The Gin Blossoms are:
* Robin Wilson--Vocals, Guitar, Percussion
* Doug Hopkins--Guitar (left band early)
* Bill Leen--Bass
* Phillip Rhodes--Drums, Vocals
* Jesse Valenzuela--Guitar, Vocals
* Scott Johnson--Guitar
A Cool Site on the Blossoms! :
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Feburary's has been visited times since 2/2/00
February's Feature on....
The Gin Blossoms!
Two million people and more bought a copy of New Miserable Experience, the Gin Blossoms first major-label debut. Most likey ninety percent of them had never heard of the band before the video for "Hey Jealousy," a huge hit in the summer of 1993. But these Blossoms are no one-hit wonders. They're slow bloomers, and they formed almost a decade before New Miserable Experience was made, in their hometown of Tempe, Arizona. The band (who happens to be my 2nd favorite group ever, so I might be biased!) went virtually unnnoticed for years. Until they started belting out songs from New Miserable Experience. The songs being: "Hey Jealousy," "Until I Fall Away," "Found Out About You," and "Allison Road" became a hit with audiences. The Gin Blossoms' lyrics about lost love, falling in love, and pent-up aggression, seemed to touch almost every Rock/Pop listener of mid 1993 and 1994. The singles from that album carried on a long time, until fans started wanting more. The newly anticipated single, "Till I Hear It From You" came in 1995, written for the film, "Empire Records." It was wrote for the love story between Liv Tyler and Johnny Whitworth in the film. The film & script paid much attention to the Gin Blossoms. The fans dug this single totally and bought millions of copies of the soundtrack, while the movie went into oblivion at the box office. In 1996, the Gin Blossoms made their 2nd major album, Congratulations I'm Sorry. Despite the conflicts going on in the group. The hits off the album included: "Follow You Down," "Not Only Numb," and "As Long As It Matters." This album once again sold many millions of albums, but their differences finally got to them in mid 1997 and the band broke up! Forming 3 seperate new groups, but minus the same "blossom" magic! Even though they don't make any more songs or are no longer together, the fact still remains that they touched the mid '90's Alternative Rock/Pop scene like NO other group. With their memorable lyrics and awesome music, their songs will never be forgotten and no other group will ever compare to the special magic the Gin Blossoms brought to the music world!
The Gin Blossoms were requested You may email them if you like the Blossoms or email me to request someone else for next month!