.Powerful healer.Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

Hematite is good stone for the mind,enhancing mental capabilities and dispelling negativity.The influence of the iron has an energizing effect on both the physical and non-physical bodies.Activates spleen.increases resistance to stress.Helps circulate oxygen through the body.Enhances personal magnetism,optimism,will,courage.Slightly grounding.Powerful stone for those attracted to it.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli is a stone for the mind,to expand both the awareness and the intellect,bringing clarity and understanding.Used on the sixth chakra it can enhance psychic awareness and ability and communcation with the higher self.Strengthens skeletal system.Activates thyroid gland.Releases tension and anxiety.Augments strength,vitality,virility.Mental clarity,illumination.Communication with spirit guides.Creative expression.CHAKRA(S):third eye,throat.

This is a heart stone,balancing and clarifying the emotions and clearing away subconscious and emotional blocks.It allows one to become more intuitive and understanding and to move onward and forward from unwanted situations.Malachite has a strong calming influence and can instil a sense of courage in times of stress.Tissue regeneration.Strengthens heart,circulatory system,pineal and pituitary glands.Aids sleep.CHAKRA(S)Heart,solar plexus.


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