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Discussion Groups, Chat, & Support Groups

Queensland, Australia - The Eating Disorders Resource Centre- The EDTalk Discussion List
"EDTalk is an online email discussion list for people affected by eating disorders.
You don't have to be a member of the EDA to join, and there are no fees....."
Something Fishy Eating Disorders Chat
Many Chat Rooms for ppl with Eating Disorders, Abuse Issues & Family and Friends
Mental Health Communities
Food: Friend or Foe???
"I am not an expert on this topic. I am an expert on my life.... and that has included having eating disorders, and gives me some first-hand knowledge of compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia! If my experience can help your experience, im willing to share my story; and listen to yours.... click on the egroup...and share in the joy of growth and self discovery with myself and others. Or join me on the manypaths site for my hosted chat forum on Fridays... :o)" - 6pm - Central Time -
Support groups for eating disorders Web sites
Go Network - GO Topics > Health > Support groups > Eating disorders

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