11/13/03: Added stuff to the Johnny and Liv Chronicle Page. Added things to the Johnny page, added things to the Liv Page. Added 8 new Ethan pics to Gallery 14, 2 new Johnny pics to Gallery 11, and one new Rory pic to Gallery 9!
9/3/03: Added 2 new Ethan pics to Gallery 13, 6 new Johnny pics to Gallery 11, 2 new Liv pics to Gallery 10, 2 new Renee pics to Gallery 7, 2 new Robin pics to Gallery 9, and 9 new Rory pics to Gallery 9!
8/27/03: Added Brand New, Improved, and Working Greeting cards. They're very cool so you must check them out!
7/30/03: Added 4 new Ethan pics to Gallery 13, 8 new Johnny pics to Gallery 11, and 4 new Rory pics to Gallery 8. Also added info to the Ethan, Johnny, and Rory pages.
7/12/03: Added 4 new Johnny pics to Gallery 10 and 2 new Rory pics to Gallery 8.
7/11/03: Updated most of the actors pages. Added 8 new Ethan pics to Gallery 13, 5 new Johnny pics to Gallery 10, and 7 new Rory pics to Gallery 8. Added 23 pics to the new AJ and Corey Pictures page (in the "Empire" section). Also, added a new page in "Empire" about the Top 10 "Empire Records" Annoyances-amusing.
5/31/03: Added 74 brand new, uncut screen caps from the new "Empire Records" Remix Special Edition DVD. Photo link can be found on both the Main page and the 'Empire Records' page. Hope you enjoy!
5/17/03: Added a new, easy to use Message Board about a month ago. Please have fun and post! Put a link up on the main page about the new "Empire" DVD. Go check it out & don't forget to buy on June 3! Updated & fixed filmographies and such on all the actors pages. Majorly updated the News Page. Added two new Ethan pics to Galery 12, two new Johnny pics to Gallery 10, and two new Rory pics to Gallery 7!
4/1/03: Added a Quiz on the main page for you to take to see which actor YOU are. Fixed and added some things on the Ethan, Johnny, and Rory pages. Added 7 pictures to the Empire Gallery 13, added 6 pictures to Ethan Gallery 12, added 6 pictures to Johnny Gallery 10, added 5 pictures to Liv Gallery 10, added 4 pictures to Renee Gallery 7, added 5 pictures to Robin Gallery 8, and added 7 pictures to Rory Gallery 7!
1/20/03: I've added a Forum board to discuss anything on the actors!
1/14/03: Added another new pic of Ethan to Gallery 12.
1/13/03: Added two new pictures to Ethan Gallery 12, two pics to Johnny Gallery 9, and two pics to Rory Gallery 6. More coming soon!
12/9/02: I've updated the Johnny and Liv Chronicles page with new pictures, info, and a new poll. I've also fixed the poll at the bottom of the main page, so please take it.
11/2/02: Sorry it's been so long, but I'm finally back! I added 5 new pictures to all the actors (I have over 1,000 more coming)in their latest galleries, updated their bio's and filmographies, updated the News page, added pictures to Their Many Looks page, changed the Rory pic, and changed the color. I believe that's it. I will have lots more when I get the chance. Enjoy!
1/8/01: Unfortunately, I was only able to add one new page today. It's entitled: Their Many Looks (1991-2001). And it's pretty self-explanatary. I think it's a pretty cool page. So go check it out. I also put up new main pictures of each actor on their pages. And they're in black & white. More coming soon!
1/1/01: Happy New Year! And with a new year comes a new name. 'Empire Records'-ACTORS Site' is now 'An "Empire" of Great Actors!' Original huh :) Anyway, also added a new Main pic. Added 11 of MY OWN pictures of Liv, 1 of Johnny, 1 of Renee, and 1 of Robin. Updated the News with a lot of stuff. And added little things to Ethan and Johnny pages! More soon, including new pages, pix, etc...
11/26/00: Added 15 new Ethan pictures (Gallery 11), 4 new Johnny pix (Gallery 9), 18 new Liv pix (Gallery 8 & 9), 6 new Renee pix (Gallery 7), 10 new Robin pix (Gallery 7), and 1 new Rory pic (Gallery 5). Also added 2 of MY OWN Ethan pix, 4 Liv pix, 6 Renee pix, 1 Robin pic, and 1 Rory pic. New pages, new name, etc...coming soon!
11/1/00: Added the Johnny Birthday Page!
10/22/00: Added an "Empire Records" 5 Year Anniversary Page!
10/19/00: Added 15 new Ethan pix (Gallery 10), 4 new Liv pix (Gallery 8), 1 new Renee pic (Gallery 6), and 34 new "Empire" pix (Gallery 11 and 12)! Sorry I added these a few days ago, but forgot to say that. I also added more to the News page. Another fact on the Johnny & Liv Together page. And added 2 new mini things to the Johnny and Rory pages.
10/10/00: Added 7 Ethan pix, 1 Liv pic, 2 Renee pix, 1 Robin pic, and 2 Rory pix to MY OWN Pictures. Over 50 new pix (mainly of Ethan & "Empire") coming this week, along with extensive updates. Sorry for the lack!
8/23/00: Added a Johnny pic, 2 Liv pix, 2 Renee pix, 1 Robin pic, and 1 "Empire" pic to MY OWN Pictures. Added 2 Liv pix to Gallery 7, a Renee pic to Gallery 6, 2 Robin pix to Gallery 6, and 1 Rory pic to Gallery 5. Added 2 more things to the Ironic Coincidences page. Fixed all the guestbook links. Added more to the Johnny page. More to the Liv page. And more to the Robin page. Updated the News page some.
8/3/00: Added about 8 of MY OWN Renee pictures. Changed a Johnny pic in Gallery 7. Added a Liv pic and changed one in Gallery 7. Added a Rory picture to Gallery 5. Added stuff to the Liv page. Added to the Rory page. And added alittle bit to the Johnny page. Added alittle more to the Famous Friends Page. Made a new page entitled, Ironic Coincidences, it's very, well, ironic! More coming...
8/1/00: Added 2 new Ethan pictures (Gallery 9), added 3 new Johnny pix (Gallery 8), 1 new Liv pic (Gallery 7), 1 new Renee pic (Gallery 7), and 3 new Robin pix (Gallery 7). Added stuff to the Ethan and Johnny pages. Updated the News page. More stuff coming tomorrow!
7/26-27/00: {26} Added about 20 more Johnny pictures in his gallery (Gallery 8). Added about 10 more "Empire Records" pictures in Gallery 11. Added stuff to the Rory and Renee pages. Updated the Credits and Thank Yous. A lot more to come during Summer-I'm filled with ideas, Lots more pix. {27} Added an Ethan picture to Gallery 9 and a Robin Picture to Gallery 6. Added a new page called, This Is The Love. Cool. More coming soon!
7/17/00: Added 2 new pages. One is called: Rare & Unseen Things On Them and the other is on Their Famous Friends. Both are very rad pages. More pix (Johnny, "Empire") and all soon!
7/14/00: Added more pictures to the Ethan (Gallery 9) and Renee (Gallery 7) galleries. Added more of MY OWN pictures to Ethan, Liv, Renee, and Robin. Updated the News page. Added/fixed stuff to the Ethan, Johnny, Renee, and Robin pages. Changed stuff on main page. More new Johnny and "Empire" pix and new features coming later this week!
7/1/00: Added Liv's 23rd Birthday Page! A lot More to come soon!
6/19/00: Added Robin's 28th Birthday Page!
6/14/00: Added Ethan's 22th Birthday Page. Added something to the Ethan page. Changed stuff on Main page.
5/25/00: I fixed my postcards and made all NEW postcards, so go send one please. Changed the main picture and stuff on the Main page.
5/22/00: I added new pictures to the Ethan page (in Gallery 8 & 9). Added new Liv pix (in Gallery 7). Added something to the Ethan and Johnny pages. Added a new main pic to the Liv page. Added new links to the Ethan and Rory pages. Added a lot of stuff to the News page. Changed things on Main page.
5/1/00: I updated the News page, lotta news. I added a thing to the Ethan page. Added something to the Robin page. Changed the layout of the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory pages!
4/26/00: I FIXED the Liv, Renee, and Robin pages. I don't have all the info back, but I got most of it. (Thanks to Cait for Renee!) I also added to those pages. I added stuff to the Ethan, Johnny, and Rory pages. I put up a Disclaimer page. And I made the Renee Birthday page!
4/9/00: Made a new Survey page, much better than the old, go take. Added something to the Liv Page. Added stuff to the Little Known Facts page about "Empire." Added extensively to the News page, a LOT of news! Did some major changing to the Main Page. Made a discussion mailing list anyone can join!
3/20/00: Added new main pictures to the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory pages. Added something to the Liv page. Changed stuff on the Feature page. And mostly added a new page, QUIZ page, it's real cool!
3/13/00: I added a picture to My OWN Pix page on Johnny. I added stuff to the Ethan and Johnny pages. I added stuff to my Banner's page. I updated a thing on the Movie Reviews, And added my friend Cait's reviews too! Changed stuff on Main page.
2/27/00: I put up thumbnails to all My OWN pictures. Plus I added more of My OWN pix to the Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory pages! I added stuff to the Script page. Changed pictures on the Look Alikes page. Added a Banner page. Added Rory's Birthday page! Also changed stuff on the Main page!
2/5/00: Put up a new page entitled: The Year in Rock (actor style). It's very cool and gives a run-through on all the events that happened to the actors over '99. Also added stuff to the Rory Page!
2/3/00: Added stuff to the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, and Robin Pages! Added and updated stuff to the Johnny and Liv Page! Also started on a new page that'll go up tomorrow!
2/2/00: Put up Feburary's Feature of the Month on the Gin Blossoms, it's really awesome! More updates to come tomorrow!
2/1/00: Added to the Little Know Facts Page. Added to the News Page. Updated the Rumors Page. Added to Main Page. Go check out the new Discussion board!
1/26/00: Added a cool Discussion Board!
1/6/00: Added more of MY OwN Rory pictures to MY own Rory Pix Page!
1/3/00: Did some major changes on the Cool Extra Pix Page. Added more pictures to it and turned some into thumbnails. Added more pictures to the Ethan, Johnny, Renee, and Rory pages! Added more of MY Own pix to my Ethan, Renee, Robin, and Empire pix pages! Added something on the Renee Page! Changed something on the Main Page.
1/2/00: Added January's Feature of the Month on Limp Bizkit! Added Chapter 10 to Mike's post "Empire Records" story! Updated the News section! Added stuff on the Ethan, Johnny, and Rory Pages! Updated the Main Page! More coming tomorrow, I promise! Happy 2000!
11/29/99: Changed my webring page that I own. Changed something on my ring page. Added something to the Rory Page. Changed the Main page some!
11/23/99: Put up November's Feature of the Month on Reese Witherspoon. Added more of MY Own Ethan, Renee, and Robin pictures. Added more pictures to Renee, Robin, and Rory. Added stuff on the Ethan, Johnny, and Liv pages. Added more Empire pix. Added and updated the News page. Added more stuff to the Little Known Facts page!
10/31/99: Added the new Johnny Birthday Page (his 24th). Added new stuff to the Ethan, Johnny, Robin, and Rory Pages! Added new pix to the Ethan, Johnny, Robin, and Rory pictures pages! Added more of My Own pix on Liv and Robin! Updated the News Page. Added the Johnny thing on the Main Page!
10/19/99: Added more pictures to the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Rory, and Empire Pages! Added more of My Own pictures of Ethan, Liv, and Renee! Added a thing to Renee's Page! Changed and Added stuff on the Main Page!
10/18/99: Put up October's Feature of the Month on Eddie Furlong!
9/18/99: Added and changed stuff on the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory Pages! Added more pix to the Johnny, Liv, and Renee Pictures! Added more news to the News Page! Added more facts to the Little Known Facts Page! Added more to the Johnny and Liv Page!
8/31/99: Added more of My OWN pix of Ethan, Johnny, and Renee! Added a new page to the Empire Page entitled Little Known Facts! It cool! Added/changed stuff to the Liv, Renee, and Rory Page! Added something to Mike's Story on the 1st page! Added to the Rumors Page! Added to the News Page! Chnaged/Added stuff on the Main Page! Worked on another Page but didn't put up!
8/28/99: Added stuff to the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory Pages! Added a new main picture to the Main Page and changed some stuff on it! Added one more Johnny picture!
8/19/99: Changed the pictures and some layout of the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory Pictures! Added more pictures of Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Robin, and Renee! Changed/Added info to the Johnny Page! Changed a thing on the Webring Page! Updated the Trivia Page on the Actors-it was outdated! Added something to Main Page!
8/6/99: Added new news to the News Page! Must see! And also changed something on the Main Page!
8/2/99: Added a new page on the Actors' Look Alikes, it Awesome! Added more of My OWN pix on Ethan, Liv, Renee, and Robin! Added another Robin pic! Added another Empire pic! Changed stuff on the Webring Page! Added/Changed stuff to the Main Page!
7/23/99: Added July's Feature of the Month on Paul Walker, real cool!
7/17/99: Added about 30 more Empire pix! Changed stuff on the Empire Records Page! Added/Changed things to the Liv B-day Page! Added stuff to Main Page!
7/13/99: Added a lot of new Ethan pix! Added/Changed Stuff to the Empire Page! Fixed something on the Trivia Page! Added stuff to Main Page!
7/12/99: Added a shitload of new pix on Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory! Added stuff to the Robin and Rory Page!
7/1/99: Put up Liv's Birthday Messages! Changed/Added stuff on the Main Page! More to come...
6/28/99: Added different postcards to the Postcard Page, very cool!
6/22/99: Added June's Feature of the Month, really cool! Added/changed things to the Liv and Johnny pages! More to come...
6/21/99: Changed the Empire Records Page some. Added a new Pic to Main Page and added something about Liv's b-day!
6/15/99: Finally got to add more of MY Own pix since my computer crash to those pages! New one's are on the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, and Rory pix page of my pix! Check em out!
6/14/99: Changed/added stuff to the Liv Page, the Renee Page, the Robin Page,and the Rory Page!
6/13/99: Added Ethan's Birthday messages! Happt B-day Ethan! Also changed/added stuff to the Ethan and Johnny page! Others coming tomorrow! Added to the News page too!
6/4/99: Ok, I know it's been awhile, but my computer broke so sue me! Lol! Ok added May's Feature of the Month! Changed stuff on Main Page! Added Stuff to Ethan Page!
5/10/99: Changed stuff on main page. Changed stuff on Renee page! More soon!
5/1/99: Added Chapter 9 to Mike's great story!
4/26/99: Added Renee's B-day messages a day late! Sorry! But must check out her 30th birthday messages!
4/24/99: Added a page where you can send cool postcards on the actors! It's really cool, check it out!
4/22/99: Added a Rumors Page! Very cool! Changed something on the Empire Page! And added stuff to the Ethan and Johnny Bros Page! Also send in your Renee messages people!
4/18/99: Changed things to the Main Page! Put up April's Feature of the month! And I won't be able to add new pix for awhile due to my photoshop being busted, sorry!
4/7/99: Added stuff to the Main Page and Renee Page about her birthday! Changed stuff on Main Page! Fixed stuff on the Johnny Page! Fixed stuff on the Liv Page! Added to the News Page! (lots more updates comin soon hopefully!)
4/5/99: Added chapter 8 to Mike's cool story!
4/2/99: Added chapter 7 to Mike's rad story! I plan to update a lot in the next few days, but it will take me time to get some new pix up due to my photoshop not working!
3/22/99: Added stuff to the News Page! And changed stuff on Main Page!
3/21/99: Added stuff to the Main Page! Added to the Info On All Page! Added to the Rory Page! Added to the Robin Page! And changed the layout of My Own Empire Pix!
3/18/99: Added something to the Liv Page! And changed the link to my friend Mike's Site! Amoungst other things on the Main Page!
3/16/99: Changed the layout/gave a major new look to the Main Page!
3/15/99: Added to and Changed the layout of all MY own Pix on the Actors!
3/14/99: Added March's Feature on Joshua Jackson!
3/13/99: Added more Robin pix! Added more of MY Own Ethan, Johnny, Renee, Robin, Rory, and Empire pix! (21 in all) Changed stuff on the Rory Page! Added to the News Page!
3/10/99: Added Chapter 6 of Mike's Post-Empire Story! Really cool! Added more to the News Page! Added stuff and changed the color of the Main Page!
3/5/99: Well I've been working on the pix for a few days and I finally finished! I changed/ added more Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, Robin, and Rory pix! Changed/Added stuff to the Ethan and Johnny Page! And added more to the News Page!
3/1/99: Changed the first picture on the Main Page and put the other picture at the bottom! I promise I'll update other things soon, I've been real busy lately!
2/28/99: Added the Rory Birthday Messages! Changed some stuff on the Rory and Main Page!
2/24/99: Added chapter 5 to Mike's Empire story--really cool!
2/23/99: Added/Changed stuff to the Main page!
2/21/99: Added more of my Own Johnny and Liv Pix! Added stuff to the Info On All Page! Changed stuff on main page!
2/17/99: Changed/Added stuff to the Ethan Page, Johnny Page, Liv Page, Renee Page, Robin Page, and the Rory Page!
2/15/99: Changed the layout of all my 150 or so Empire pix! Added somthing to the Script Page. Added something on the Johnny Page. Changed stuff on the main page! Added some polls yesterday for Mike's story!
2/13/99: Added a very cool story made by Michael about after that Empire day! Changed some of the Empire pix around! Changed stuff on the main page!
2/12/99: Added more Empire Pix! Changed some Empire pic pages! I plan on having the site go about a major turn about tomorrow!
2/11/99: Added the February Feature-Brendan Sexton! Added more News! Changed the Actor's Quotes Page some! Added some things to the Renee, Liv, and Johnny Pages!
2/9/99: Added more of My Own Pix! Changed the Empire Records Re-Releasion Page!
2/8/99: Finally added my Own Rory Pix! Added more of my Own Empire pix! Added more of my Own Renee Pix! Changed the text on main page some!
2/7/99: Added more pix to My Own Pictures page! Changed stuff on the main page!
2/5/99: Changed the main pix on the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, and Rory Pages! Added lots more pix to the Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, and Rory picture gallery pages!
2/4/99: Added more pix to My Own Pictures Page! Changed the pic on the Liv page! Changed the color and stuff to the main page! Added another image to my own webring!
2/3/99: Added another page to the main page called My Own Pictures! Changed the Empire Records Page again!
2/2/99: Changed the Empire Records Page! Added another of MY own Liv pix! Changed something on the mian page!
1/31/99: Changed/Added stuff on the Rory Page! Changed/added stuff on the Liv Page! Changed/added stuff on the Johnny page! Added more to the News Flash Page! Added a thing about Rory's B-day on the main page!
1/27/99: Added more to the News Flash page! Added more to the Movie Reviews Page! Oh and also added more images to my own webring and change the color of the main page again!
1/23/99: Added another page on the main page in case you have questions! Added more stuff to the Script page! Got rid of all the counter notices!
1/19/99: Added another page on the main page for a Contest! Added another thing to the Johnny and Liv Chronicle page! Added another of my OWN Empire pix! Tried to add my former hits to all the pages I had wit counters, but I didn't get to them all yet! So ignore all counters
1/18/99: Added a new page on the main page for Empire Trivia! Worked on my own webring! (Note: today tripod's counters stopped working, so I have a lot more hits than it says!)
1/17/99: All I did today was fix my own main webring page!
1/16/99: Added stuff to the main page! Changed/Added things to all the Actor's Pages! Fixed something on the webrings page! A lot more tomorrow!
1/12/99: Added a new page for an Empire script that no one read! And changed/fixed things on the main page!
1/11/99: Changed stuff on the main page. Added a new page for the Feature of the Month dedicated to The Martinis! More stuff tomorrow!
1/10/99: Added more sounds! Added a Soundstone thing to the main page!
1/4/99: Added a Sounds Clip Page on my Empire page! Added more of my own Robin pix! Added a few of my own Empire pix!
1/2/99: Added more Movie Reviews! Added more to the Johnny and Liv Chronicle Page! Changed the Boy/Girlfriend Page! Changed the page where I had My own Empire pix up!
1/1/99: Happy New Year People! I only added and changed stuff on the mian page today, expect more tomorrow!
12/28/98: Added more to the News Page! (about Liv and my enlightning experience at the Aerosmith concert yesterday)
12/21/98: Added more of MY own Ethan, Johnny, and Liv pix!
12/20/98: Added more Rory pix!
12/19/98: Good news: I added my never before seen pix finally! New pix by me of Ethan, Johnny, Liv, Renee, and Robin: are now up! Rory and Empire pix I hope are coming soon, but please be patient with these!
12/18/98: Added some more Empire quotes! And added more stuff to the Empire Freaky Stuff Page!
12/16/98: Changed some of the Empire quotes, I'll add more of them tomorrow since I only have Lucas's and AJ's up! I also added more Actor's Quotes and updated the News page!
12/15/98: Added/changed some things on the Empire page! Changed some things on all the Actors' pages! Changed stuff on main page!
12/14/98: I changed the main page a lot! I added my webring to the main page! I added my webring to the webring page!
12/7/98: I updated A LOT today! Ok lets' see: I added more Robin pix, and changed that page some. I changed/added stuff to the Ethan, Johnny, Renee, and Rory pages! I updated the News page! I updated the Johnny and Liv Together page! I changed a webring image! I put some things on the main page! And I added another new page on the main page about Ethan and Johnny! Wuhf, ok that's it!
12/4/98: Added an award that I won! And I made some new pix of my own (good ones this time) so they will be up soon!
12/1/98: Added another new page on the Empire page! I think you'll like it!
11/30/98: Added a new webring! Sorry that's all for today!
11/29/98: Added a new page on the main page! I'm in the process of creating a webring, so give me some time on that!
11/27/98: Added stuff to the main page! Updated the Info on All Page!
11/23/98: Added more Rory pix! Added more stuff to the News Page! Added a name on Johnny's filmography!
11/21/98: Put up more Ethan, Johnny, and Liv pix! Put up another pic on my Johnny pix! Added lots more stuff to the Johnny and Liv Chronicle Page! Changed the color on the main page!
11/18/98: Put up the never before seen Johnny, Robin, and Empire pix taken by me! Warning though they're crappy until I get the better pix up (of all the actors) in a few months, so please be patient!
11/16/98: Put up new polls on all the actor's pages asking what your fave movie of theirs is!
11/15/98: Added a new page on the main page called, Movie Reviews! I will add more stuff to this page and my site tomorrow!
11/9/98: Fixed some more of the surveys! Added an info page on the Question of the Future, and changed some text on the main page!
11/8/98: Changed the color on the main page and added a lot of text for a question thing. Fixed the webrings. Fixed the Guestbook signs on the main page. Put up some Liv Quotes on the Actor's Quotes Page!
11/6/98: Fixed the survey's a lot! Added more news to the News Page and added a picture to it!
11/3/98: Added more info to the Rory page! Added more stuff to the News Flash page! And added a mini survey on the Johnny and Liv Chronicle page!
10/31/98: Put up a survey dingy's page, where ya get instant results! Happy Birthday Johnny!
10/29/98: Changed the Empire pix around some, and added lots more pictures to them! Pretty soon my never before seen on the internet Empire pix will be up, but please be patient for them!
10/28/98: Added more Empire links on the Empire page!
10/27/98: Put up a new page on the main page called: News Flash, it will give ya the latest coolest news on your fave stars! Also, added another Johnny B-day message!
10/26/98: Changed some text on the Rory, Renee, Liv, and Empire page! Added another Johnny B-day message on that page! Also I found out more info on Rory and he is definitely NOT married!
10/25/98: Put up the Johnny B-day messages! Put up more Rory pix! Changed the color on the main page for Halloween!
10/23/98: Put up pix on the Castlist page! Put up a new page on the main page about Johnny and Liv! Changed the links around some!
10/18/98: Put up a new page called Castlist on the Empire page, deleted some crappy page. Put up a new page called AJ vs Rex Again on the main page, this page is cool!
10/17/98: Put up a new page where you can find out how big a fan you are! I promise I'll put more stuff on the site tomorrow!
10/11/98: Put a picture on the Actor's Quotes page. Added about 6 more pix to the Extra Pictures page!
10/10/98: Put up a new page on the main page called Actor's Quotes! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days!
10/5/98: Added more quotes to the Empire quotes page. Added some more Empipre pix. Added one or 2 more Robin pix!
10/4/98: Added more of my Liv pix. Added more of my Renee pix also. Added a name on the Robin filmography!
10/3/98: Added a few more of my Empire pix. More stuff tomorrow!
10/1/98: All I did today was put up more webrings. Also it's October already so if ya wanna do a Johnny b-day message get them into me in a week or so!
9/30/98: Changed the color on the main page Again! Put up more of my own Ethan and Johnny pix!
9/29/98: Put up more of my own pix on the Extra Pix page. Changed the color on the main page again. Fixed a link. More comin tomorrow!
9/28/98: Re-did the AJ vs Rex page with my pix and added more words to it. Changed the color on a page. Fixed some of my images!
9/27/98: Put up my own Empire pix. Put up a lot of my pix on the Extra pix page. Put up my pix of the actor's boy/girlfriend's. Changed the color on some pages!
9/26/98: Put up more of my own Liv pix up. Put up a lot of my Renee, Robin, and Rory pix up! Changed the colors on some pages. Go check out my new pix, more comin tomorrow!
9/25/98: Put up more of my own Ethan pix. Put up most of my Johnny pix, changed the color on the Johnny page. Put up some of my Liv pix, also changed the color on the Liv page!
9/24/98: I put up most of my Ethan pictures today. I'll put more tomorrow along with my Johnny pix!
9/23/98: Oh yah, I finally know how to upload my pictures, I already changed an Ethan pic, by the end of the week all the pictures you see should be my own, so be patient with me on this and I'll have my pix up very soon. And thanks to the pix from other sites I used up until now, you're the best!
sorry I deleted my early updates, took up too much space!
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