Personal Information about Kyla and Ms Holly

The music is from MC's midi page




Kids Can Be Great

There is a first time for everything and at least this will not scrape my knees like falling off the bicycle did...I am trying to learn how to do this.

Hello I have a BA in primary elementary education. I am currently working with the family baby and am sharing what we are learning together... I have found that as much as I can teach any child they have a great deal more to teach me...which was quite a revelation when I decided to get a degree and work with children. Kyla is going to be four this month- She and I are learning the alphabet, letters, shapes, and numbers right now. Last week she sang the alphabet song and almost got all of it right. Which is pretty good for her age. We did not do so well with her mother in making sure she did well in school and none of us in the family want to make the same mistake - mainly because it was very bad for her mother's self esteem to have problems with reading in school...her mother was not diagnosed as being slightly dyslexic - which did not help her any - until at an older age. Kyla has some speech impediments from having ear problems which is not uncommon in young children. Her mother has made sure to get her help early on. Even though her parents have to make some sacrifices and juggle schedules Kyla is getting help with her late speech development from a specialist and all of us are helping her. This way when Kyla begins school she will not be left behind and will be able to keep up with her classmates.

Currently Kyla's older cousin Bryce is visiting from overseas and is helping Kyla learn how to read. This helps both Bryce who is reading and Kyla who is listening to learn how to read...

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