The (basic) primary colors for paint are the three colors on the color wheel
(red, yellow, blue - ryb)
that all other colors can be derived from by mixing paint colors.
The same does not hold true with the colors on the computer or printer. The three primary colors on the computer display screen or television are (red, green, blue - rgb).
The colors used for printing on paper are subtractive colors
(cyan, magenta, black - cmyk). |
With just using the three (basic) primary colors alone one can get many different combinations even with flat colors. I have found that in computerized images if one maintains primary (flat unshaded) colors they tend to load faster. Primary colors when used for contrast in text can be very striking especially when used with black and white. |
Red on BlueBlue on YellowYellow on RedRed on YellowBlue on RedYellow on BlueRed on WhiteBlack on White Red on Black Black on Red White on Black White on Red |